🇵🇱 【 Donuts with fragrant rose jam 】* How to make Ponchiki, a traditional Polish confectionery

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Polish traditional yeast donuts that look like malasadas🍩

There is a Polish holiday called “Fat Thursday” when people are allowed to eat their fill in preparation for the Lenten season of abstinence or to consume food.
Ponchiki introduced this time is eaten a lot on this fat Thursday.

Fluffy fried donuts with a wide variety of fillings.

Among them, please try to make Ponchiki with traditional and standard rose jam 🤗


(Material) 12 to 15 pieces

Strong flour 280g
Milk 130cc
2 egg yolks
Granulated sugar 30g
Instant dry yeast 6g
2 g of salt
Butter 20g
A little vanilla essence

Spiritus or vodka, rum, brandy 15cc

Jam or custard cream of your choice

*If you add distilled liquor, the alcohol will evaporate when frying the ponchiki, and it will have the effect of suppressing the absorption of oil.

* Rose jam has an elegant and gorgeous scent, and just using it on yogurt or toast will make you feel very rich.

Please try making it!


1 Comment

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