ASMR スパゲッティグラタンとビーフシチュー Spaghetti gratin EATING SOUNDS | 咀嚼音 | MUKBANG | 먹방

Hello everyone, today I made spaghetti gratin and beef stew. Let’s eat. Light fruit sangria. Cheers. 🥂 Today I made spaghetti gratin with plenty of cheese.🍝 Hot and delicious〜😋 The gratin’s white sauce is also rich and goes well with the cheese.🧀 The cheese is nice and stretchy! I don’t usually eat gratin, but it’s delicious.👍 Perfect for the cold winter months. I really like the burnt cheese on the surface. I sprinkled some bread crumbs on top to make the surface crispy. I also made a beef stew. I cooked the beef rib block for about 3 hours.🥩 The meat is soft and can be pulled apart easily. 🤤 Rib meat is especially delicious around the fat. Perfect for stewed dishes.👍 I added potatoes, carrots and broccoli for the vegetables. The colors are vibrant and it looks delicious too. ✨ Fatty and juicy… It just melts in your mouth~😋 It takes a long time to cook, but it is very delicious. The stew is also rich and delicious. A taste that makes you want rice. When I make beef stew, I always add a lot of red wine instead of water. The wine adds flavor and richness, giving depth to the dish. All the alcohol evaporates while it is simmering. This dish would also be good with red sauce instead of white. 🍝 Meat sauce and Bolognese are also compatibility with cheese. Beef stew is good because you can eat a lot of vegetables in a tasty way. I made a lot of beef stew and had leftovers, so I’ll eat the rest tomrrow. I’m happy I have a nice spread of dishes. 😋 I don’t make stew often because I always end up eating it for days. I made the stew using cheap rib meat but.. …if it’s a stewed dish, it will still be great even with cheap meat. There are beef tendons and beef shanks too but I think I like the ribs the best. I boiled the pasta for a short time before baking the gratin. I feel like you could also just boil it for the usual amount of time. The inside is always hot and delicious because it is covered with cheese. The crispy sound and texture of burnt cheese is irresistible. The stew would also be delicious with a baguette. But I prefer rice over bread, so I’d want to eat it with rice. Even though I prepared a salad, I forgot it to eat it. I feel like any pasta would be delicious if you put melty cheese on it and bake it. Like carbonara and mentaiko cream. If I have another chance, I would like to make a red sauce spaghetti gratin. I’m finally eating the salad! 🥗 Thank you for watching until the end. Thank you for the meal! Goodbye!👋 Translated by Maya

Hi! Welcome to ryoma ASMR’s YouTube Channel. I’m Ryoma, mukbanger from Japan🇯🇵
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  1. いつも素敵な動画ありがとうございます💖💖


  2. Hey cutie 💓 l was wonderin g if you went to cooking school or cook professionally. You Really seem to enjoy it. Til next time love and hugs to you