揚げたてサクサクを自宅で! 野菜たっぷりカレーパンの作り方:How to make Curry Buns | Veggie Dishes by Peaceful Cuisine

Hi everyone I’m Ryoya. I made curry only with vegetables today. Am I right? But you could use beans such as lentils as well. It’s gonna be tasty. I deep fry the buns today which is the normal way of making curry buns. You could bake the buns with oven instead. It’s up to you which way you choose. But I think deep-fry is better, so that you can get this crispy texture. This recipe isn’t hard to follow at all, I guess. I’d be happy if you tried this out. New videos of veggie dishes are uploaded on every Monday on videlicio.us. If you haven’t subscribed yet, why not? See you next week!


僕は23歳の時にヴィーガンになったのですが、カレーパンを食べたのは多分10年以上ぶりくらいでした。笑 実際に作ってみると、そんなに難しくはない感じでしたのでぜひご家庭でもチャレンジしてみてくださいね。

【材料 6個分】
・ 玉ねぎ 200g
・ じゃがいも 100g
・ 人参 80g
・ ピーマン 40g
・ にんにく 一つ
・ 生姜 少々
・ 水 100g
・ カレー粉 大さじ1〜2
・ 塩 小さじ1〜1.5
・ 薄力粉 大さじ1.5

・ 全粒強力粉 100g
・ 強力粉 100g
・ オイル 10g
・ きび砂糖 10g
・ 塩 小さじ半分
・ 水 140g
・ イースト 3g

《1》 にんにくと生姜はみじん切りに、他の野菜はサイコロ大に切り、フライパンで炒めます。
《2》 分量外の水を少し加え、野菜に火が通るまで蒸し煮にします。
《3》 カレー粉、塩、薄力粉、水を混ぜたものを加えてとろみついたらカレーの完成です。
《4》 パン生地の材料を全て混ぜ合わせ、滑らかになるまでよくこねます。
《5》 生地が2倍に膨らむまで一次発酵させます。
《6》 生地を6等分して綿棒で伸ばし、カレーを包み込みます。
《7》 霧吹きなどで水を吹きかけパン粉を全体につけたら閉じ目を下にして少し大きくなるまで二次発酵させます。
《8》 180℃程度の油で片面2分ずつほど揚げます。

【VEGGIE DISHES(ベジーディッシーズ)とは?】

Music : Golden Fields / Terry Devine-King, Adam Drake (http://jp.audionetwork.com/browse/m/track/golden-fields_88636)

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This week’s recipe is “Vegan Curry Buns”. Curry bun is one of the most popular buns in Japan, and I made vegan version of it. Enjoy!


200g onion
100g potatoes
80g carrot
40g green pepper
1 tsp ginger
a clove of garlic

1 – 2 tbsp curry powder
1.5 tsp salt
1.5 tbsp flour
100g water

100g whole bread flour
100g bread flour
10g oil
10g cane sugar
1/2 tsp salt
140g water
3g dried yeast

1. Stir fry vegetables and add water, put a lid and steam until vegetables are cooked.
2. Add curry powder, salt, flour and water. Simmer until it thickens. Set aside.
3. Mix all the ingredients of the dough and knead well until smooth.
4. Let the dough ferment until it doubles in size.
5. Divide the dough into 6 equal pieces and roll out and wrap the curry.
6. Spray water and coat with bread crumbs. Put the dough on tray and make sure the closed line faces to the bottom(tray).
7. Deep fry for 2 minutes each side.

A program that shows you vegan & organic food. Vegan is cooking without any animal products uses only plant based food. I also use organic food which are grown without any pesticide, herbicide and chemical fertilizer. I will show you recipes which you can’t think it’s made of only plant foods and surprisingly delicious!

◆uploading a new video on EVERY MONDAY.
◆ check out other VEGGIE DISHES Videos! →http://goo.gl/cD6m4O
◆Peaceful Cuisine HP → http://www.peacefulcuisine.com
◆Peaceful Cuisine Youtube Channel→ https://www.youtube.com/user/ryoya1983
◆ Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/ryoya.takashima.3
◆ Instagram → http://instagram.com/peaceful_cuisine/

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  1. i just made this and it's really good! my parents love it too 😀

    first time kneading dough and didn't think it would turn out well XD

  2. Great video, but I think the water measurement is a bit off.

    In the video it shows that 1/2 cup of water is used which should be closer to 118 grams of water (1 cup of water is 236.59 grams, 1/2 cup water=118 grams).

    When i tried using 140 grams of water the dough was very sticky.

  3. 質問なのですが、玉ねぎ・人参・ジャガイモ・ピーマン・・・小麦粉等、肥料に動物性の肥やし(牛フンや鶏フンなど)を使っていた場合、ヴィーガン的にはOKなのですか?それともそこのところまでキチンと調べて動物性の肥やしを撒いていない野菜や小麦粉を使われているのですか?

  4. 野菜ゴロゴロのカレーパン食べたい!
    ( ̄▽ ̄;)ハハッ
    ( ´ ᐞ ` ).。o

  5. This is what Sebastian Michaelis prepared which led to him winning the competition!

    Is it true that if you put in dark chocolate, it'll taste better?

  6. こんにちは。

  7. 最近ヴィーガンになって、カレーパン食べたいなあって思ってたので最高すぎます!

  8. 本当に美味しそう!作ろうと思ってますよ。日本に住んだ時、沢山のカレーパンを食べたものだから、アメリカでも食べたいんです!