
I’m adding the fresh cream to mix the white wine. I’ll add all of this egg sauce. Hi, I’m Fabio, the chef. I’m gonna make Carbonara today. These are today’s ingredients. Spaghetti/ Egg yolk/ Bacon/ Parmigiano/ Fresh cream/ White pepper/ Extra virgin olive oil Today, I’ll tell you my new recipe of Carbonara

I was asked to make a pasta recipe for this white wine. And he’s here now. This is Mr.Sasaki, the sommelier. Could you tell me about yourself? Hi, nice to meet you, everyone. I’m Sasaki, the sommelier. I do sommelier, teach about wine, and sell the subscription service which you can learn wine at home.

CHATEAU MONTELENA is the first wine we send to our customors. It’s very delicious and has a lot of background. And I want Fabio to make the food which goes well with this wine. What is the feature of this white wine? This is our very first wine we will send to our customors.

This wine is made with Chardonnay. The story is great too. In 1976, people used to think that the good wine was made only in Europe. A wine shop in Paris had a contest “French wine VS American wine”. This CHATEAU MONTELENA was the winner of the contest in white wine division.

That made people think good wine can be made around the world, and now we see various country of good wine. I see, I’ll make the spaghetti carbonara which goes well together with this wine, you are gonna love it.

I’ll cut the bacon first. It’s easy to get, but you can use Guanciale or Pancetta instead. I’ll slice the mushroom, and peel the skin of it. I’ll tear the stem of it. I’ll mix the egg yolk and parmigiano-reggiano.

Today’s sauce is thick, so I recommend the thick pasta. I’ll use the thick spaghetti today. Today’s wine has the acidity according to Mr.Sasaki, so I’ll add the little bit strong salt, 1.5% to the water. I’ll make the sauce then. The amount is for 2 people today. I’ll fry the bacon first.

Bacon doesn’t have much fat on it and is easy to get burnt. So, I’ll add the olive oil to prevent it and the flavor of it makes it more delicious. I’ll heat it up till I can hear the sound from the bacon. High heat.

Now, it’s well heating up and I can hear the sound. That’s the timing I’ll turn down the heat to the midlle. Keep this heat to bring out the umami. If you don’t do well this process, the sauce is not gonna be good. So, I’ll slowly heat it up for 5-6 min.

Now, the oil is coming out from the bacon. Then, I’ll fry the stem of the mushroom next. The stem has the rich flavor, so it’s important to add it. The sauce is gonna be more delicious. I want this carbonara to go well with the white wine, so I’ll add the white pepper.

Gringing the pepper roughly. If you don’t have pepper mill, you can use the knife to crush it. Pepper makes it smell good. The bacon is now roasted well. The excess water is gone away now. I’ll scrape off the umami on the frying pan later. I’ll take off the bacon for now.

I’ll put the hot oil little by little into the egg sauce I prepared before and mix them. By that way, the egg is getting thick by the heat of the oil. This process is one of the key point today.

In the oil, there are umami of bacon and pepper, so that makes the carbonara authentic. Mixing firmly… Like this sauce is already 80% heated up. I’ll mix the boiled pasta and this sauce to finish. Look at this, the thickness is like this.

Usually, people add the boiling water or white wine to scrape off the umami, but I’ll use the fresh cream today to eat with the white wine. It looks a lot, but you know it’s for 2. 70g for 1 person.

If you use the fresh cream too lot, it’s not gonna be the carbonara, but cream pasta. It’s not heated now, I’ll heat it up to boil with the middle heat. The fresh cream is easily boiled down, and gets too thick. So, I always add the heat at last.

Turn down the heat when it’s boiled. It’s important to scrape off the umami on the frying pan. The pasta is boiled now, so I’ll mix it with this sauce. Then, I’ll add the heat again. The fresh cream’s getting thick by the left over heat. Too heating up is taboo.

The starch of the pasta is bring out and that makes the sauce thick too. Turn off the heat. The fresh cream is not too thick, you see. I’ll wait the steam to lightly stop because it’s timing I’m gonna mix the egg sauce with it.

The steam is stopping now, so I’ll put the egg sauce into it. Usually, I have to heat it up to thicken the sauce, but I did the process before, so I don’t have to turn on the heat. All I have to do is just mixing. Look at this, the thickness is already this.

The thickness is perfect now. I can feel the thickness of the sauce. The pasta is mixed well with the sauce, so I’ll put back the bacon now. I’ll arrange it. Roughly grinded pepper/ Sliced mushroom Spaghetti carbonara with the mushroom Itadakimasu. Thank you for making this great pasta. It’s very delicious.

The bacon is so good. It’s really good.



スパゲッティ 70g
ベーコン 40g
卵黄 2個
塩 適量
白胡椒 適量
生クリーム 70cc
パルミジャーノチーズ 7g
マッシュルーム 1個
EX オリーブオイル 大1

0:00 オープニング・材料紹介
0:38 佐々木ソムリエ登場
2:54 調理スタート
12:09 実食・対談
15:11 Q:基本的なペアリングのコツ
16:18 Q:今日のパスタとのペアリングのポイント
19:19 Q:このホームワインで初心者でも分かるようになりますか?
22:53 Q:出汁ベースなどの繊細なお料理に合わせるには
24:45 Q:料理とワインの色の関係性
26:24 Q:初心者がレストランでワインを選ぶコツ

【1冊目 】パスタと出汁に特化したパスタの本🍝
→ https://amzn.to/2SM2SG8
「出汁と素材の味を最大限に引き出す ファビオのとっておきパスタ」

→ https://amzn.to/3n7aQ8b
「自分史上最高に美味しくできる ファビオ式定番おうちごはん」

→ https://amzn.to/3qiv0hw

◆Instagram https://www.instagram.com/fabilog0016/
◆TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@chef.fabio
◆Twitter https://twitter.com/fabico0101


#パスタ #カルボナーラ #ワイン


  1. ちょっとしたワインについての疑問やお悩みがある方はこのコメント欄へお気軽にご質問ください🍷佐々木ソムリエが特別に紳士にお答えしてくれます!(投稿から3日以内)


  2. 色んなシェフ🧑‍🍳のパスタ拝見して、本当に解りやすく丁寧な仕事に感動❤🌟

  3. いつも楽しく拝見しております。ゆったりとした話し方がとても心地よく大好きです。今回のカルボナーラの作り方で、人生初の納得のカルボナーラができました。好きなのに敬遠していたカルボナーラ。これでもう怖くありません。食べたくなったらいつでも食べられます。動画をあげてくださり心から感謝です♡

  4. 動画内では卵黄4つだし、パスタも生クリームも概要欄の分量の倍っぽく見えるので概要欄の分量はあくまでも1人前用で動画では2人前で作ってるで合ってますか?

  5. いつも美味しそうなレシピありがとうございます🎉質問なんですが一般的なスーパーで太いパスタが買えません😢どこで売ってますか?😅

  6. ど素人なんですが今日チャレンジしました。

  7. Thank you chef, I have been trying out this recipe but keep failing, in Malaysia, our version of carbonara is mainly heavy cream, I have been thinking of combining the egg sauce with the heavy cream. Your tips really help! Arigato!

  8. ソース無しパスタや、ピザ素焼は流石に駄目か?と各々試したけど、どちらもワインに合って、良い!と思いました。

  9. 息子がカルボナーラ大好きで、無事に大学合格したので、作って喜んでくれました。

  10. まさかの佐々木ソムリエ登場で、テンション上がりました。

  11. ソムリエ佐々木さんと、シェフファビオのレストランで、お安めで楽しめる食事がしたいなぁ・・・一万円前後くらいで^^;