
Hi everyone, I’m Kacchan. Today is a warm udon recipe for winter. Save money, easy, warm and delicious with just eggs and Chinese cabbage! I would like to make Toro Tama Chinese Cabbage Udon. Let’s make it right away. 500ml water 2 tsp chicken stock powder 1 tbsp potato starch 1 tbsp soy sauce

1 teaspoon of grated ginger Mix the seasonings together. Crack 1 egg into a bowl and beat it. Chinese cabbage 200g Cut into 3-5mm wide strips. After cutting Chinese cabbage, chopped Chinese cabbage in a pot 1 teaspoon sesame oil a little salt

Put the ingredients in a pot, mix the whole and put it on medium heat. Stir-fry the cabbage while stirring. Stir-frying Chinese cabbage brings out the sweetness of Chinese cabbage. Adding salt makes it easier for the Chinese cabbage to release water and saves time. It’s ready when the Chinese cabbage becomes tender

And the core becomes translucent. Mix the combined soup well. Pour into the pan. Heat over medium to high-medium heat until thickened. It contains potato starch, so it naturally thickens. When the whole is thickened, put it on high heat and bring it to a boil. When the soup is boiling,

Pour in the eggs and immediately turn off the heat. Quickly mix the whole. Add the mottainai spirit egg and the soup is complete. Use the frozen udon by heating it in the microwave for the specified time. When using dried or refrigerated udon noodles, boil them before use.

Put the heated noodles in a bowl. Pour in the finished soup. Sprinkle chopped green onions in the center. Save money, warm, and delicious “Torotama Chinese cabbage udon” with just eggs and Chinese cabbage! It was completed~! I tried to make “Torotama Chinese Cabbage Udon” which is easy and delicious with eggs and Chinese cabbage.

Let’s have a toast with a light white sour today Let’s have it right away. When I thought it was warm after the New Year, it suddenly became cold. I tried to make “Toro Toro Chinese Cabbage Udon” that warms the body with Chinese cabbage and eggs.

I will start with the soup. I’ll enjoy having this. We also have udon noodles. Stir-frying the Chinese cabbage brings out the flavor and sweetness of the sesame oil for a delicious finish. The soup is thickened with potato starch and the egg is used to warm the body.

By combining the ingredients of the soup, it will naturally thicken just by putting it in a pot and heating it. You can easily make it without preparing water-soluble potato starch. The Chinese-style seasoning and ginger flavor are delicious and warm your body.

Bringing the soup to a boil and adding an egg will make it fluffy and delicious. Because it is thick, you can eat it deliciously when the soup is mixed with the udon. It’s a delicious recipe that can be served as a main dish because it has a thick consistency.

It’s suddenly cold, so it’s delicious to warm your body. Frozen udon is easy to buy, and it is convenient to use just by heating it in the microwave. You can also adjust the taste and serve it as a soup as it is, and it will be delicious.

It was a video of making a simple, warm and delicious “Torotama Chinese cabbage udon” with Chinese cabbage and eggs. It is a delicious recipe that can be easily made with few ingredients and cooking process, and warms the body with ginger flavor and soup.

This is a delicious recipe that will warm your body and fill your stomach during the cold season. If you are interested, why don’t you try making it? Thank you for your viewing. People who think this video looks delicious give it a high rating.

We are also updating the recipe video, so please subscribe to the channel. Goodbye.



▼「簡単なのにウマすぎる! もりもり野菜レシピ」▼




1年のスタートも元気に楽しく!!  byかっちゃん

・卵        1個
・白菜       200g
・ごま油      小さじ1
・塩        少々
・冷蔵のうどん   2玉

・水        500ml
・鶏ガラスープの素 小さじ2
・片栗粉      大さじ1
・醤油       大さじ1
・おろし生姜    小さじ1

▼土鍋であったか 茶碗蒸しうどん/小田巻き蒸しの作り方【kattyanneru】▼

▼【節約】30円で作れる!簡単・節約 まぜそばの作り方【kattyanneru】▼



▼「instagram」オリジナル調味料 かっちゃん商店▼













#うどん #簡単レシピ #かっちゃんねる #節約レシピ #料理


  1. レンチンうどんはいつも一緒に煮てたけど、このレシピなら煮なくても良いんですね。楽そう美味そう節約できそうで良きです😋

  2. いや、私にしてみれば、初めて片栗粉と溶き卵のバランスが(・∀・)イイ!!


  3. 簡単でとっても美味しくて、体もポカポカになりました!🙏

  4. めちゃくちゃ美味しかった〜なにこれ〜❤️

  5. いつも動画見ています😊
    とろみがあるので熱々で食べられて子供達もおかわりまでしてくれてすぐになくなりました。 めちゃくちゃ美味しい👍🏻

  6. なぜに、日本語でのレシピを掲げないのでしょうか?この頃ずっと英語のレシピ材料しか見れてませんが。。。なぜに?

  7. うどんの代わりに、そうめんを茹でて入れました。 美味しかったですよ✌️🎶 ありがとうございましたm(_ _)m\(^o^)/

  8. 半量でボッチランチに作りました✌︎('ω'✌︎ )味見した時は「あれ?」って思ったんですが、卵入れると味が激変してメッチャ美味しくなりました✨我が家では余がちな白菜さんですが、ごま油の風味が凄い残って美味しかったです☺️ズボラなのでスープ合わせるのも、卵溶くのも食べる器でやりました w今日は生姜が無かったので、また改めて作りたいと思います🤗

  9. 寒い時はかきたまうどんは美味しいと思います。かきたまうどんをつくって食べてみたいと思います。味噌煮込みうどんも大好きで一味唐辛子をかけて食べるのが気に入っています♪

  10. いまさらと思われると思いますが、最近ずっとこのレシピでうどんを食べてます。とても美味しいです。ありがとうございます。一年中食べられると思います。