もやしのカリカリ焼きの作り方|簡単・節約・ヘルシー!ポリ袋で混ぜて焼くだけ!カリカリやみつき食感!-How to make Crispy Grilled Bean Sprouts-【料理研究家ゆかり】

Today I made crunchy roasted bean sprouts. Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher. This channel introduces various cooking recipes and useful information. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel Today I would like to make crunchy roasted bean sprouts. This time, I will introduce an easy money-saving recipe using bean sprouts. The recipe is very easy to make, all you have to do is add bean sprouts and potato starch in a plastic bag and cook them until both sides are crispy. In addition, I will also introduce a simple recipe for ponzu sauce. The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make. There are some key points here and there, so please enjoy to the end. Please have a look at it. Easy recipes at home Let’s start by introducing today’s ingredients. Here are the ingredients. Here are the ingredients: bean sprouts, leeks, potato starch, melted cheese, salmon, consommé (granulated), grated garlic, grated ginger, olive oil. First of all, I’m going to make this dish with bean sprouts, but I had some leeks left over to add some color to it. I will be making the main dish with some leeks. And then we will also add melted pizza cheese. Can add this as well if you like. It will give a very savory finish if added. I’m going to use a consommé base for the seasoning. I think it would be delicious if you season it with chicken soup stock or dashi stock if you like. Can try this one to your liking. And use olive oil when baking. Can use any oil you like. Now let’s look at the ingredients for the sauce that goes perfectly with the crunchy bean sprouts. Here are the ingredients. Ponzu, olive oil, black pepper, and here are the three ingredients. This is just a mixture, so please try to make it together. I would like to make it right away. Easy recipes at home Now let’s start making them. I’ll start with the tare. Here is the ponzu vinegar, olive oil, and black pepper. Now let’s mix this one well. OK. Now the tare is complete. This is just a mixture, so please try to make it together. Now, let’s continue to make the bean sprout omelet. First, rinse the small leeks in water and wipe them dry. Then cut off the root end and cut in half. Cut in half again and cut into small pieces, matching the cut ends. Can also use the ones sold in supermarkets that are cut into small pieces. Please cut the green onions like this. Next are the bean sprouts. Please rinse this one with water once. After rinsing, place in a colander and thoroughly wipe off the water. This is ok. Now please prepare a plastic bag. This time we will use eye wraps. First I will pour this over like this and put the bean sprouts in this. Next, melted cheese and small onions are added. Add sake, consommé, grated ginger and garlic, and potato starch. And close the mouth with a little air. And let’s shake it shakily. The water will gradually come out of the sprouts, so be sure to work quickly. Coat the whole mixture with potato starch. Like this. Blend like this. So now going to burn it. Make sure to bake it as soon as you dust it with potato starch like this. Easy recipes at home Now put half of the olive oil in the frying pan first. Then put it on the fire. This time we will use a 24cm frying pan. First, turn the olive oil around the entire pan. Then warm it up for about 30 seconds. The heat is medium. When the pan is warm, add the bean sprouts here. Be careful not to let the eye wrapper get on the pan at this point. Have ho. When you do this, spread this one over the whole area. Spread it out as you shape it. Press it down with a rubber spatula a little bit like this. Once it is somewhat shaped, turn the heat up to medium-high. Bake at once in this way. This gives a moist finish. Try baking while pressing down firmly like this. Once they are somewhat shaped, cover them once and continue steaming them like this until they are browned. It has now been a minute and a half. Lid is opened. After opening the lid, let the water evaporate once for 30 seconds. Now check the browning once and when it is nice and brown, flip it over. I think it’s best if you turn it over vigorously or flip it over with a lid or something. This time, I’m going to turn it over. Have ho. This is how deliciously baked it is. When you flip them over, press them down again and drizzle the olive oil you left around them. This will result in a crispy finish on both sides. After adding the olive oil, shake the pan a bit to blend it all together. Now let’s cook it until the underside is crispy while pressing it down like this. Keep the heat on medium-high. One side is now browned. Then I turn it over again. Then I turn the heat up to high and cook it quickly over high heat on both sides for the last time. This makes both sides crispy. I think it should be baked for about 20 seconds. Then I’ll flip it over. Have ho, and then quickly cook one side for 20 seconds on high heat. OK. As you can see, the surface is now crunchy and tasty. Now I would like to put it on a plate. Easy recipes at home Now you have crispy roasted bean sprouts. This is how it turned out. At the end, cut it into bite-size pieces like this and enjoy. The surface is crispy like this. It’s done. Now, I would like to eat Now I would like to eat it as it is. Let’s eat. The bean sprouts are crunchy and very tasty. The sauce is also very tasty on its own, but since I made the sauce this time, I served it with this as well. Let’s eat. This sauce also goes great. Tare makes it more refreshing. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel It finished deliciously today. This is the key to crispy roasted bean sprouts this time. First of all, the bean sprouts, please rinse them in water and then wipe them dry. And for seasoning, this time I’m using consommé based seasoning. Can season this dish with chicken broth or dashi stock if you like. If you use water-based seasoning, it will be hard to make it stick together, so please use granulated seasoning. Then, after thoroughly wiping off the water from the bean sprouts, put all the other ingredients except for the olive oil in a plastic bag and quickly shuffle it around and dust the whole thing with potato starch. After the potato starch has been sprinkled on the bean sprouts, if you leave them as they are, the water will come out of the bean sprouts more and more, so please bake them immediately after sprinkling them with potato starch. And here are some points to remember when baking. First, put half of the olive oil in the frying pan and put all the bean sprouts in the pan. Once all the sprouts are in the pan, spread them out so that they are flat and cook them until they are browned on the surface. I think it is better to grill it while pressing it down lightly with a spatula at this time. The heat level when grilling, if you use low heat, it tends to become sticky, so please use a slightly higher heat on medium. When browned, turn over and cook one side over medium-high heat. When both sides are browned, turn the heat up to high and cook for about 15-20 seconds on each side, I did about 20 seconds this time. This will make them crispier. I used a rubber spatula to flip it over. If you are a little afraid of this, try putting the pan out on a plate or lid and turning it over and over to avoid burning yourself. Please be careful not to burn yourself when doing this as well. And this time I also introduced a simple ponzu sauce recipe. It can be served as it is, but it is very refreshing to eat it with ponzu sauce, so please try this recipe as well. The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make. It is very tasty and you should try to make it. Easy recipes at home Today I made crunchy roasted bean sprouts. I have many other various videos on my channel. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. I also post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, so we would appreciate it if you would like to like, follow, and share our posts. Thank you very much. So that’s all for today. Thank you for watching to the end today. Please give us a good button. See you in the next video. Bye.


Hello, I’m Yukari, a cooking researcher.
This time, I will show you how to make crispy grilled bean sprouts. An easy, healthy, and economical side dish. Just mix it up in a plastic bag and bake! It has a crunchy and addictive texture. It’s very delicious, so please try making it.


・もやし 200g
・小ネギ 2本
・片栗粉 大さじ3
・ピザ用チーズ 30g
・酒 大さじ1/2
・コンソメ 小さじ1
・おろしニンニク 小さじ1/2
・おろし生姜 小さじ1/2
・オリーブオイル 大さじ1

・ポン酢 大さじ1.5
・オリーブオイル 大さじ1
・黒胡椒 適量

・200g Bean sprouts
・2 Small green onions
・3 tbsp Potato starch
・30g Melted cheese
・1/2 tbsp Sake
・1 tsp Consomme
・1/2 tsp Grated garlic
・1/2 tsp Grated ginger
・1 tbsp Olive oil

・1.5 tbsp Ponzu sauce
・1 tbsp Olive oil
・Black pepper







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🥚Twitter 料理研究家ゆかり(@yukari_tamago)




「Yukari’s Kitchen おうちで簡単レシピ」

□著書『料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単! 3時のおやつ』


#もやし #簡単レシピ #料理研究家ゆかり


  1. 先生、こんにちは🌞もやしのシャキシャキ感が美味しそうですね(*^^*)リーズナブルで野菜もとれて素敵なレシピですね💕︎いつもありがとうございます🙏☘️✨

  2. いつもありがとうございます😆💕✨見ながら作りました。カリッとシャキッと香ばしくタレもとても美味しく幸せ🍀です。

  3. こんにちは😊

  4. おつまみにもいい!子供から23時過ぎにちょいちょい、小腹減った~って母の営業時間外に、なんか作ってって言われるので、こういうレシピ最高にありがたい!他に色々入れられそうなのも好き♪

  5. ゆかり先生のレシピの大ファンです。






  6. オリーブオイルが鍵のひとつなのですね。お酒に合うのでは? 今夜はワインをいただこうかと考えております。

  7. 夕食に作りましたがはや、食べてしまいました

  8. ゆかり先生私の脳みそ覗いてる?!ってくらいピンポイントで作りたいもの動画で出してくれる😂この前は肉じゃが食べたいなーと思ってたら出て、今日はなんかダイエットレシピ知りたいなと思ったらこれ!!🥹

  9. 今回も美味しそうですね🎉

  10. ゆかりさんこんにちは!

  11. こんばんは☪いつも楽しみにみております🤗

  12. 冷蔵庫にもやしがあるけど、どうしよう?って思っていたので助かりました😆

  13. いつも美味しい動画ありがとうございます🩷

  14. おつまみにちょうどいい!!

  15. もやしをこんな風に焼くなんて想像もしませんでした。アイデアがすごい!毎回調味料とかもそんなに凝った物もなく、すぐにできそうなものばかりでうれしいです。

  16. とても美味しくできました。説明がとてもわかりやすくて助かります。本当によくアドバイスしていただいて素晴らしい先生だなぁと思っています。今回のもやしのお料理は初めて食べるもやしの味で素晴らしいお料理でした。ありがとうございました。

  17. もやしはシャキッとして、意外とチーズやオリーブオイルともよく合いますね。美味しくてあっという間になくなりました。簡単だから2枚作れば良かった。


  18. IHなので「中火の強火」がうまく出来ず、焦げそうになってきたので火を中火の弱火にしたり・・

  19. チーズが無かったので、家にある色んなもの(ネギ、ワカメ、ジャコ、サクラエビなど)入れて焼きました。