【ヨルダン編】簡単トマトシチュー 自然の優しい甘み「ガライエバンドラ」 Jordan|Gallayet Bandora

[Music] i am the ambassador of jordan here in japan our great chef miss ned and both of us today we are going to cook a very easy and very simple recipe but really very delicious and it’s called goliath bandura which means a stew of tomato this is the one we just made and it’s very hot [Music] and this one is the one that we made earlier so it’s it’s it’s cold glite bandora can be eaten both it can be eaten hot and it can also be eaten cold so sometimes we fry pine nuts and we put them on top just to give it a nice look and the garlic bandura the best way to eat it is to dip it with bread i like the cold one i’m going to try the cold one so we take a little bit of this in the plate and we dip it we dip it with the bread this bread we just made so this is how we do it um really are you you can taste the garlic you can taste the tomato and you can taste the olive oil all coming together really really very delicious [Music] it gives a very nice taste is the chili it’s up to you how strong you want to use whether you want to have it very hot or less hot but the chili taste is really it gives it a very nice distinctive taste so as simple as that olive oil of course very important olive oil is is something that we use a lot in our kitchen and it is a distinctive taste that that probably distinguishes the jordanian cuisine now how do we make galaite vandoran maybe nitza now can show us how to make it so please [Music] now to start we put olive oil we heat olive oil okay and then when it gets a little bit hot not too hot uh we start adding the garlic we want the olive oil to get the taste of the garlic okay and then we stir it a little bit okay then we put the fire down okay very low okay and then we add the onion a little bit of the salt and pepper not all of it then we stir it we let it uh we let it saute a little bit we don’t want it to become golden we don’t want it to brown nothing just sauteing just to get the taste of the olive oil and the garlic the onion we put one of the chilies the chili we need to open it we just make a slit in it okay and now we let them cook and we add the tomato now okay and then we add the remainder salt be careful it’s too much so we put a little bit of salt and the little bit of pepper and we let it uh we let it cook for maybe 20 minutes half an hour till it all mixes together and our galai is ready once the goliath pandora is ready once you serve it uh it’s it’s very nice to always show the chili because the red and the green gives it a very nice color so as a garnishing it’s very beautiful it’s also a good idea to put pine nuts [Music] i hope you will get the chance to make the light mandora in your house remember this plate this recipe we eat it a lot in the outdoors we really look forward to welcoming you and please start planning your trip to come and visit us thank you very much


00:00 紹介ムービー
01:45 材料一覧
02:31 料理スタート


※Gallayet Bandora
Bandoraはトマト Gallayetは油で調理する という意味だそうです。

トマト(小さめの角切り) 2個分
玉ねぎ(みじん切り) 1個分
ニンニク(スライス) 2片
青唐辛子 1~2本 
オリーブオイル 1/4カップ
塩胡椒 適量
松の実 適量 ※お好みでトッピング

tomato 2
Onion  1
Garlic slice 2
Green chili 1~2
Olive oil 1/4
Salt  as needed
Pepper  as needed
Pine nut as you like








Learn how to make a delicious and simple Jordanian dish called Gallayet Bandora, a stew of tomato, with a distinctive taste of garlic and olive oil. It can be eaten hot or cold, and is often served with bread and chili for added flavor. Garnishing with chili and pine nuts adds a nice touch to the dish.

[00:01] The video features the Jordanian ambassador in Japan and a chef cooking a simple and delicious tomato stew called “Gallayet Bandora”.
– The stew can be eaten hot or cold.
– Pine nuts can be fried and added as a topping for a nice look.
– The best way to eat Gallayet Bandora is by dipping it with bread.

[01:14]The video demonstrates how to make a simple tomato stew with garlic, tomato, and olive oil.
– Garlic, tomato, and olive oil are the main ingredients used.
– The chili adds a distinctive taste to the stew.
– Olive oil is an important ingredient in Jordanian cuisine.

[02:34]The process of making tomato stew with olive oil, garlic, onion, and chili.
– Heat olive oil and add garlic.
– Stir and lower the heat.
– Add onion, salt, and pepper.
– Saute the mixture without browning.
– Add a slit chili and let it cook.
– Finally, add the tomatoes.

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