湘南レッドの絶品薬味 #shorts #紫玉ねぎ

Chop purple onion Spread in a colander and dry for 2 hours Mix sugar, salt and vinegar Add onions and let it sit for a day. It’s done. It’s really delicious to eat as is. You can also chop it up and use it in various preparations, such as salads. I like to mix it into tartar sauce; it’s delicious with fried fish. This time, the ebodai is sprinkled with potato starch and fried at a low temperature, making it possible to bite into whole pieces. Fry in oil at 160° for 10 minutes I’ll enjoy having this This is a really good condiment, so keep it on hand!

#けんた食堂 #onionrecipe

紫玉ねぎの酢漬けが便利すぎる! 保存は冷蔵庫で。 刻んでサラダにトッピングしたり、タルタルソースに混ぜたりと万能。

★チャンネル登録お願いします! https://www.youtube.com/user/oi8oi


  1. さすがだな、玉ねぎは切って15分以上は空気にさらせばカラミが弱まることを知ってるなんて。酢玉ねぎ、からだに非常に良いですからね。是非やってみて!