春雨サラダの作り方☆手軽な材料で簡単なお惣菜風の春雨サラダ♪美味しく作るコツをご紹介します♪-How to make Vermicelli Salad-【料理研究家ゆかり】

    Today I made a delicatessen-style vermicelli salad. Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher. This channel introduces various cooking recipes and useful information. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. Please subscribe to my channel Today I would like to make a prepared style vermicelli salad.

    Vermicelli salad has a variety of ingredients, each of which can be made with ingredients that are very inexpensive. And I will also show you how to make vermicelli tastes smooth and delicious without being dry. It’s very easy to make, so please enjoy to the end. Please have a look at it.

    Let’s start with the ingredients for the vermicelli salad. Here are the ingredients. Mung bean vermicelli, cucumber, ham, kikurage mushrooms, egg, white sesame seeds, and we’re going to make a broiled egg, so we’re going to use sugar, salt, water, and salad oil for the broiled egg.

    Now let’s move on to the ingredients for the vermicelli salad sauce. Here are the ingredients. Soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, sesame oil, chicken broth, grated ginger, grated garlic, here are the ingredients to make the sauce. There are many seasonings, but I think all of them are ingredients that can be easily prepared.

    Now let’s start making it with these materials. First I will make the sauce. In a pot, mix soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, chicken broth, grated garlic, grated ginger, and here first. Then put it on the fire. Let it heat and boil for a moment, stirring a little.

    Then the sourness of the vinegar will fly away and we will bring it to a boil first. Boiled. Once it boils, we turn the heat down a little bit and heat it like this for 30 seconds. This will remove the tanginess of the vinegar and mellow the overall taste. OK.

    Now let’s let this one cool down. Next, I will make the ingredients. First I return the vermicelli. First, I boil the vermicelli in a frying pan with enough water to cover the vermicelli.

    The vermicelli becomes hard when it cools down a bit, so add 1 minute more to bring it back to a boil. Water has come to a boil.

    The vermicelli I will use this time is the type that is soaked in boiling water to return it, so I turn off the heat when it comes to a boil. Add vermicelli.

    It is the type that is put back in boiling water for 5 minutes, so we will put it in for 6 minutes. Some are put back in boiling water, so please look at the bag you purchased. Then I would like to soak it as it is. It’s been 6 minutes now.

    If it’s back to normal after 6 minutes, it’s ok. Now I would like to rinse this one with water and let it cool. This is ok. Once the vermicelli has been drained thoroughly, we will leave the vermicelli drained for a while. Here is the drained vermicelli.

    Well, the length of vermicelli varies from one thing to another, but I’d like to cut this one a little bit. I cut them about twice. Have ho. It’s ok like this. Next is a kikurage. The kikurage mushrooms are put back in here with water or hot water.

    I think it takes about 20 minutes with water and 10-15 minutes with hot water. Then I’ll leave this one in the water. The kikurage is back. Then I’ll shred this one with the ones that are, well, about the same size. This is ok for the kikurage.

    Cut it into fine, fine pieces like this. Next, cucumbers are cut. First, remove the heft from both ends of the cucumber. Cut cucumbers diagonally first. Thin slices. Cut quite wide. Then cut it into small pieces. I cut the cucumber like this.

    Cucumbers produce water, so I want to blanch the cucumbers with salt here to get the water out of the cucumbers once. This is out of the quantity, but it is salt. Let’s rub it lightly. After you have rubbed for 30 seconds, leave it like this for 10 minutes.

    The cucumber is now 110 minutes old. Then rinse them once and drain them thoroughly. If the water is drained off like this, it is OK. Next, the ham is cut. First of all, let’s take out the ham one piece at a time because it’s stuck together.

    You can pile them on top of each other again. Once you peel it off, stick it back on and cut it in half first. Then we’ll cut this one into smaller pieces as well. Let’s break it up into little pieces. The ham is now ok. Next, let’s make the broiled egg.

    First, crack the eggs into a bowl. When making this broiled egg, add 1 tablespoon of water for each egg to make a very soft and moist broiled egg. Here is 1 tablespoon of water and then about 2 pinches of sugar. and about 1 pinch of salt. Let’s mix this.

    The key to making a beautiful broiled egg is to strain this egg mixture once. This gives a very beautiful result. Well, this is not a must, so if you have time, do it. Here it is filtered once. The egg mixture is now ready. Now let’s cook the eggs.

    First, salad oil in a frying pan. Then spread it thinly. If there is too much oil at this time, it may cause uneven baking, so spread it thinly. Then put on fire. Then warm the pan for 20 seconds. Heat is on medium. Egg mixture is poured in. Turn the frying pan.

    Turn it around like this and heat it while turning it like this until the egg mixture on top stops moving. When it stops moving, put the pan on high heat and cook for 10 seconds. Then I turn off the fire. Turn off the heat and wait 10 minutes at this point.

    Now 1 minute has passed. Then look at it. Can see that the edges are peeling off a little bit. This is what it looks like. Then you hold this peeling edge and peel it off so that you don’t burn yourself. Then I turn it over.

    Now I let it cook for about 30 seconds on the residual heat. Now cut the thinly sliced eggs into small pieces and broil them. Well, I guess I’ll divide this into three equal parts. I’m going to stack them about the same size.

    Cut it in half, fold it up and cut it into thin, thin slices. The eggs are now ok. Now we will combine the ingredients. First of all, we have vermicelli in the bowl. The main vermicelli. And we put more and more ingredients in this. And then ham.

    And then cucumbers that have been thoroughly drained. And eggs. And kikurage. Last white sesame. Here we pour the cooled sauce over it. Pour off. Lastly, sesame oil. And let’s mix this well. At this time, drain off the water from the cucumber and vermicelli, as the water may blur the taste.

    The mixture was mixed like this. This is a little out of the amount, but I think it is the time of year when it gets hot and you want to eat spicy food, so you can add chili peppers if you like.

    This is a personal preference, so you don’t have to put it in if it’s for children. I’d like to add a little bit this time. I think it will add some color. Mix with this.

    You can serve it as is, but if you wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate it for an hour, it will soak up more of the flavors. So I refrigerate this one for 1 hour. Now vermicelli salad is ready. This is how it turned out.

    I added some hawk’s claw at the end, and white sesame seeds and red pepper for toppings. I added this topping at the end. This is your choice. Now, I would like to eat Looks delicious. Let’s eat. Very tasty. Very flavorful. And the vermicelli is slippery and plump. Vermicelli salad is really delicious.

    It can be a main dish, and when you want something more, I think it’s very good. Please subscribe to my channel Another tasty finish today. This is the key to this vermicelli salad. I used the one I used this time, which is to soak the vermicelli in boiling water for 5 minutes.

    I think there are two types of return: one is to return to boiling water and the other is to return while boiling, so please try to deal with each type. The key is to add 1 minute to the boiling or soaking time listed on the bag plus 1 minute.

    This will make the vermicelli tasty and not dry when cold. I used many kinds of seasonings in this recipe, but I used only those that were readily available.

    I also use the same egg yolk as the ingredient in the vermicelli salad, but you can make a very beautiful egg yolk by first straining the egg liquid. Next, pour in the egg mixture and cook on high heat for 10 seconds.

    Then turn off the heat already and leave it on for a minute and it will peel off around it. So if you hold that side and flip it over, you can very easily make a beautiful thinly fried egg.

    If you then shred it, it will become a broiled egg, so please try making it this way! And this time, I also put in the hawk’s claw.

    I put it in to make it a little spicy all of a sudden, but if you want to make it for children, of course you can make it without the chili pepper. All you have to do is cut up the ingredients and mix them together.

    The amount of ingredients depends on how many people will be eating it, but it will serve about 4 people. I think it would be perfect as a side dish for rice, lunch, or snacks for drinks. This is very easy and tasty, so please try to make it. I made vermicelli salad today.

    I have many other various videos on my channel. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. I also post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, so we would appreciate it if you would like to like, follow, and share our posts. Thank you very much. So that’s all for today.

    Thank you for watching to the end today. Please give us a good button. See you in the next video. Bye.


    Hello ☆ I’m Yukari, a cooking researcher ♪
    This time, I made a side dish-style vermicelli salad ☆ It is a very delicious salad with lots of ingredients. All of them can be made with cheap and affordable ingredients ♪ It is perfect for lunch box side dishes, rice side dishes, and sake snacks. We will also show you how to make vermicelli delicious. It’s very easy, so please try it!

    ・緑豆春雨 60g
    ・きゅうり 1本
    ・ハム 4枚
    ・キクラゲ 3g
    ・卵 1個
    ・白ゴマ 適量
    ・砂糖 ふたつまみ
    ・塩 ひとつまみ
    ・水 大さじ1
    ・サラダ油 適量

    ・醤油 大さじ3
    ・酢 大さじ3
    ・砂糖 大さじ2
    ・ごま油 大さじ1.5
    ・鶏ガラスープの素 小さじ1
    ・おろし生姜 小さじ1/2
    ・おろしニンニク 小さじ1/2

    □ Ingredients
    ・ 60g Vermicelli
    ・ 1 Cucumber
    ・ 4 Hams
    ・ 3g Wood ear
    ・ 1 Egg
    ・ White sesame seeds
    ・ 2 knobs Sugar
    ・ A pinch Salt
    ・ 1 tbsp Water
    ・ Vegetable oil

    □ Sauce
    ・ 3 tbsp Soy sauce
    ・ 3 tbsp Vinegar
    ・ 2 tbsp Sugar
    ・ 1.5 tbsp Sesame oil
    ・ 1 tsp Chicken glass soup
    ・ 1/2 tsp Grated ginger
    ・ 1/2 tsp Grated garlic






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    🥚Twitter 料理研究家 ゆかり(@yukari_tamago)




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    #春雨サラダ #お惣菜 #料理研究家ゆかり


    1. 錦糸卵作る時のふんわりしっとりさにお水を入れるとは凄いです。

    2. 春雨サラダ、美味しそう😋

    3. ハムがなかったので、鳥のムネ肉をチンして使いました、

    4. 今日作りました。

    5. いつも錦糸玉子がちゃんとできなかったのでコツがよくわかりました。子供の頃から春雨サラダが大好きです。キクラゲは初めて入れてみます。最近はYou Tubeとゆかり先生のおかげで料理が楽しいです。いつもありがとうございます。

    6. 作りました❗

    7. 春雨サラダ大好き🍀😌🍀ですので、早速作って見たいと思います❗😋これから夏場☀️😵💦、ピッタリのレシピを有り難う御座います❗👍🤩

    8. 作りました。

    9. レシピどうりに作ったらマジで旨かったです!もうスーパーで春雨サラダ買わんで助かりました。🙏🙏🙏

    10. 春雨サラダを作りたくてこのサイトを探しました

    11. 春雨サラダおいしかったです、このたれに肉、人参、キュウリ、レタス混ぜました。何でもあいますね。

    12. おせち料理の一品として、作らせていただきました。

    13. とっても美味しかったです😋母も凄く美味しいね❗と沢山食べてくれました🎵倍量で作りましたがあっという間になくなりました😊

    14. この春雨サラダむちゃくちゃ美味しいです。酢が苦手なんですが火を入れてとばすことにより全然ツンとしなくて美味しいです😊完全にハマってます

    15. 今日の夕飯に作らせていただきました💕とってもおいしかった😊!具材を全部一緒に混ぜればいいので工程も覚えやすくとっても楽チンでした✌️またリピさせていただきます💖ありがとうございます☺️