
Welcome to Tetsuko’s Kitchen♥ Well, today, I’d like to share you guys my secret recipe of vegetable tempura. With this recipe, anyone can easily make nice and crispy tempura at home. 😎 Let’s get started. 🐘 All right, please tell me what you use today. For vegetables, whatever you like is fine. For flour (2 types of flour) All-purpose flour is for making the tempura batter stick efficiently to the vegetables. For tempura batter, I use regular flour and corn starch and baking soda. These are important for making tempura crispy And Ajishio (a type of salt), salt and Shichimi togarashi (Seven-flavor pepper) that are for eating tempura with, instead of dipping soup. (For snap peas, rip off the strings.) (For shiitake, cut off the stems.) For cooking efficiently and making them look beautiful, make decorative cuts on the top. For asparagus, peel off the lower part if it’s hard. (For the sweet potato, cut diagonally to make them look beautiful.) (For the egg plant, make some slim cuts) (Spread it like a fan.) (It is okay just to cut it into bite-size pieces) (but fan-shaped pieces look more beautiful.) (Cut off the edible parts of corns.) (Cut the onion into comb-shaped pieces) (and stick them each.) (For the lotus root, cut it into 1cm pieces.) (Mix all the ingredients: 125g of flour, 20g of corn starch, 5g of baking soda, a bit of salt, and 270cc of water.) (Heat up a plenty of oil.) (Slightly coat all-purpose flour.) (Heat up the oil to 180℃.) (Normally, vegetable tempura is cooked in the oil at 170℃ ) (But this batter is blended for cooking at high temperature in a short time efficiently.) (Drop some batter with chopsticks over tempura to make them look beautiful.) (Remove the lumps frequently.) (Do not cook a lot of tempura at once.) When tempura starts to move around like this, it’s done. (Move tempura like this and make the batter vibrant.) (Spread the eggplant, cook the pleat part first) (and then cook the whole thing once the pleat is fixed.) (For shiitake, coat the downside only.) (Tempura is simple. That’s why it’s quite deep♥) (Put the mixed salt aside: 5g of salt, 5g of Ajishio salt and Shichimi togarashi) Tada~. Let’s eat! So good・・・♥



サラダ油  たっぷり
強力粉  適量
薄力粉  125g
コーンスターチ  20g
重曹  5g
塩  少々
水  270cc
味塩  5g
塩  5g
七味  1g


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甘茶の音楽工房(Music Atelier Amacha)

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