ちくわの醤油漬けの作り方!炒めて漬けるだけ!きのこでかさ増し!ご飯がすすむ簡単&節約おかず!作り置きにも!How to make Chikuwa Pickled Soy sauce【料理研究家ゆかり】

Today I made chikuwa and mushrooms in soy sauce. Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher. This channel introduces various cooking recipes and useful information. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel Today I would like to make chikuwa and mushrooms in soy sauce. I’m going to add a lot of mushrooms this time, plus chikuwa to make it a hearty mushroom pickle. The process is very easy because all you have to do is bake them and put them on. It is full of mushrooms and makes a hearty dish. The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make. There are some key points here and there, so please enjoy to the end. Please have a look at it. Easy recipes at home First of all, let me introduce the ingredients for this dish. Here are the ingredients. Shiitake mushrooms, shimeji mushrooms, maitake mushrooms, enoki mushrooms, chikuwa, onions, garlic, chili peppers, here are the ingredients. As for the mushrooms, I will use four kinds this time. In terms of quantity, the total weight will be 350g. Can use any kind of mushrooms you like and then just prepare 350 grams. And this time I will also add chikuwa. I will use 4 chikuwa per bag, but if you have a 5-pack, you can put 5 chikuwa. If you don’t like spicy chili peppers or if children eat it, please leave it out. Next, seasonings and other ingredients are introduced. Here are the ingredients. Soy sauce, mirin, vinegar, water, sugar, black pepper, sesame oil, here are the ingredients. As for vinegar, I will use grain vinegar this time, but rice vinegar is also acceptable. Rice vinegar gives a mellow taste. Grain vinegar gives a rather refreshing finish. I’m going to add black pepper to this recipe, but you can leave it out if you are making it for children. I would like to make it right away. Easy recipes at home Now let’s start making it. First of all, slice the onions thinly. Slice them like this. The sliced onions are then placed in water. This will remove some of the pungency. Let the onions sit in water until you are ready to use them at this point. Next, I cut the chikuwa. The chikuwa is cut diagonally. Cut roughly 5mm wide. Cut like this. Now I will cut the rest in the same way. The chikuwa is now ready. Next, the shiitake mushrooms are cut. First, cut the shiitake mushrooms off the shaft. Then cut them into thin slices. Cut this one roughly 5 mm wide. Now cut off the rest of the shaft in the same way and cut it into thin slices. The dry tip of the shaft is also cut off, and this is also sliced into thin strips for use. The shiitake mushrooms are now ok. Then shimeji mushrooms. Cut off the root part first. Then loosen it by hand. Unravel it as you see fit. The shimeji is now ok. Next is maitake mushrooms. Maitake mushrooms should be loosened by hand as appropriate. Maitake is now ok. Then I have enoki mushrooms. This one should be cut off from the stony part. Now you can loosen it by hand in the same way. I unwind in this way. The part of the stonecrop that does not have soil on it can be eaten, so we cut it off from here and break this part off by hand. Unwind it as you see fit. Enoki is now ok. Now let’s cut the garlic. Slice the garlic thinly. Once sliced, remove the sprouts in the middle. Can easily remove them by using a toothpick. This part of the garlic bud must be removed as it causes gouging. The garlic is now ok. Then the chili peppers. First cut the chilies in half with kitchen shears. Then remove the seeds. After removing the seeds, cut them into round slices. You can also use the ones that are already cut into rounds. This is the chili pepper. This is the first onion that you cut. This one will be used after the mushrooms are cooked, so drain the water at this time. After draining water like this, wipe off the water with paper. Onions are now ok. Easy recipes at home So now we will bake mushrooms and chikuwa. Grilling the mushrooms thoroughly will increase their aroma and flavor for a delicious result. Now, first of all, add sesame oil here. Then put it on the fire. Heat medium. Once done, turn the sesame oil around the entire pan. Once the oil has been spread throughout, add all four types of mushrooms here. Can put them in as you like. Once all is in, toss everything with sesame oil. Once most of the oil has been tossed, spread the mushrooms throughout the pan. And continue to cook them over a slightly higher medium heat. Grill it with the image of browning. Use a rubber spatula or similar tool to lightly press down on the surface for better browning. Bake like this. Now I have baked for 1 minute and 30 seconds. When the mushrooms are slightly wilted and browned like this, flip them over. Mix well once. Water comes out of the mushrooms gradually. After most of the mixture is mixed, the garlic and chikuwa are added. Then mix well again. After mixing well like this, spread it over the entire pan again. And continue to bake like this for roughly 1 minute. The heat can be increased to medium-high. After about 1 minute, turn off the heat. After turning off the heat, add the onions here. The onions will be preheated and lightly cooked. Roughly 30 seconds of mixing is all that is needed. Like this. Then put it all in the storage container. Then spread it all over. Then I would like to make the dipping sauce in this pan. Add water, mirin, and sugar to this first. Now let’s put it on the fire. The heat is medium. Bring to a boil once at this point, stirring a bit. When everything is boiling like this, add the vinegar and soy sauce. Then heat this one until just before boiling. Vinegar will be too acidic if brought to a boil. Soy sauce should not be boiled because it changes the flavor. When heated to just before boiling, turn off heat. Then add chilies and black pepper here. And let’s mix it. The dipping sauce is now ready. If you taste it and think it tastes too strong, add boiling water to dilute the flavor. Now turn this freshly made hot dipping sauce into the container mentioned earlier. Then soak the whole thing thoroughly once. If you mix lightly once in this, the whole mixture will go evenly. OK. Then I’ll put the plastic wrap snugly on the surface. And if it cools down, it is ready to use. If you want to make it cold, you can refrigerate it lightly afterwards and enjoy it. Then I would like to take it off the heat and let it cool. The heat has been removed and the mixture has cooled. Wrap removed. As you can see, it is now well pickled and looks delicious. Easy recipes at home Now you’ve finished the chikuwa mushrooms in shoyu. This is how it turned out. The taste is well blended and delicious like this. When it is well seasoned, drain off the marinade and store it. It’s done. Now, I would like to eat Let’s eat. Very tasty with lots of mushroom flavor. And this black pepper really accentuates the flavor. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel It was finished deliciously today. This is the key to this chikuwa and mushrooms in shoyu. First of all, I used four kinds of mushrooms: shiitake, shimeji, maitake, and enoki. Can use any kind of mushrooms you like. Please make it so that the total weight is 350g. And as for the chikuwa, I think there are packs of 4 or 5 chikuwa per pack, so I used 4 this time, but you can use all 5 if you have a pack of 5. And when you are done preparing the ingredients, grill the mushrooms first. The mushrooms should be browned well to increase the aroma and flavor and make it very tasty. Then add the garlic and chikuwa and spread it all over and brown it again. And after that, turn off the heat and add the drained onions. As for the onions, preheating them just enough to let them cook through will give them just the right texture and finish. Then use the pan to make the dipping sauce and pour it over the mushrooms while the sauce is still hot. This makes it easier for the flavors to blend. Afterwards, I hope you can take it off the heat and let it cool before serving. As for how to store this one, when the seasoning is just right, drain off the marinade and store it. I hope you can enjoy it for about 2-3 days. The leftover pickling liquid can be used for stir-frying vegetables or something else, so be sure to heat it up before using it again. And this time I add black pepper and chili. These two can be left out if children eat it or if they don’t like spicy food. If you are not a fan of spicy food, you can add black pepper to this dish to accentuate the flavor. The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make. It is very tasty and you should try to make it. Easy recipes at home Today I made chikuwa and mushrooms in soy sauce. I have many other various videos on my channel. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. I also post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, so we would appreciate it if you would like to like, follow, and share our posts. Thank you very much. So that’s all for today. Thank you for watching to the end today. Please give us a good button. See you in the next video. Bye.


Hello, I’m Yukari, a cooking researcher.
This time, I will show you how to make chikuwa pickled in soy sauce! Just stir fry and pickle! Add bulk with mushrooms! Easy and economical side dish that goes well with rice! It is also recommended for making ahead of time. It’s very delicious, so please try making it.


・しいたけ 50g
・しめじ 100g
・舞茸 100g
・えのき 100g
・ちくわ 4本
・玉ねぎ 1/2個
・ニンニク 1片
・唐辛子 1本
・醤油 70ml
・みりん 50ml
・酢 50ml
・水 80ml
・砂糖 大さじ1
・黒胡椒 小さじ1/4
・ごま油 大さじ1

・50g Shiitake mushrooms
・100g Shimeji mushrooms
・100g Maitake mushroom
・100g Enoki mushrooms
・4 pieces Chikuwa
・1/2 Onion
・1 clove Garlic
・1 Chili pepper
・70ml Soy sauce
・50ml Mirin
・50ml Vinegar
・80ml Water
・1 tbsp Sugar
・1/4 tsp Black pepper
・1 tbsp Sesame oil







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「Yukari’s Kitchen おうちで簡単レシピ」

□著書『料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単! 3時のおやつ』


#ちくわ #作り置き #料理研究家ゆかり


  1. これで、炊き込みご飯も出来ますね‼️😀😀今度のお弁当の時にやりますね🎵

  2. キノコ🍄美味しいですよね😃黒胡椒が効いてて最高ですね🎵

  3. キノコ🍄大好きすぎて、キノコ漬けがあるのにびっくり😊です

  4. これは簡単に出来て大変、参考になりました。ぶっかけにしても良いくらい。酒のつまみにもピッタリでした🤭

  5. ちくわの醤油漬け、美味しくできましたよ。