
Hi everyone! Today I cook these cucumbers I got 8 To "addicting pickled cucumber" It is gonna be flavored to go nice with white rice This is my recipe. While discarding cucumber’s smell Rub salt on cucumbers to flavour it first of all Afetr that, boil it qucickly That process makes draining easier put more taste on and smell disappear easily. This is why I do like this Firstly put some salt on cucumbers Some salt This is for preparation Rub the salt like this This is how it is prepared Afer rubbing salt, leave it for a few minutes to drain and to leave the smell Then wash the cucumbers Meanwhile, prepare the hot water to boil them While making hot water I am gonna use large amount of ginger Large like half the piece This is how big comparing to my hand Use it wihout peeling Wash it before preparing Slice it first After slicing Shred it Be sure to put a lot of ginger That holds the key It goes very good with pickles The smell is nice too I would like to flavour it ao nicely that you like it even if you did not like cucumber Leaving its texture erasing its smell at the same time So everybody is gonna like it Plenty of ginger Water is boiling About 2-3 minutes to be this step Then these drained cucumbers are to be washed with cold water to get rid of extra salt Most of the smell disappeared already, for some more boil them with hot water Putting them in the pot Cucumber is hard enough to remain its texture after boiling Boil cucumbers for 3minutes with shiso Putting 20 leaves of shiso Since shiso’s smell gets so storong It is okay to skip this process. Because some children don’t like shiso Including my "A whole cucumber pickles" Elder people watch our videos I think they like shiso Please put a lot if you like it Shred this pre-washed 20 leaves of shiso leave it in the mesh bowl Wash cucumbers again for another cutting process The reason why the cucumbers are boiled is to sterilize to get rid of the smell as well Besides its texture gets nicer This is why, in supermarket Tasty cucumber pickles is a litte harder than regular cucumbers I wanna make it like that I told you to boil them for 3 minutes but 3~4 minutes are okay. It is up to you. Just for your information, it is better to boil for 50 to 60 seconds after rubbing salt So youc can flavour it easily Boiled cucumbers for 3 minutes Discard the hot water and cool it in the room While cooling it, make the pickles sauce Because i put some vinegar, insted of using an iron pot a stainless one is better One to resist vinegar I definitely recommend it 100cc od say sauce 50cc of sweet sake 2 tablespoons of broth of flying fish 2 tablespoons of vinegar 1 tablespoon of sugar Put all the ginger Some chili peppers. I prefer a bit spicy Can you see this? This much I got decent amount with one pick though put two picks Boil once to vaporize the alchol of sweet sake Although I said to boil it but when it steams it is ready Just to vaporize alcohol Discarding the sourness of vinegar as well as alcohol The sauce is ready like this The cucumbers are a little warm Boiled cucumber is like "bouncing". Can you see this? Amazing. To leave this texture,Get rid of the top cut into pieces like this size You can cut it a little thinner or just same as this They move like this It is already like this before pickled It is as soft as Pickles Perfect. Drop the top like this I know some of you like the sound when a knife touches the wooden cutting board It is time for ASMR Cucumber does not pop like usually. very bouncy. The cutting sound is bit different too So easy It is more like "Shuck" than "cut cut cut cut" Honestly I wanna cut them more quickly It pops SO I cannot I got one here it is already cut Using a clean cloth Drain it Cover cucumber in a cloth Like this rotate and squeeze it strongly Let’s see after squeeze Looks good. I did too strongly. I crushed some. I should have done it more gently It is drained and already pickles as it is like this squeeze it like this. putting cucumber into a cloth and cover it rotate it like making a teruterubozu Then Squeeze as it is. Nothing else is needed Cucumbers press each other inside Like this It is squeezed This pre-squeezed one Can you see the color is diiferent It is a sign that it is drained I will do the rest of them Squeeze and squeeze I finished squeezing all of them Including the water I discard in the first part A lot of water came out from cucumbers just now It is yellow inside It is hard to recognize but it is a little bit green Smelling of grass For the cucumber haters, Do not miss thhis process 122 00:10:02,850 –> 00:10:06,620 Everything is prepared so make it pickels Prepare a clean container I use an enamel one today Put cucumbers here Put all of them with the sauce It is so hot that it is steaming but it is okay They get the flavor while it is chilled The right amount. Perfect Put all the ingredients like ginger, stir it Since the sauce is still hot I would like you to cool it more in a fridge. Put some sesame at last 131 00:10:50,890 –> 00:10:55,590 a lot If you come to this part, leave it in a room When it gets room temperature, place shiso on the top I used 20 leaves but I think 10 was enough Like this right. And leave in the fridge for hald a day of a day Let’s try it then I left it a whole day. This is how it looks. very good. It is the best timing to eat So let’s go Let’s see the taste Here I go Firstly, give me your bowl, Ko Freshly cooked rice I give you this first, Ko Thanks Wow! Yummy. Tasteful! Here I go too. I looked forward to having this, seriously I think this is the longest pickled pickles So good I am so confident that I can sell this in a supermarket Delicious I love this the best among the cucumber recipe And, plenty of chilipeppers work so well eating with pepper, it gets a bit spicy, and man this is amazing Wow great! Well This is an altimate rice-appetizer I mean You will not get tired of even if you had it everyday This and white rice I could go for a week with this to be honest Shiso is good too I like shiso And sesame. It is better with more shiso and sesame I lost my words This is wonderful This is the best one among our recipe, I mean, pickles recipe I had a lot of processes like boiling This sauce the sauce itself is boiled too so you can store it for a long time for a week to two This is pretty similar to "Q-chan the cucumber" I am sure that it gets a lot of fan Probably 90% of Japanese know the product When it comes to buying It is kind of expensive but if you make it, it doesn’t cost much Very flavorful. Easy to cook. I finished my rice. My rice is about to be gone too One last bite Let’s go Yummy This is fantastic, Ko So today We had Ko cook "addicting cucumber pickles" It is quite similar to the product "Q-chan the cucumber" It is a very easy recipe Besides You can customize the taste like puttin more peppers By puting more or less ginger It is easy to try it home It is really inexpensive when you cook You save a lot of money. What is more, it can be stored for a while It is good for meal prep and Many elder people Watched a whole picked cucumber I was glad about it 38% of the audience was 65 years old or more It was bit surprising but i am so happy that various people watch our channel I would like to try the recipe. It is good with rice. With booxe as well. Please try it home. Today’s cooking is over. Thank you. Thank you for watching. See you. Bye bye.

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Thank you for watching
I want to deliver delicious Japanese-food recipes to the world


[Ingredients] (storage period: about a week in the fridge)
●Cucumber: 8 pieces
●Shiso: 10 leaves
●Ginger: Your amount(“Much” is recommended)
●Sesame: Your amount(“Much” is recommended)
●Red chili pepper: Your amount
●Soy sauce: 100ml
●Sweet sake: 50ml
●Vinegar: 2 tablespoons
●Ago-Dashi (Broth made from flying fish): 2 tablespoons(this makes the difference)
●Sugar: 1 tablespoon
※Ago-Dashi (Broth made from flying fish) can be replaced with noodle soup base or white soup
It enables you to customize the taste precisely like “a bit sweeter”, “a bit spicier”, “more scents of ginger and shiso” and more.
You can have it on your own way and the most delicious cucumber pickles in the world. It is the best part I guess.
It is good with white rice not to mention. It is also good with booze and good for meal prep at the same time.The recipe is very easy to try. Enjoy it in your house!


#こっタソの自由気ままに #無限やみつきキュウリ #きゅうりのキューちゃん #ご飯のお供 #きゅうり一本漬け #ただ漬けるだけ #暑い日に食べたくなる #無限シリーズ #作り置き #夏の風物詩 #夏のレシピ #きゅうり浅漬け #夏バテ料理 #キュウリレシピ #きゅうり大量消費 #冷たい食べ物 #太らないレシピ #低糖質おつまみ #低糖質レシピ #ヘルシー #ダイエット #lowcarbrecipe #dietfood #やみつきレシピ #酒のつまみ #簡単つまみ #こっタソレシピ #男飯レシピ #mukbang #먹방 #男子ごはん #HomeCooking #StayHome #PicklesRecipeCucumber #腌黄瓜 #胡瓜


  1. 動画を何回も見て作りました✨作りながら動画も見ました(笑)うまくできて、おかしかったです。ご飯が進みました。

  2. はじめまして❣️どれを見てもとても美味しそうで、初めてチャンネル登録しました❣️お二人の美味しく食べられる姿にいつもほっこり❤️します。もちろん作りますねー👍

  3. すごいキュウリのきゅうちゃん


  4. 初めまして、今回プランターで初めて自家菜園でキュウリを作り、沢山の収穫があって

  5. 生姜としそが食欲をそそりますね😃

  6. 菜園で沢山取れるきゅーりの消費に困ってたんで大層やくだちます
    その上美味しくて最高です 有り難うございます☀️😃❗

  7. こったそさん、いつもありがとう~どの料理も最高で作る事には、苦になりません、こんなお二人に会えて幸せです😄😄それに相方の方も、人の良さと無理のない表現力、最高ですねぇ、ずっと年配の私でも、楽しみに、毎日見させてもらっています、これからも仲良く頑張って下さいね~🤠

  8. 始めまして😊先日動画を拝見してすでに2回作らせて頂きました!主人と息子に大好評です!

  9. お醤油の塩気もあるからさらに保存がききますよね。これは、作ろう!サンキューです❤️

  10. 作って食べましたよー👍💕ふたりで食べるので多いかと思ってたんだけど、全部食べちゃった😆職場の人にあげようかと思ったのにあんまり美味しくてヤバかったでーす。また作りたいと思いまーす。ありがとうございました。

  11. 早速作ってみました。凄く美味しくて家族も大変喜んでくれました。大変ありがとうございました。次回も美味しい料理楽しみにしています。

  12. キュウリのQちゃん🥒早速やりました!今まで買ってましたが
    手作り良いですね家族大喜び この歳でになるまで 知りませんでした。

  13. いつも完食のお二人のかわいい姿に美味しいんだろうな、、と、お二人より少し年配の?息子が喜んでくれるなか、、と必死にメモりながらちょ

  14. お米の需要が減っているそうですが、こうちゃんの貢献によりご飯支持派が増えるのではないでしょうか?

  15. このきゅうりの漬物、とても気に入りました。水分をぬいてる分、沢山食べれてしまう。リピートして作っています。生姜沢山入れて免疫力アップしたいと思います。

  16. 私は75歳で すごく楽しみにしております 2人のコントが可愛くて 面白くて キューリ是非作ってみます

  17. やっぱり 醤油 酒 みりん 酢なくなるやつ、w
    海外旅行したら まず、漬物食べたい人だから。かぶ、キュウリ、茄子、
    大葉は 旨いよね、なんでも、白ごま大事よね。 作るからねー🌼🤗🌼

  18. すばらしいですね。私も似たものをよく作りましたが、これからは、これでゆきます。

  19. お漬物は日々の食生活の野菜の役割りとして考えてもいいのかなぁ?

  20. 沢山キュウリ大葉有るので作りました。凄く美味しかったよ🎵畑で野菜作ってるので、新鮮でとても美味しいでーす😀

  21. 美味しそうだったので

  22. あ〜、観てたら口の中に水分(ヨダレ)溜まりまくりですw🤤🤤

  23. やみつききゅうり美味しかったです  食べ終わった後のつゆに 新たにきゅうり入れても 大丈夫ですか?

  24. 落ち続けている日本の米消費で、補助金も出なくなり、麦や動物用資料に乗り換える農家が増えているらしい。

  25. 今まで10年以上も、きゅうりの、九ちゃん作り続けていますが、今回のきゅうりの処理の仕方初めてなので、是非作ってみますね😃見た目が市販よようで食感も楽しみです😌💓ちなみにわたしも前期高齢者です。以前の鶏ハムもとても美味しく出来ましたよ~😋