
It burnt to the good feeling Come this time I would like Babatto Baba rice material is here cabbage 150g pork slice meat 50g potato starch 1 tablespoon salt pinch of further oil 1 teaspoon First cabbage to make a cabbage baked with here of cabbage in will you

On the other hand people in thinly cut you like this I neither worry about the way that the knife is not good to cut your hands and do this that we will cut from both sides cut in half toward the slicer slicer like this passage that in the shredded If you

Just push it, it will fall apart, so if you do this side, you can cut it into fine strips. Since it will be baked this time, you will not eat it with salad, so you can use an appropriate thickness. I put it in a plastic bag

Put this amount in a plastic bag and sell about 1 pack of shredded potatoes. Then put 1 tablespoon of potato starch here . It’s about 1 to 1.5 tablespoons. If you put potato starch, it’s salt. It’s about a pinch recently.

There was too much salt and it was tidied up, so I reduced it quite a bit. Only the salt I use was changed to this month’s salt system, so I felt like I was changing it steadily. This month’s use is this! Pahar Rock Salt Pakistan’s

600 million year old salt! It’s 600 million years ago. This month’s use is this. I’ll put a pinch of this. I’ll have plenty of air in it and sprinkle the cabbage with potato starch without loose stools . It’s ok. The

Appearance hasn’t changed, but it’s coated with potato starch, so you can bake it for a crispy finish! Let’s go first ! On medium heat, just 1 teaspoon of oil is fine! Moisture it has come out and heat over low heat in the Place the cabbage When the frying pan is warmed

A little asked to low heat and then steamed to the lid! A lot of water is coming out of the cabbage It’s been 2 minutes! I will open it Then, it’s a slice of pork roses here. I’ll put it on it. You can use shredded pork or bacon. Then I’ll

Turn it over. I’ll use a slicer! By Ne has been burnt to the good feeling, knob haste first is addicted you recently heated for 2 minutes with a pretty firm also pressing in order is okay And then also cover inside out and from without holding without holding the After a little upside down

, It’s raw walnuts! Baking raw walnuts in an oven toaster at 250 degrees for about 2 minutes and 30 seconds and sprinkling honey on them is the most delicious! Warm walnuts! It’s really fluffy, fragrant and delicious, is n’t it a good feeling? Turn it over! It’s baked nicely. It’s finished. I’d like

To serve it. The baked cabbage is finished here. I’d like to have it with ponzu sauce this time . It has the gentle sweetness of cabbage. The outside is crispy and the inside contains potato starch, so it feels thick ! There is also a feeling of chewyness! Crispy! Fluffy! Toro! Is

By shredded size, I might change is maybe the texture delicious! If you eat it with sauce and mayonnaise, it may be more satisfying to eat . I didn’t put it in this cabbage this time, but you can put soup stock like this. The soup stock in that soup stock pack!

If it’s something that can be opened and used, I think it’s okay to open it and put the soup stock in this kind of soup stock together with the potato starch , so I’d like to make grilled cabbage this time ! Thank you for your high evaluation and channel registration

. If you have any genres that you would like us to make , please leave a comment.



 ▷難 易 度:★☆☆

 ▷ babagohan.jimukyoku@gmail.com
 ▷ https://www.instagram.com/hiro88/
 ▷ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRb3S1sDrNZwTanllRRFljQ


  1. だしパックを破って丸々入れて、ポン酢で美味しく頂きました😋

  2. おいしすぎて何回作ったかわかりません…

  3. 作ってみました!プレーンと出汁入りで。

  4. 今日実際に作ってみたんですが固まらずひっくり返せませんでした。誰か原因分かる方いますか?もしいたら教えてくださいお願いします。

  5. 料理のお願いです❗️



  6. ブダバラ使わなかったけど、

  7. 馬場さんありがとう!!1人暮らしでキャベツの消費に困ってて、且つ最近自分が作ったものがなかなか美味しくできなくて悲しくなってたところでした。材料は家にあるものだし、美味しそうだし夕飯に作れたら良いなと思います😊

  8. シンプルでヘルシーなお好み焼きって感じで、ハマりました!
    鰹節やダシの素を入れると、さらにお好み焼き感、増します︎👍🏻 ̖́-

  9. キャベツを大量にいただいて、消費するのに検索をしたら馬場さん出てきました。

  10. 普通に失敗した。2人分で材料二倍したから?

  11. 私は年寄りですがとても美味しそうで是非作って食べたいです。ありがとうございます。

  12. Hi! First time watching your video. I will do it. Thank you. I love Japanese food. I will learn more recipes. I'm from New York city

  13. 何気無いキャベツ🥬なのに😊!…他のチャンネルでは?音楽🎵が邪魔になったりするのに…何故?か?馬場さまの優しい魔法❤の世界に・・・😊😊😊登録者数の多いのも納得です。応援📣していま〜す。2024年1月29日…JAPAN🇯🇵

  14. コメントせずにはいられませんでした。片栗粉がまぶさってトロトロ。キャベツが信じられないくらい甘い!

  15. 独り身なので本当に料理関係は嬉しいです。色々な方達を参考にしています。簡単・お手軽・低コストで、美味しいのは格別で、別格ですね。

  16. 一昨日も食べました。昨夜も作りました。そして、今夜も食べます。味、栄養、簡単、うまい!飽きませんマヂ。

  17. このレシピに出会えて本当によかったです!

  18. ヘルシーだからダイエットにも良さそう🦧
