茄子と鶏肉の甘酢炒め☆少ない油で簡単!柔らか茄子とジューシー鶏肉の簡単おかず☆ご飯が進む甘酢炒め♪-How to make Sweet Sour Eggplant chicken-【料理研究家ゆかり】

Today I made fried eggplant and chicken with sweet and sour sauce. Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher. This channel introduces various cooking recipes and useful information. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel.

Today I want to make sweet and sour stir-fry with eggplant and chicken. This time, I will introduce a simple side dish recipe that will go well with rice. The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make. I hope you’ll have a great time. Please have a look at it.

Easy recipes at home Here are today’s ingredients. Here are the ingredients. Chicken thigh, eggplant, water, soy sauce, vinegar, mirin, sugar, sesame oil, potato starch, salt, pepper, white sesame seeds, green onions. First, I will use about 350 grams of chicken thigh meat per piece.

And the eggplant is a little bit bigger size, this is for 2 eggplants. In g, it is about 250g. This time I use sesame oil, but you can use salad oil, rice oil, or whatever you prefer. I will make it with these ingredients as soon as possible. Easy recipes at home

Now let’s get started. First, I will make the sweet and sour sauce. Add soy sauce, vinegar, mirin, and sugar to the bowl. And mix this well. Mix until you don’t feel the crunch of the sugar. And now let’s add the water here. And then mix it.

You can add the water with the soy sauce. The sweet-and-sour sauce is now ready to use. This one is set aside until ready to use. Now I will continue to cut small green onions for toppings. First going to cut off the root.

Then I cut it in half, and then we cut it in half, and then I cut it in half, and then I cut it in half, and then I cut it in half. And now ready for the little green onions. Now I will continue to cut the meat.

First, going to remove the sinews, excess oil, and excess skin from the chicken thighs. OK. Then going to cut this into bite-size pieces. OK. Cut like this. Then season this with salt and pepper. And then once the chicken is done, going to leave it like that.

Then I’ll continue to cut up the eggplant. First, cut the heft off the eggplant. When you cut it off, I suggest that you cut it off at an angle so that there is no waste. When you cut the heft like this, cut it in half first

After cutting in half, make a shallow slit on the surface of the skin. This makes them crispy and very easy to eat. OK. Now going to cut it into pieces that are easy to eat. It looks like this. Now I’ll cut the other one in the same way.

I cut the eggplant this way. If the part is a little thicker or something, cut it in half even more to make it easier to eat. Place these eggplants in a bowl. Soak the eggplant once in water like this to remove the scum. Also, soaking them in water like this will prevent discoloration.

Now let’s soak it in water for about 5 to 10 minutes. Going to coat the chicken with potato starch. Going to coat this one with potato starch. Sprinkle it like this. Smear the rest in the same way. The chicken is now ready.

And the eggplant should be drained and lightly patted dry with kitchen paper. The eggplant is now ready to be used. Now going to bake them. Easy recipes at home Going to grill the chicken first. First, sesame oil in a frying pan. And then put it on the fire.

Turn the heat on and turn the sesame oil all over the pan. Then reduce the heat to medium-low. And then going to grill the chicken skin side down. OK. When all the meat is placed, turn the heat down to medium. And cook it first until it’s nice and browned.

Bake them in a little more oil to get a crispy finish. Flip them over when they are nicely browned. Be careful not to burn yourself as the oil bounces around. Then cook one side the same way until browned. OK. Turns off the fire for a moment.

If one side is browned like this, it’s OK. Then I wipe off the excess oil here. OK. Be careful not to burn yourself, as the oil splashes quite a bit. And then once you’ve done that, take this chicken out. And then we’re going to cook this one once over the residual heat.

Then I add the eggplant with a little oil remaining. First of all, put the skin side down. OK. And then I’ll put it on the fire. I grill the eggplant first until it’s a little bit softened. The heat is set to medium. When the skin starts to wilt a little, flip over.

And let’s grill the whole surface. Once the eggplant has wilted on all sides, turn off the heat. And then put the meat back in. Heave ho. Let’s mix it up. And pour the sweet and sour sauce that you made here and put it in. And put it on the fire.

Now it is cooked and mixed over medium heat. OK. Now it thickens a little bit, and then we turn off the heat. This is how it turned out to be delicious. Now let’s serve it up. Easy recipes at home Now you have stir-fried eggplant and chicken with sweet and sour sauce.

This is how it turned out. The sweet and sour sauce is also mixed well like this, and it looks delicious. And the eggplant is also tender. Finally, I sprinkled some thread peppers for color. This is out of the amount, so you can use whatever you like. This completes the process.

Now I’d like to eat it right away. Let’s start with the eggplant. Let’s eat. The eggplant is very tender, and the slits in the eggplant skin make it very crispy. Delicious. Now let’s have some meat. Let’s eat. Delicious.

I bake them in sesame oil, so they have a little bit of sesame oil flavor and a very tasty finish. And the meat is tender. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel. It turned out delicious today. The key point of this time’s eggplant and chicken stir-fry with sweet and sour sauce.

First of all, for the eggplant, make a shallow slit in the skin of the eggplant. This makes it very crispy and easy to eat. Then I cut the eggplant, and you can cut it into pieces as large as you like. Please soak the cut eggplant in water.

This will remove the acridity and also prevent discoloration. And here’s the key to chicken. Remove excess sinew, oil, and skin from the chicken first. This makes it very easy to eat.

Cut the stringy part and the meaty part in half, and then cut each half into bite-size pieces, so that they are easier to eat. And this time we grilled chicken thighs in sesame oil. You can use whatever you like for this oil.

However, if you use sesame oil, we recommend you to use sesame oil because sesame oil will accentuate the taste when you eat it at the end. And the meat, when you grill it, make sure you finish it off with the residual heat. That way the meat will be very tender.

And here’s the key to grilling eggplant. When you grill the eggplant, make sure you grill the skin first. Then fry until the eggplant is soft, then add the meat back in and finish with the sweet and sour sauce. The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make.

It’s very tasty, so please try it. Easy recipes at home Today I made fried eggplant and chicken with sweet and sour sauce. I have many other various videos on my channel. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy.

I also post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, so we would appreciate it if you would like to like, follow, and share our posts. Thank you very much. So that’s all for today. Thank you for watching to the end today. Please give us a good button. See you in the next video. Bye.


Hello☆I’m Yukari, a culinary researcher♪
This time, I made stir-fried eggplant and chicken with sweet and sour sauce ☆ You can use less oil! It’s a simple side dish recipe with soft eggplant and juicy chicken that’s excellent to eat ☆ A gem that goes well with rice ☆ It’s also recommended as a snack with alcohol ♪ It’s very delicious, so please try making it ☆

・鶏もも肉 1枚(350g)
・ナス 2本
・水 大さじ3
・醤油 大さじ2
・酢 大さじ3
・みりん 大さじ2
・砂糖 大さじ2
・ごま油 大さじ2
・片栗粉 適量
・塩胡椒 適量
・白胡麻 適量
・青ネギ 適量

・1 Chicken thigh (350g)
・2 Eggplants
・3 tbsp Water
・2 tbsp Soy sauce
・3 tbsp Vinegar
・2 tbsp Mirin
・2 tbsp Sugar
・2 tbsp Sesame oil
・Potato starch
・Salt and pepper
・White sesame
・Green onion






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「Yukari’s Kitchen お家で簡単レシピ」

□著書『料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単! 3時のおやつ』


#茄子 #鶏肉 #料理研究家ゆかり


  1. 【訂正】1:23のテロップが『醤油大さじ2』になっておりますが、正しくは『砂糖 大さじ2』です。編集ミスがあり、申し訳ありませんでしたm(_ _)m

  2. 今の時期 茄子の料理は色々作りますが甘酢炒めはなかったので是非作りたいと思います😃

  3. 今晩の夕飯に作って出したら家族にも大好評でした。

  4. ナスと鶏肉の甘酢炒めを作りました。茄子と鶏肉大好きなのでとても美味しくいただきました。「ご飯がすすむ」その通りです😋

  5. 甘酢だれは少し加熱して、味醂のアルコール分と酢の尖った味をとばす必要はないのでしょうか?

  6. ゆかり先生のレシピで今年は、色々な茄子🍆料理が食卓に上りました。どれも 家にある調味料で 見違える美味しさに‼️ 今回も 簡単で 良質なたんぱく質も摂取出来て有難いです✨🙋✨感謝。

  7. ゆかりさんこんばんは☺️

  8. いつも夕食どうしようって思ってるタイミングで更新されるのでほんとに助かってます。

  9. さっそく作りました!さっぱりしていて夏にピッタリ😍先生のレシピは家にある調味料で簡単!しかも美味しい~💕ナスのレパートリーが増えて嬉しいです!😊ありがとうございます!😆

  10. 今晩は、

  11. 作りました🤗茄子も鶏肉も冷蔵庫にあったので、今夜の夕飯は買い物に行かなくてよかったです😍手軽な材料と調味料で美味しくいただけるのが、いつも嬉しいです😍

  12. 毎回楽しみに拝見しています。

  13. ゆかり先生☺️このメニュー早速作ってみました♪ご飯が進むし、美味しすぎました!!!糸唐辛子トッピングして見た目も美味しそうに作ることができました!周りに教えたい!と思うくらいお気に入りメニューとなりました(笑)ありがとうございます❤️これからも応援してます〜!

  14. 知り合いから茄子を頂いたので作ってみました!

  15. いつも美味しいメニューで楽しみにしてます。ナスも一杯あるので早速作ってみます。★甘酢ダレの砂糖投入のところのテロップが醤油になってましたー

  16. こんにちは✨

    これからも、色々なレシピを楽しみにしています。( `・ω・´)ノ ヨロシクオネガイシマス💕

  17. 作ってみました!

  18. お醤油、大さじ2とのことですが、動画を見る限り大さじ2より多い気がするのですが気のせいでしょうか

  19. 本当に簡単で美味しい料理をありがとうございました❤安いむね肉でも十分柔らかくて美味しかったです。やはり甘酢だれが最強ですね‼️

  20. もう何度も作っています!程よい酸味と甘み、なすと鶏肉の柔らかくジューシーなこと🙌どんどんレパートリーが増えて楽しく🎶お料理ができ感謝です。有難うございます🙏