
I’d like to show my another easy recipe today. This again requires only a few ingredients. I’ll make Stir-fried Daikon Radish and Dried Shrimps with Garlic. This recipe is so easy…I’ve cut daikon radish (Japanese radish) into a half. First, we need to cut daikon into this size. If they’re too thick, they’ll be hard to be cooked thoroughly. I want to have them a little bit crunchiness remained while they have flavor soaked in. They’ll be soft and tasty if you wait a little. If you cut daikon vertically, some fibers remain and they’ll be hard to chew. So slice the daikon into round slices after peeling. Ingredients are dried shrimps, salt, and the most important garlic. Finally, I want to put some shiso leaves on top because the dish looks too white. I’ll chop them later. And some oil, salad oil is fine. Today I have rice bran oil, but olive oil is good, too. These are the only ingredients, but the dish is delicious. Let’s start cooking. First, I’ll start to shred the daikon. My hands are washed well. Even though I said "shred," if it is too thin, it will break up in tiny pieces, so cut into the size as I showed you before. I may have just gotten carried away and cut too thin. When using a knife, don’t think that you’re good at cutting by that quick sound, but it’s important to cut the ingredients into the same shape properly. I’m using a half or a little less of the daikon. Any part of the daikon is fine. Even if you use the spicy part of the daikon, it will lose its spiciness when it’s cooked. Let me put this into a bowl. It’s lively today. It’s a war going on. I think Apollo and Nicola are doing it. It’s nicely cut, so let’s go next for garlic. I think I’ve talked about how to cut garlic easily before. Place garlic, with skins attached, in a piece of paper towel like this. Then place it in a small plastic bag, that can be thrown away later. Then I beat it, using my big knife. I pound it as hard as I can, and then you’ll see crushed garlic coming out of its skin. My place is filled with the smell of garlic. I switch my knife to a smaller one. And cut the garlic into more pieces, but I won’t make them too small. Now garlic is prepared. Then let’s pour some oil. See, I can throw this whole bag out cutting the smell. Use your wok after it’s warm enough. Let’s pour the oil in. It’s warm because wok heats up quickly. Spread oil (rice bran or olive oil) for about 1 Tbs. First put the garlic in. Oh, I should’ve waited more. But it’s ok, it’ll be the same. Nobody has seen this. Do you know the French culinary teacher, Julia Child? She said, "Nobody is watching," "Don’t tell anyone," and returned the fallen ingredients back to the pan. She was very attractive. She said "Who knows!" and "I’m the only one in the kitchen." I saw these scenes in a film called, ”Julie & Julia," in which Meryl Streep played Julia. Julia is a famous American cooking teacher, who introduced French cuisine… Now I put dried shrimps here. I’m deep-frying them. By doing so, the aroma of the shrimps becomes about three times stronger. You should definitely do this. Please wait until they’re fried and become golden. Next is daikon. You need to mix daikon well from the bottom of the wok. If you bring daikon from the bottom, the flavor of the shrimps will be mixed well. Please look, the color of the stir-fried shrimps will be mixed, which is important. Gradually colors blend, right? Now it looks good. Let me taste it a little bit. It needs more salt. I’d like to add chicken broth powder. Just a little bit like 1/2 Tsp. By some salt, daikon releases some water. Because the daikon will cook itself by its own water, you don’t need to pour some water in. Steam it with a lid on. It will cook itself. If you add a lot of salt or chicken broth from the beginning, it may become too salty when it’s fully cooked. Let’s start with small amount. We can adjust the taste in the end anyway. If the flavor soaks into the ingredients too much, it will be too salty. You should enjoy the saltiness from the outside of the ingredients, so you can taste some sweetness after biting the daikon. Someone came. Now daikon became soft. It steamed itself by its own water. After mixing the ingredients once, let it steam again. It cooks itself by its own water. It sounds weird, but that’s what it’s doing. Dried shrimps from Taiwan is bigger than those from Japan. And they contain a lot of salt, and they smell so well. So don’t use them as regular shrimps because your dish will be too salty and inedible. The amount that I’ve used is the most you should use for cooking a half size of daikon. The aroma of the shrimps is enough here. Wow! It looks so good. It’s golden brown. I cut the daikon into just the right size so it cooks rather quickly. If you cut it too thick, you’ll need to wait forever to fully cooked. The right size is the easy to eat, too. I think the elderly can eat it, and of course, kids, too. While simmering, do you want me to sing? In my previous video, I sang a daikon song once. "Let’s pull out daikon. Oh, it’s quite a work, let’s pull out the daikon. Aww, I can’t get the daikon out!" This is the song about. ”Luóbo" means daikon radish. It’s about that they can’t get the daikon out, but how is our dish? Looks good. See, it’s turning golden brown. If the daikon radish is translucent, it’s usually considered cooked. Let me put the lid on once again, and turn off the heat. As it cools down…the flavors that are now soupy on the outside soak into the inside. While we wait for that, let me prepare the plates. This is what I made at a pottery. Was the basic part made by the pro? No. I had this bottom shaved off. I signed my name here. I painted Chinese orchids in the way of ink painting. When painting I happened to press my brush here and there, but I think it went well. While talking, I think the flavors have soaked in. I should taste a little bit. My kitchen is very functional. I can get whatever I want from my back. It’s good, but to mix with rice, I should put a little bit more of salt/chicken broth powder. I put the heat again. Aww, wonderful! Look at these supple daikon! Have you ever seen supple daikon? Daikon radishes are usually lumpy. Can you believe they can be as soft as noodles? But they can. That’s the wonder of cooking. I’m going to put some shiso leaves on it now. Just a little bit really. Cut and pile them up. You don’ need to use this much. Just a little bit. Unwrap and put them on to the dish. Looks delicious. It became prettier by adding the green. This is Stir-fried Daikon Radish and Dried Shrimps with Garlic. Bon appétit! I’d like to have Stir-fried Daikon Radish and Dried Shrimps with Garlic. I really like this recipe. Delicious! I feel like summer has arrived. Daikon is not a vegetable in summer, but it takes off your body heat. Daikon has a heat-removing effect. From now on, when you walk outside and your body gets hot, it’s good to eat daikon to take the heat off. Please try this dish. I was asked "Can you do it with ingredients that are not shiso leaves?" I can recommend shiitake mushrooms. To use shiitake, I’d like to advise you to saute them very well before starting to prepare this recipe. Then you add the shiitake, later. It’s after you put garlic, dried shrimps, and daikon. After mixing the them for three times, then add the shiitake. This is also delicious, with an added mellow taste. So I introduced my recipe, Stir-fried Daikon Radish and Dried Shrimps with Garlic today. Please try cooking it!


大根 1/2本
干しエビ 約15g
にんにく 1かけ
油(オリーブ or 米)大さじ1
鶏ガラスープの素 小さじ1/2
大葉 少々


1/2 daikon radish
about 15g dried shrimp
1 clove garlic
15cc oil (olive or rice)
2.5cc chicken broth
A pinch of shiso leaves


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  1. {大根と干しエビのニンニク炒め}とてもあっさりして最高ですね、丁度材料があったので、動画を見ながら作りました❗(^_^)v😋大根はサラダと煮物しか、知らなかったので—はまりそう–ダイエットにもいいかも!?(笑) ダイエットにいい料理も今度教えて下さい!☺   🍀👠💚

  2. すごく 几帳面そうなんだけれども
    とても男らしく 誰もみてない‼️と言い切る そんな ところが 面白くて 今の世代にも広く 支持されて 登録者数がこんなにも増えてきたんでしょうね🎉😂


  3. 簡単で美味しそうですね🤗ご飯にとても合いそうですね🌟是非作ってみたいです🤗ジュディさん昔と全く変わらずお綺麗ですと言うより今がもっとお綺麗でびっくりです🌟美容法とか教えて頂きたいです🤗これからも応援しています🤗🌟

  4. さっそく作ってみます。エプロンとイヤリングの緑も鮮やかでとっても可愛らしいですね、

  5. 日本の干しエビでもいいですか?

  6. 作ってみました。台湾の干しエビではなかったですが、おいしくできました!

  7. 干しエビの使い方が、わからなかったので、すごく参考になります!作ってみます。ありがとうございます。❤

  8. 大根と干しエビの炒め物🎉美味しそう。干しエビあるから今日早速作ります。これは台湾の家庭料理でしょうか?





