
Wooow! It’s fragrant and has a delicious baked color! Add the onions back in. Hello! I’m Chef Fabio. Today we are going to make New Onion Arrabbiata! For the ingredients, we have Spaghetti, garlic, chili peppers, Italian parsley, new onions (shin-tamanegi), whole tomatoes, salt, and olive oil. It’s been a long time since we did a Arrabbiata Series video, so I’m going to make a pasta dish using new onions that are in season. Speaking of pasta with onions, I’d say Bigoli in Salsa is the major Italian one. It’s a sweet sauce made with well-fried onions and simmered until soft. But today, I want to make a sauce that highlights the new onions’ fresh sweetness from its crunchy texture. We’re going to make a pasta that’ll let you enjoy the contrast of the spiciness of Arrabbiata and the sweetness of Bigoli in Salsa! First, we’ll be using this whole new onion since we’re making two servings today. Cut the peeled new onion in half. We’re going to cut the onion into sections, and I don’t want to break it up too much. Remove the root part, but leave a little bit of it. Then, cut the onion into 1/8th pieces like this. Then, sprinkle salt on the cut section of the onion just before we grill. We’re making two servings, so we’re going to grate two cloves of garlic later. Since this is arrabbiata sauce for two, I added four small chili peppers to bring out the spiciness. [Please adjust the spiciness to your liking!] Coarsely chop the Italian parsley. We’re going to start by cooking the onions first. Just before grilling, sprinkle a generous amount of salt on the sides of the onion. [Point 1: Sprinkle a lot of salt on the cut area of the onion] Add a little oil. Then turn on the heat. I just started heating the pan, so the temperature hasn’t risen yet, but it’s okay to put it in already. Lay them out side by side, with the side sprinkled with salt facing down. Mix up the onions to spread out the small amount of oil across the pan. The idea is to cook it in one go using medium-high heat and touching it as little as possible. Since we haven’t sprinkled salt on the top side yet, sprinkle salt on the top side as well. So today I’m cooking the onion without touching it much at all. I don’t want it to have a creamy sweetness but instead to have a firm texture, so we’ll cook it with the idea of only browning the surface. We still haven’t turned over them. It’s best when the onions are slightly browned and don’t move when you tilt the pan! As you cook them, you’ll get a nice oniony aroma! Once the onions are browned and sticking to the frying pan, turn them over. So let’s turn them over. Wooow! They’re fragrant and have a delicious baked color! It’s perfect! Then, once the other side is browned in the same way, we’ll put them in a baking tray. The best way to put the onions in the tray is to heat them until they start to fall apart a bit when the whole onions gets cooked. Now, the bottom of the pan is lightly browned, so when the onions are almost burnt, turn off the heat and move them to the tray. Professionals lift it up to the tray like this, but it’s perfectly fine to use a plate! So I just browned both sides, and they’re quite thick. They’re browned, but their texture is still intact. We’re going to make Arrabbiata sauce in this pan now, but doesn’t it look burnt to you? While that’s the case, the flavor of this charred onion will give richness to our Arrabbiata sauce, so cook with it without washing it! [Point 2: Don’t wash the frying pan before the next step] So I’m going to put some olive oil in. The reason I added a small amount of olive oil at the beginning was to let the onions rest after roasting them, and then make the garlic oil again. Now, let’s crush the chili peppers. Today I want to go all out with the Arrabbiata sauce, so we’re going to bring the spice! [Please adjust the spiciness to your liking!] The punch and spiciness of the Arrabbiata sauce bring out the sweetness of the onions in our pasta, so I’m going to grate the garlic. [Point 3: Grate the garlic] It’s about time I buy a new one… [Microplane upgrade time] Now let’s start heating. Grated garlic takes on color more quickly than regular minced garlic, so cook it slowly over low heat. And when you grate garlic, there’s always this end part left, so add it in as well so it’s not wasted. Heat it slowly over low heat. So it’s started to bubble. While keeping it like, heat the garlic slowly and carefully so that it changes color. Now let’s boil the pasta. Today, I want to make a sharp Arrabbiata sauce, so I’m going to boil Teflon dice pasta (smooth-type) in 1.5% salt water. We’ve been heating it for about 3 minutes, but I still want to add a little more color. Up until now, I have been cooking garlic in various cuts such as minced, crushed, and sliced. Among them, grated garlic is the best for delivering the biggest punch! (Oops, I mumbled…) Now that it’s properly heated, I’m going to add the whole tomatoes. Inside our pan, the onions are charred, the garlic is cooked and giving off a strong aroma, and the chili peppers are very spicy, so it’s all really “angry.” [“Arriabbata” = 😡] And here comes the whole tomatoes. And so now, it’s a shame that the smell won’t go through your screen, but the very punchy scent and fragrance of garlic is melting into the whole tomatoes! Scrape up any burnt bits from the bottom of the pan and let them melt into the sauce. Oh man! It’s now got that feeling of an arrabbiata sauce! So lightly crush the pulp of the tomatoes. And I want to keep the pulpy texture somewhat, so I’m going to mash the whole tomatoes a little roughly like this. Now add two pinches of salt as this is for two people. Whole tomatoes are a little watery compared to Passata di pomodoro (tomato purée) and other tomato products, so remove only the moisture from the surface of the tomatoes and cook them until you can feel the pulp when you mix them. Also, if it’s a little too thick, add a little boiling water and adjust the sauce. Now that the noodles are cooked, let’s combine them. Finally, add Italian parsley, and add the onions back in. Finally, combine all together over high heat. Okay, now that the noodles are well coated with the sauce, it’s time to serve! Our New Onion Arrabbiata is now complete! *Olive oil* Itadakimasu! Oh, this scent is truly arrabbiata! Mmm, delicious! Guys, this is really delicious, but it’s extremely spicy! So, reviewing today’s pasta, the new onions retain their texture, but it’s important to sprinkle them with salt to bring out the sweetness. And to highlight this sweetness, I used whole tomatoes for the Arrabbiata sauce. By using whole tomatoes, the acidity stands out, and by creating a sauce with a nice sourness and adding spiciness and punch, you can create a pasta that highlights the onions! Today’s arrabbiata sauce is generally paired with penne in Italy, but in Japan it is often paired with spaghetti or long pasta. Penne has a firm texture and can be quite hard, so considering its nuances, I prefer al dente Teflon type (smooth) long pasta rather than bronze die (rough-type) pasta. I think they go well together. Thank you for the meal! Today’s onion arrabbiata is a pasta dish that incorporates many new Italian cooking techniques, so if you’d like, please try making it! Thank you as always for your comments! I always look forward to reading them! Well then, see you in the next video! Bye~! "Blissful Pasta You’ll Want to Make at Home Over and Over" 60 pasta dishes that you’ll want to make anytime, even on days when you’re tired or don’t have enough ingredients. The definitive home pasta book!


材料 (2人前)
スパゲッティーニ 160g
新玉ねぎ 1個分
にんにく 2かけ
カラブリア唐辛子 4本
ホールトマト 260g
塩 適量
イタリアンパセリ 6g
EXオリーブオイル 大4
茹で汁 適量

0:00 材料紹介
0:24 今日のパスタについて
1:00 新玉ねぎの下処理
1:58 新玉ねぎの火入れ
4:45 ソースを作っていく
6:23 麺を茹でる
6:40 ソース作り続き
9:33 完成・盛り付け
9:47 実食

ラモリサーナスパゲッティーニ https://amzn.to/3U1I6PC
ペペロンチーノピッコロ https://amzn.to/3xv0ura
ホールトマト https://amzn.to/4c8ZEAl
ロレンツォNo.3 https://amzn.to/3F7KhcE
モチアの粗塩(茹で湯の塩) https://amzn.to/3eIbTut
クリスマス島の海の塩 https://amzn.to/3YwTa6c

アカオアルミフライパン24cm https://amzn.to/3xz91Gt
ミニトング 18cm https://amzn.to/3OVgZD2
ジオ 片手鍋 20cm https://amzn.to/3FO2ywT
マイクロプレイン https://amzn.to/3KZGrWK
シリコーンゴムヘラ https://amzn.to/3Bi1HjW
シリコンスプーン https://amzn.to/3DokpJj
タイガークラウン ドレッジ https://amzn.to/3Lbp7vY
120cc レードル https://amzn.to/3J0ci8n

【NEW】フライパンひとつで完成! 至福のおうちパスタ🆕

【1冊目 】パスタと出汁に特化したパスタの本🍝
→ https://amzn.to/2SM2SG8
「出汁と素材の味を最大限に引き出す ファビオのとっておきパスタ」

→ https://amzn.to/3n7aQ8b
「自分史上最高に美味しくできる ファビオ式定番おうちごはん」

→ https://amzn.to/3qiv0hw

◆Instagram https://www.instagram.com/fabilog0016/
◆TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@chef.fabio
◆Twitter https://twitter.com/fabico0101


#パスタ #アラビアータ #トマトパスタ


  1. 新玉ねぎの甘みと旨味が好きですけど、火入れは難しそう。上手く火入れができたら、最高に美味しくなりますね。ホールトマトにすりおろしニンニクなんて、想像できます。汁がたくさん跳ねそうですね。これは何度か作れば成功しそう。よいレシピありがとうございます。

  2. ファビオさん、いつもありがとうございます。参考にしています!最近、オリーブオイルの値段が物凄い上がってしまいましたね😂オリーブオイル節約、もしくはオリーブオイル以外を使ったパスタレシピも教えていただけたら嬉しいです。今後とも楽しみにしております_(._.)_

  3. ファビオさんの「フライパンを傾けにんにくを弱火で4~5分」というのを守って以来

  4. 以前、アラビアータを作った時に、唐辛子(鷹の爪)を使った時と、輪切り唐辛子では辛味が違っていました。

  5. 新タマのこのような食べ方があるなんて🤤パスタ🍝って奥が深くてさらにアイデア次第で夢が膨らんでいく、、ということで寝る前に見てしまいどうしようもないのでこれからアラビアータ作ります😋

  6. シェフの動画って何時も刺激を受けます。

  7. 2人前🙏個人的には2人前だと、とても作りやすいです。

  8. 新玉ねぎのレシピとても嬉しい😆✨ 玉ねぎの甘さを味わう為のトマト、にんにくの使い方はホントに勉強になります!ありがとうございます🙇🏻

  9. 新玉葱の季節にバッチリなレシピをありがとうございます😆

  10. サイゼのアラビアータ好きでよく食べるんですが、全然違いますね!

  11. 玉ねぎの焼きめがたまらないですね🤤すりおろしのニンニクは珍しいですね。丁寧に教えていただいて有難うございます😊

  12. 先日投稿されたピッツァの動画を見て以来、トマトソースにも果肉感がないと物足りなく感じるようになりました😅

  13. 今回のレシピも美味しかったです!

  14. 新玉ねぎで試してみたら、ファビオさんみたいに綺麗に仕上がらず、玉ねぎがバラけてしまいました笑

  15. ファビオシェフ玉葱🧅を食べる時の咀嚼音がたまらなく食欲をそそられますねー🤤😆ちなみに私はどちらかと言えばトロトロ派です👍豚肩ロースを大量の玉葱で蒸し煮にする料理の玉葱は最高ですねー🤤🧅

  16. いつも楽しく拝見しています!


  17. ファビオさんのメニューは私が好きなものばかりで大好きです。以前パスタの料理本を買ったのだけど、家にあるような材料で無くて余り作りませんでしたが、ファビオさんは何処でも手に入る材料で分かりやすく説明してくれるので助かります❤そしてお忙しい中コメントを全員に返信してくれるの素晴らしいと思います✨