コストコ購入品2023年4月/おすすめ定番商品や新商品を料理と一緒に紹介/牛タンカレー・フルーツゼリーテリーヌ・豚肉小間の下味冷凍/JAPAN COSTCO HAUL 2023 #5

This time we have a limited edition product that can only be purchased at Costco Also, the fruit cups are reputed to be delicious. This is a tie-up video with Vita+. Vita+ Ruby Red Grapefruit is a Costco exclusive! I also often see oranges and lychees The ever popular grapefruit in syrup is Several kinds of red grapes are used, but Vita+ is made from ruby red grapefruit only 12 pieces in a pack with a shelf life of more than 6 months It is made by ultra-high pressure pasteurization process The freshness, texture and nutritional value are the same as fresh fruit. In a sweetened syrup Fresh ruby red grapefruit Grapefruit is troublesome to peel, but You can easily eat it for breakfast or snack. Just add it to a salad and it becomes a stylish dish. Refreshing citrus fruits go well with seafood Easy to use in baking 300ml water, 200ml white wine, 70g sugar Bring to a boil, then turn off the heat 13g gelatin, a little lemon juice Remove from heat and pour into a mold. Chill in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours Delicious fruity jelly is ready Easy yet gorgeous and perfect for entertaining! It has white wine in it, so it’s for adults. It tastes delicious and authentic, like a patisserie It is a new product from Costco Deli Peri-peri chicken wrap with cute product name I bought this because of the orange tortilla Each one is a satisfying size. Grilled chicken and plenty of vegetables Peri peri peri is chili peppers, a little spicy A tangy and spicy sauce is used Tortillas are colored with beets Simpler and more refreshing than imagined So many ingredients packed inside This is for people who like Mexican wraps Bonito is in season from April to May Tataki smoked with cherry chips 3 bags of Okinawan rock salt are included Please note that the expiration date is on the same day You can cut it to your own thickness Lay down plenty of slices of fresh onion Served with shiso leaves, kaiware, ginger and sudachi I had a little trouble eating it with salt It was good to eat with ponzu (Japanese sauce) and condiments It is elastic and has no smell because it is seared. If you have extra, cut it into bite-size pieces. Season with ginger, sake and soy sauce Sprinkle potato starch on it and deep fry it with tatsuta. Deep fry in oil at 190℃ for 2 to 3 minutes. The meat tends to be hard, so fry it quickly for a short time. It becomes fluffy. The taste and texture is completely different from that of tataki You can enjoy it twice New rare purple potato chips Hard Bites is a popular Canadian manufacturer It’s such a big, big pack! No preservatives, no trans fatty acids. The only ingredients are potatoes, oil and salt Bright purple potato chips Just the right amount of saltiness, easy to eat Thick cut so it has a crunchy texture Taste of potato is rather light The uneaten portion is put in a ziplock. Freeze them to keep them crispy a little longer. Authentic smoked cheese from France Entremont is the largest producer of Emmentaler in France QR code to view product details Inside the box is a vacuum-packed cheese Cut off the left and right sides and open from the middle for easy removal The diameter is about 8cm, similar to the shape of Camembert cheese Very nice smell of smoked cheese Emmentaler and French hard cheese. Smoked in authentic way without using smoke liquid Smoked flavor and aroma like soy sauce with just the right amount of saltiness Texture is firm and elastic Cheese itself is very tasty It is delicious eaten as it is or heated, but It’s also great as onigiri (rice ball) Smoked cheese on hot rice Shiso leaves, bonito flakes and a little soy sauce Just a quick mix and shake, and you have a great onigiri! It tastes good even when it is cold. The cheese was soft and fragrant when it was warm. Stylish Heinz ketchup. Unusual organic type Two 1.25kg bottles, so big and heavy The connector can be removed by pulling it upward The inner cover can be removed easily and cleanly. The body is large but the spout is normal size Easy to control and use It has sugar, onions, etc. It’s sweet and rich and tastes like BBQ sauce. Compared to Japanese ketchup Heinz is darker in color Heinz is sweet and dense with little moisture Japanese one is light and has a strong acidity of tomatoes. I think it is a little too sweet to use for cooking. It’s good as a substitute for BBQ sauce when you put it on french fries. It takes up a lot of space, but once opened, it can be stored in the refrigerator. Seedless grapes are available for a limited time only. The sweetness of this grape is like a candy. There is also a similar product called "Cotton Candy". When you buy them, choose the ones with green stems for freshness. There were 6 bunches in one box. The portion not to be eaten immediately was not washed, but wrapped in kitchen paper It’s hard to damage them if you put them in the refrigerator. If you are worried about dirt Put a tablespoon or two of baking soda in your water. Leave it soak for 2 to 3 minutes, then wash it with water Seedless, skin is also edible Very sweet and tasty. When you bite it, the skin pops in your mouth. Flesh is crispy and crunchy It is a standard product, Japanese pork cut into small pieces. Large size and powerful The price had gone up a little at 108 yen per 100g Leaner parts, fatty parts, etc. Various parts mixed together and of different sizes. Seasoned and frozen for supper when busy The first is salted garlic lemon Dashida (chicken bones), salt & pepper Sake & Sesame oil Rub with plenty of sliced garlic Top with lemon, if desired. Second one is gingerbread Seasoning is sake, honey and soy sauce No matter how much honey you put in it, no matter how much you bake it. I always put honey in my meat because it doesn’t make it tough. I use sliced ginger because it takes time to grate ginger. Add onions and it’s ready to serve. The third is pork kimchi Stuffing a lot of kimchi into the available space Put chives on top and voila! The last one is for hashed pork. Red wine 50-100ml 5-6 tablespoons ketchup, 5-6 tablespoons sauce 1 tsp consommé, salt & pepper 3-4 tablespoons flour Add onions and mushrooms Mix well Now we have 4 kinds of seasoning frozen I’m going to freeze them as they are. Eat the night before or in the morning I defrost it in the refrigerator and use it for dinner I’m going to make the hashed pork that I just made. Add about 250 ml of water Simmer for about 15 minutes, and it’s ready to use. I can make the main course in no time. It’s very convenient to freeze when you’re busy. If you make it with Heinz organic ketchup I made it with Heinz organic ketchup. It’s old-fashioned, rustic, and delicious. It is a premium salted butter flavor sold only at Costco Milk-eating dairy butter is used It’s a popular candy, but it’s not a standard product If you find it, don’t hesitate to buy it. 10 bags in a box One bag is 65g and a good size You can enjoy the original taste of sweet potato. Sweet and Snacky The powder on the surface of chips is delicious It’s not that sweet, so you can eat more and more. Adults and children love it. Butter made from olive oil Dairy-free, with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D 1 kg in a bucket-like container The tabs that flank the lid are removed by pressing on them You can open it easily It looks just like butter It’s soft even right out of the fridge. It is resistant to heat, so it can be used for cooking and baking. It has just a little bit of peculiarity or milky taste, but it’s good for cooking and baking. It tastes almost like butter Turns yellow when melted It tastes good with just the right amount of saltiness Mekabu is in season from March to April Large quantity of 1kg or more Mekabu is said to be the root part of wakame seaweed Fresh Mekabu turnip from Miyagi prefecture. Finely chopped after boiling Firm and sticky Low in calories but good for health and beauty with seaweed If you want to eat simply, I recommend umeboshi and mentsuyu Tastes and smells like wakame seaweed Firm consistency and crunchy texture Quickly added to miso soup or soup Easy to eat It is good with hot rice If you serve it with grated yam and natto You can make a bowl of rice topped with "nebaneba" in no time You can eat as much or as little as you like. Put uneaten portions in Tupperware, etc. Freeze them to make them last longer Frozen for 3 days If you use an ice tray, you can cube it. Convenient to defrost and use in small quantities. Garlic flavored pork sausage Once you buy this product, you will be a repeat customer. When you open the bag, you can smell the garlic. Sausage made by traditional method Length is about 17cm and thickness is about 2.5cm The sausage is baked without oil because the fat is released from the sausage. The smell is very appetizing. The skin is crispy and the inside is elastic. It’s very juicy and delicious. It is good with garlic and white rice. Saltiness is just right and easy to eat I put it in vegetable soup and it was very good! The key is to use Chinese cabbage instead of cabbage. Seasoning is salt and pepper and consommé. Simmer for 10 to 15 minutes and it’s ready. Sausage is as refreshing as boiled The soup is blended with flavor It’s so easy and tasty that you will want to make it again and again. Hawaii’s classic lion coffee. Flavored coffee is famous, but this is non-flavored type. It has a stylish clip. Large size with 793g Medium dark roast, powdered Nice aroma of coffee It was born in the United States in 1864, and now it’s It’s said to be the oldest actual coffee brand in the U.S. You’ve lost freshness in the powder. Maybe it’s because it’s deeply roasted, but it’s a little less bulky. It has less acidity and more richness and bitterness. Recommended for iced coffee or with milk Powder type, so aroma is a little weak. Whole beef tongue, very popular at Costco. The price has not changed from last year When you open it, put it on kitchen paper. Cut left and right –> middle to make it easier to take out Drip is accumulated like this Remove the sheet and wipe well with kitchen paper It is very fatty, so it is good for barbeque. Tongue (tongue) The tip of the tongue is easy to see because it is concave when you press it with your finger. It is suitable for stewed food because of its hardness The part below the boundary line seen from the side is It is under the tan where there are blood vessels etc. Rinse with water to remove dirt and drippings to reduce odor Rinse thoroughly until water turns pink The color becomes brighter after washing Look for blood vessels on either side under the tongue and remove them It’s hard to see, but if you look closely, you can see a hole. First we pull up and cut out the entire lower part of the tongue. Smaller knives are easier to work with. Next, we’re going to use the knife to make incisions on both sides of the blood vessels. Finally, the blood vessel is pulled up and cut out. The blood vessels that cause the smell and interfere with the texture are removed The other side is worked in the same way This time, we try to boil the whole fish in salted water in a luxurious way Beef tongue in a pot Green onions, ginger, garlic 1 teaspoon salt Sake 200ml Water 750-900ml Slowly simmer over low heat for 2 hours Beef tongue swells up and comes out of the water I added a little bit of water on the way. Finally finished The broth is saved and not thrown away Tender and full of juice Looks very tasty Put a little bit of broth on it and put green onion on it. If you buy a milled shichimi pepper… It was an interesting taste, strong sansho. Salt-boiled beef tongue was light and tasty It is so soft that you can cut it with chopsticks. It was good with yuzu kosho Using leftover broth, tongue tip and tongue bottom Beef tongue curry can be made Add carrots, onions, and potatoes Simmer for about 15 to 20 minutes When ingredients are tender, add curry roux Beef tongue curry is ready Beef tongue soup stock is blended into the soup. You can enjoy different curry from usual Thanks for watching Have a nice day.


Vita+ ルビーレッドグレープフルーツカップは、コストコでしか買えない限定商品になっています。
提供:Vita+ ルビーレッドグレープフルーツカップ

00:00 イントロ
00:37 Vita+ ルビーレッドグレープフルーツカップ
02:39 ペリペリチキンラップ
03:30 静岡県産 桜燻しカツオたたき
05:14 パープルレインポテトチップス
06:09 ENTREMONT フランス産スモークチーズ
07:49 HEINZ オーガニックケチャップ
09:00 キャンディーハーツグレープ
10:24 国産豚肉小間切れ
13:16 おさつどきっ プレミアム塩バター味
14:14 Nuttelex オリーブオイルスプレッド
15:15 宮城県産 湯通し刻みめかぶ
17:10 サルシッチャ ガーリックソーセージ
18:46 ライオンコーヒー カフェハワイ
19:53 アメリカ産 皮むき牛タン

01:50 フルーツゼリーテリーヌ
04:36 カツオの竜田揚げ
07:13 スモークチーズのおにぎり
10:53 豚肉小間の下味冷凍
18:06 白菜とガーリックソーセージのスープ
22:01 丸ごと牛タンの塩ゆで
23:28 牛タンカレー

●Vitantonio ワッフル&ホットサンドベーカー:https://amzn.to/3J46zNg
●COSORI ノンフライヤー:https://amzn.to/3wvRBcL
●アイリスオーヤマ 電気圧力鍋:https://amzn.to/3Ph6cBL
●Zwilling ツインプロHB 三徳包丁:https://amzn.to/3peVpff
●Zwilling ツインプロHB 洋包丁:https://amzn.to/3ldRU6S
●Zwilling ツインプロHB ペティナイフ:https://amzn.to/3NdrBcV



#コストコ #購入品 #おすすめ #料理 #COSTCO #JAPAN #cooking



  1. コストコは県外行かないと近くにないので羨ましいですね(*^^*)

  2. いつもステキな動画ありがとうございます✨私も今年はキャンディーハーツグレープに出会えて初めて食べました😊あまりの甘さと美味しさにビックリでした

  3. 友達と言ったりしますがなかなか遠いのでめったにいけないです

  4. こんにちは〜😊

  5. 配信お疲れ様です。今日亀戸食べ歩きの帰りにコストコ金沢シーサイド店舗行って来ました。…我が家でも好評な海鮮ちらし寿司を、また購入。…今回の海鮮ちらし寿司は、鮪レベルが少し高いので買い得感有りました。あと牛タン一本物の値段が、いくぶん下がったみたいな、、で3500円クラス一本買いました。これから焼き肉シーズンですから楽しみです。

  6. ペリペリチキンラップ、包み紙をぺりぺり剥がすからかと思っていました😂唐辛子なんですね!美味しそう♡

  7. 豚肉の下処理いいですね。ハッシュドビーフ簡単で美味しそうです。いつもすてきなレシピありがとうございます。

  8. こんばんは



  9. こんばんは~✨

  10. いつみても紹介した後速攻開けるところが好きです。食事もさっと作るのもすごい見ててほんと楽しいです。

  11. 今回も楽しいご紹介ありがとうございます♪我らが🇨🇦のハードバイトもご紹介頂き嬉しいです。じゃがいもだけではなく、ビーツ、にんじん、スイートポテトチップスもあります!

  12. いつも見させていただいてます。😊
    コストコ近くになくて残念だったんですが 最近ミニコストコ(コストコ再販店)が近くにできたので嬉しいです。さっそく気になる商品を買いたくて行くんですが人気があってなかなか買いたい商品をゲットできません。
    落ち着いてきたら また買いに行こうと思います。
    年会費は、無いですが ちょっと高めの値段です。

  13. いつも活用方法や処理方法も一緒に動画にしてくださるのでコストコ紹介系の動画で1番好きです☺️
