
Hi, I’m Mimi. Thank you for finding this channel.😊 I am a full-time housewife living in Osaka, Japan. I live with my husband in this house. I went to the grocery store today after lunch and just got back. There is a discount grocery store in my neighborhood, but it is not open on many days, so I went there today and bought a lot of vegetables. I am going to start cooking some side dishes today using the vegetables I bought. Time seems to go by very fast these days for me. I think one of the reasons is that I have started posting vlogs and have recently started studying for a new certification. I often feel like I need to do better with my time these days, So, I want to make a lot of side dishes and shorten the time as much as possible. It’s been cloudy or rainy all these days.🌨☔ But it’s getting warmer.😊 I feel spring is slowly approaching. I am going to make following 7 side dishes. 1)Spinach with nuts, 2)Honey Marinated Cherry Tomatoes, 3)Pumpkin salad with raisins and nuts, 4)Potato salad with tuna and cucumber, 5)Dried strips of radish with plum and Shiso, 6)Japanese flavored marinated mushrooms, 7)Chapche I have listed the source (URL) of the referenced recipe in the description box of this video. I start prepping. I’m going to wash the vegetables using the scallop powder that just arrived at my house this morning. My mother found this online and sent it to me. It is said that soaking vegetables in water with scallop powder for 5 to 10 minutes removes pesticides and dirt from the surface of vegetables. Season 150 g of beef to be used for japchae. Rub the beef with 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 1 tablespoon sake, and 2 teaspoons sugar, and let sit for 1 hour. About five minutes passed. Something is floating on the surface.😶 Maybe, It is a wax on the surface of the vegetable…? Finally, rinse it off with water. I make the first item, spinach with nuts. Boil spinach in salted water. For the spinach with nuts, I used 1 bag of spinach. While the boiled spinach is cooling, crush the nuts. I used cashews and walnuts. The cooled spinach is squeezed dry and cut into bite-size pieces. Dress 1/2 tablespoon sugar, 1/2 tablespoon soy sauce, and nuts and it is done. The nuts were not as crumbly as I expected and were very crunchy.😂 I make the second item, honey marinated cherry tomatoes.I prick the tomatoes with a fork around the heft to make it easier to peel them out of the hot water. After the tomatoes have been soaked in boiling water for 30 seconds to cool, peel them. I used about 15 cherry tomatoes. Dress the tomatoes with 1.5 tablespoons of honey, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, 1/2 tablespoon of your choice of oil, and a pinch of salt and it is done. I tried to use linseed oil for the them. I would make a 3rd item pumpkin salad with raisins and nuts. Wet the pumpkin (1/4 of a piece) with water, place in a heatproof bowl and microwave (500w) for about 6 minutes. When the pumpkin is off the heat, cut off it’s skin and mash. Add the nuts and raisins, 1 tablespoon of oil of your choice, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 1/2 teaspoon sugar, and that’s it. This looks like a dessert.😊 It looks good on bread~. I make a fourth dish of potato salad with tuna and cucumber. Soak 2 potatoes in water for 2-3 minutes. Rub cucumber on a wooden board with salt and cut into thin round slices. Drain potatoes and microwave (500w) for 8 minutes. Remove the stems of the shiso leaves and shred them.I will also use shiso leaves in the next salad I make~. Mash potatoes, add shiso leaves, cucumber and tuna (1 can), Dress with 1 teaspoon soy sauce, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 teaspoon vinegar, and 1/3 teaspoon salt and it is done. Make the fifth item, kiriboshi-daikon (dried strips of radish) with ume shiso paste. Wash and rehydrate kiriboshi-daikon (dried radish, 30g). Cut carrots (1/2) into strips, place in a heatproof container, and microwave (500w) for 2 minutes. Cut kiriboshi-daikon (dried daikon) that has been rehydrated in water into bite-size pieces. carrots, kiriboshi-daikon, shiso leaves, ume paste, and roasted sesame seeds Add 1.5 tablespoons sugar, 1 tablespoon vinegar, and 1/2 tablespoon soy sauce. I make the sixth dish. Japanese flavored marinated mushrooms. I used enoki mushrooms (1/2 bag), shimeji mushrooms (1/2 bag), and shiitake mushrooms (5-6). When the garlic is fragrant, saute red hot pepper and mushrooms. When the mushrooms are cooked, add 3 tablespoons sake and bring to a boil. 4 tablespoons vinegar, 2 tablespoons soy sauce, 2 teaspoons sugar, 1/2 teaspoon chicken broth Add mushrooms to it, and when it is heated through, it is ready to use. I make a seventh dish, Japchae. This is the last one~:) Fry pre-seasoned beef (150 g) and boil glass noodles (60 g). When beef is cooked, add 1/2 carrot, 1 bag spinach, 1/2 bag enoki mushrooms, and shiitake mushrooms. Add 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, a pinch of salt, riced sesame seeds, and vermicelli, mix well and it is done. This looks good as a main dish~.😊 I might try it in my husband’s lunch box. This is the first time I have made seven dishes at once.I felt like I was running a marathon along the way. LOL Cooking these at once was a bit of a challenge.But these side dishes are going to give me not only more time but also more room for my mind. It’s heavy.😂 I’m a little tired, so let’s take a short break after the dishes are washed. What shall I drink?😊 I decided on a black tea with apple and rose flavors. I will also have some nostalgic sweets. Jelly beans, I have loved them since I was a child.😊 Thank you for watching to the end. I’d be happy to see you again.😊










00:00 オープニング
01:53 下準備
02:33 ほうれん草のナッツ和え
03:13 ミニトマトのはちみつマリネ
03:50 かぼちゃとレーズンとナッツのサラダ
04:45 ツナときゅうりのポテサラ
05:48 切り干し大根の梅しそ和え
06:28 きのこの和風マリネ
07:16 チャプチェ
08:44 ティータイム

Cardigan & Dress: GU

【Mimi vlogごあいさつ】



  1. おすすめに出てきて見てみたら私好みの動画でチャンネル登録しちゃいました😊