マルタイスープの活用法・野菜炒め篇【ASMR】 #shorts

I thought I might try some Marutai noodles, so I started boiling them, but as you know, Marutai comes in two servings per bag. Even though I started cooking with the intention of leaving half of the noodles, I found myself ordering extra noodles before I knew it. I’m crazy about it. The chef ordered a bowl of extra noodles. They were a little hard. Because of this, I usually end up with one bowl of soup and seasoning oil left over. Chop the cabbage roughly. Chop the Chinese cabbage roughly. A little carrot. Chop the pork roughly. Add oil and stir fry the meat. Add the carrot. Cabbage and Chinese cabbage. Add the bean sprouts and stir fry. Mix in the Marutai soup. Season with plenty of pepper. Drizzle soy sauce on the surface of the pot. Plate, wood ear mushroom, seasoning oil, let’s eat Restaurant-quality taste – try it!

★公式LINEスタンプ https://line.me/S/sticker/25138359
#けんた食堂 #asmr #マルタイ #野菜炒め


★けんたのリアル愛用品リスト https://www.amazon.co.jp/shop/oi_petit
★けんた食堂公式グッズ https://suzuri.jp/oi_ken
★チャンネル登録お願いします https://www.youtube.com/user/oi8oi


  1. ラーメンスープの粉を、野菜炒めや肉料理の味付けに使うことを覚えると、今日の味付けは…と、考えなくていいから楽だよネ♥️

  2. 麺啜った後の満足そうな「あ"ぁ"~~」が好き