大葉とチーズのミルフィーユカツの作り方☆巻いて揚げるだけで簡単♪サクサク&ジューシーなお手軽とんかつ!お弁当のおかずにも☆-Rolled Pork cutlet-【料理研究家ゆかり】

Today I made a millefeuille cutlet with shiso leaves and cheese. Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher. This channel introduces various cooking recipes and useful information. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. Easy recipes at home ]Please subscribe to my channel Today I want to make a millefeuille cutlet with shiso leaves and cheese! This time, I would like to make a mille-feuille cutlet by wrapping shiso leaves and cheese around a pork belly. The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make. There are some points to be made here and there, so please enjoy it all the way through. Please have a look at it. Easy recipes at home Let’s start by introducing today’s ingredients. Here are the ingredients. Sliced pork belly, shiso leaves, cheese slices, salt, pepper, flour, bread crumbs, egg, water. Then I will use deep frying oil when frying. I would like to make it with these materials this time. First of all, as for the meat, use sliced pork belly. All in all, this time, eight sheets. In grams, that’s roughly 200 grams. And then there’s the sliced cheese Going to use regular sliced cheese, the kind that doesn’t melt. And when going to cover the bread crumbs, going to make something called "grasshopper liquid. And the ingredients are eggs, flour, and water. And then you mix those three together to make something called "grasshopper liquid," and then you sprinkle it with breadcrumbs, so that it’s evenly and beautifully breaded and crispy. So I’m going to make it with these ingredients right away. Easy recipes at home Now let’s make it. First of all, cut off this stem part of the shiso leaves. Prepare the shiso leaves. That’s it. As for the shiso leaves, please rinse them in cold water and wipe them dry. Next, sliced cheese Sliced cheese, cut the whole bag in half. If you leave this cheese in the refrigerator, it will melt, so keep it in the refrigerator until you’re ready to use it. Then spread out the pork belly. For longer pieces, cut in half. Like this Like this. Keep it off. And then please prepare two pieces of meat. And then stack one piece a little bit, maybe an inch or so, like this. Like this. Make it one piece of meat. And then, you know, you put some salt and pepper here, and then you put some shiso leaves here. And then peel off a slice of cheese and put this in the middle. If the cheese slice sticks out from the meat, fold it in half lengthwise. Then, starting from the front, let’s wrap it around. Make sure you wind it tight. Like this. Yes, wind it like this. Now let’s wind the rest the same way. Finished winding like this. And then, you know, going to dust the top with flour. Sprinkle it all over. This will help it blend better with the grasshopper solution. OK. Please prepare your meat this way. And now going to put the grasshopper liquid and the breadcrumbs on here. Easy recipes at home Now I would like to make grasshopper liquid. First, going to crack the eggs into a bowl. And here is the water. And here’s this. First, you’re going to have to unravel it lightly. And then add the flour. You can put it in without sifting. And mix well so that no lumps form. Grasshopper liquid is now ready. Make sure you mix it thoroughly like this. Now going to add the grasshopper liquid and the breadcrumbs. First of all, let’s put on the grasshopper liquid. And then cut the grasshopper fluid. And then put breadcrumbs on it. OK. And then you can bread the breading on like this. If you use grasshopper liquid, you can get nice and even breadcrumbs. Now let’s coat the rest in the same way. I put the batter on like this. So now going to fry this one in oil. As for the breadcrumbs, make sure they are well-dipped. Now let’s fry them in oil. Pour in about an inch of oil from the bottom of the pan. Then put it on the fire. So going to fry them at about 160 to 170 degrees Celsius, so going to keep the oil warm until then. Now that it’s at the right temperature, we’re going to fry it. When you put the chopsticks into the pan, you should see a fine bubble coming out of the tip of the chopsticks. If it reaches that level, it’s OK. And then we’ll put it in so it doesn’t burn. And going to fry them for about three to four minutes. When the bottom part is nicely browned, flip it over. Be careful not to roll too much or the cheese will tend to pop out. just now, about 3 or 4 minutes into frying. When the surface is crispy and a nice brown color, take it out. Crispy and deliciously fried like this. Now let’s fry the rest in the same way. If you fry them too long, the cheese will tend to pop out, so fry them for about 3 or 4 minutes. All done.. Crispy and deliciously fried like this. Now please let the oil drain off for about 3 minutes. Easy recipes at home Now you have a millefeuille cutlet with shiso leaves and cheese. This is how it turned out. The cross section looks like this, with the cheese melting into a delicious looking finish. And the meat is cooked well. If you cut it and it’s red inside, try microwaving it a little bit. It’s done. Now, I would like to eat Let’s eat. It’s already very juicy. and you know what, it’s very tasty with the aroma of shiso leaves. Delicious. A little bit. I’ll have it with sauce. Let’s eat. It’s so good with lots of cheese already. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel It turned out delicious today. The key to this millefeuille cutlet with shiso leaves and cheese. First, cut the pork belly in half, then lightly overlap the two pieces and roll them up. When you roll it up, first lay down the shiso leaves, then put the cheese slices on top, and roll it up tightly so that the cheese slices don’t stick out. And when you’re done rolling it up, dust it lightly with flour. This flour will help the grasshopper to blend with the liquid. This time, I used grasshopper liquid, which can be made with just three ingredients: eggs, flour, and water. Try making this with grasshopper liquid. And when you dust the breadcrumbs, I hope you dust them well. And then, you know, just fry them for about 3 to 4 minutes. If you fry them longer than that, the cheese will tend to pop out. And when you’re done frying, if the meat is raw, you can lightly microwave it to cook it thoroughly before serving. So if you roll too much meat, it will be hard to cook it. The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make. It’s very tasty, you should try making it. Easy recipes at home Today I made millefeuille cutlets with shiso leaves and cheese. I have many other various videos on my channel. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. I also post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, so we would appreciate it if you would like to like, follow, and share our posts. Thank you very much. So that’s all for today. Thank you for watching to the end today. Please give us a good button. See you in the next video. Bye.


Hello☆I’m Yukari, a culinary researcher♪
This time, I made a mille-feuille cutlet with perilla and cheese☆It’s easy to roll and fry! A simple, crispy and juicy pork cutlet♪ Perfect as a side dish for bento! It’s very delicious, so please try making it ☆

・豚バラ肉 8枚
・大葉 8枚
・スライスチーズ 4枚
・塩胡椒 適量
・薄力粉 適量 / 大さじ3
・パン粉 適量
・卵 1個
・水 大さじ1
・揚げ油 適量

・8 slices Pork belly
・8 Perilla
・4 slices Cheese
・Salt and pepper
・3 tbsp Cake flour
・Bread crumbs
・1 Egg
・1 tbsp Water
・Frying oil







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「Yukari’s Kitchen お家で簡単レシピ」

□著書『料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単! 3時のおやつ』


#とんかつ #豚肉 #料理研究家ゆかり


  1. いつも美味しそうなお料理😍食べ盛りの息子のために作ってあげたいのですが、豚肉にふるう粉とバッター液の粉は米粉でも代用できますか?

  2. 大葉とチーズのミルフィーユ焼き、私10年くらい前から作って家で食べてました~✨

  3. 作ってみたらめっちゃ美味しかったです。

  4. 夕食に作りました。豚バラではなく、特売の豚ロース薄切りを2枚並べて作りました。とても柔らかく、チーズの旨味もあって、好評でした。また作ります!

  5. こんばんは🌃今夜の夕食にしました。チーズと大葉相性いいですね~とっても美味しく頂きましたよ。チーズと大葉の肉巻でもいいですよね。

  6. こちらのレシピ、非常に美味しかったです!

  7. とっても美味しく出来ました~🎵小麦粉と卵をまぶしたら分離しなくて良いですね~🎵(^-^*)Niceです👍️✨


  8. ピザ用チーズで作ってみました😮しっかり巻いたらはみ出しませんでした🎵 普段は大葉が苦手な子供たちもバクバク食べてくれました🙌🍖