ジャージャー麺の作り方☆スタミナ抜群!本格的なジャージャー麺がお家で簡単に作れます♪肉味噌の食感も楽しめる逸品です。-How to make Jar Jar noodles-【料理研究家ゆかり】

Today I made zhajiangmian. Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher. This channel introduces various cooking recipes and useful information. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel I would like to make zhajiangmian today.

This time, I would like to make zhajiangmian, which is perfect for this season, refreshing to eat and full of stamina. There are a few more ingredients, but the process itself is very simple. There are some important points, so please enjoy it to the end. Please have a look at it.

Easy recipes at home First of all, let’s start with the ingredients for the meat miso. Here are the ingredients. Minced pork, boiled bamboo shoots, shiitake mushrooms, green onions, ginger, garlic, water, soy sauce, sake, sweet soy sauce, chicken stock, sugar, pepper, sesame oil, potato starch I will make meat miso with these ingredients.

This zhajiangmian has many seasonings, but the mixture of various seasonings makes it sweet and rich, resulting in a delicious zhajiangmian. Speaking of slightly different seasonings, here’s some beet sauce. This is sweet miso. This beet miso is sold in supermarkets, so please check it out.

Other than that, there are no unusual seasonings, so I think you can easily find everything you need. I will use sake for this dish. And if you want to add a little spiciness, you can add 1/2 teaspoon of soybean paste. And here are the other ingredients. Here are the materials.

Chinese noodles cucumber green onion sesame oil raayu. The rest will be made with these ingredients. First of all, Chinese noodles, this is the boiled type. And cucumbers for toppings, and these green onions are used as white onions. And finally, Chinese chili oil is optional. This amount is for two people.

Now let’s start making it with these ingredients. Easy recipes at home Now let’s make it First of all, I cut the ingredients for the toppings. First, I’ll start with the cucumbers. Cucumbers are first cut diagonally. Then the cucumbers are cut into small pieces, overlapping the number of pieces that are easy to cut.

Like this. You can cut the cucumbers any way you like. You can cut cucumbers any way you like. The cucumbers are now ready. Then going to make the white onions. First, cut the white part of the leek in half. The core of the leek looks like this, so we remove it.

Going to use this part that I’ve removed for the meat miso. I shred only this thinned portion around the meat. OK. Shred like this. And then put the shredded leeks in water like this and quickly rub them like this and leave them in the water like this. That’s it for the green onions.

Easy recipes at home Then I cut up the ingredients for the meat miso. First, going to chop up these green onions. You can chop them in any way you like. You can easily chop them by making a vertical slit like this and then cutting them in a bundle. Chop it up like this.

And now chop this part that we didn’t use earlier. And let’s put them both together. Now ready for the leeks. Next are the shiitake mushrooms. The shiitake mushrooms are first cut off at the stem. Then I coarsely chop the shiitake mushrooms. You can cut them in any way that’s easy for you. OK.

Chopped like this. Cut off only the hard part of the shaft here and chop this one in the same way. The shiitake mushrooms are now ready to use. Then the bamboo shoots. Bamboo shoots are chopped in the same way. You can cut them in any way you like.

Bamboo shoots are about this size. Bamboo shoots should be chopped a little coarsely. Then go on to mince the ginger. You can do this the easy way too. Ginger can be done either with or without skin. Now going to chop it into small pieces.

If you don’t have fresh ginger, you can use a tube of ginger. Mince the ginger like this. And finally mince the garlic. And then going to remove the garlic cloves, because there’s garlic scapes inside the garlic cloves, and we’re going to remove these. Now going to mince it the same way.

The garlic is now ready to be used. Easy recipes at home Now let’s go on to matching the seasonings. First, soy sauce, then sake, then sugar, then soy sauce, then chicken broth, then sugar. Mix these well. If you don’t feel the crunch of the sugar, you’re good to go.

Next, I’ll make the potato starch. Add water to the potato starch. Then mix. Now you’re ready for the water and potato starch. Easy recipes at home So now going to make the meat miso. First, going to put some sesame oil in a frying pan. Then add the garlic and ginger.

Add this and put it on the heat. Stir-fry over medium heat until the garlic and ginger are fragrant. The garlic tends to burn easily, so be careful not to burn it. Add the ground pork when it starts to sizzle and become fragrant in the frying pan.

Then add the minced pork and stir-fry while breaking it up. Let’s fry them using the whole pan. When it’s about 90% cooked, add the shiitake mushrooms, leeks, and bamboo shoots. And let’s fry them. I stir-fry while breaking up the meat like this so that it becomes dry and fluffy. OK, here we go.

When the vegetables are cooked like this, I turn the seasonings that I have combined here. And then I add water. Now let’s mix it Once the mixture is well mixed, turn the heat down to low. Continue to simmer for 2 to 3 minutes. Now simmering for 2 minutes.

That’s about what the juice is like when you do it like this. When it’s like this, you’re good to go. If you taste it a little bit more and the flavor is well absorbed, it’s good to go. And then I’ll add the pepper. And mix it. Then I turn off the fire once.

When the sizzling stops, pour in the dissolved potato starch that you have prepared. Make sure to add the potato starch after turning off the heat. And mix once before turning on the heat. This prevents the potato starch from clumping together and gives it a beautiful finish.

After mixing all the ingredients, heat again until thickened. OK. Cook it down until it thickens like this. Now the meat miso is ready. Easy recipes at home So now going to boil the noodles. Please boil the noodles according to the boiling time indicated on the package.

Put the noodles into boiling water while loosening them. Continue to boil. I’m going to boil my noodles for 2 minutes, so I’m going to boil them for 2 minutes. If you like them hard, you can adjust the boiling time to your liking. Turn off the heat after some time has elapsed.

Now I drain the water. The water is drained off. After draining the water, I pour sesame oil over it. And then toss it all together. The noodles are now ready to be served. Now I’d like to serve it. Let’s put the noodles in first. I put the noodles in like this.

And then pour meat miso over it. And here are some green onions. And finally, cucumbers. This is how it turned out. You can do your own serving here if you like. Easy recipes at home Now you have zhajiangmian. This is how it turned out. Sprinkle some raayu on top if you like.

Like this, with lots of meat and miso, it looks delicious. Now, I would like to eat. Let’s eat. It’s the best. The meat miso seasoning is the best. And the texture of these bamboo shoots is great. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel So it turned out delicious today.

Here are the points for zhajiangmian this time. First of all, this time going to have some unusual beet sauce, and by adding this beet sauce, I can make the zhajiangmian more authentic. You can easily buy this beet sauce at the supermarket, so please check it out.

And as for the vegetables and other ingredients, you can enjoy the texture if you chop them a little coarsely. And here’s what you need to know when you fry them. When you fry the garlic first, and then the ginger, but be careful not to burn the garlic, because it burns easily.

After that, stir-fry the ingredients in order, then add the seasonings. And as for the potato starch, make sure to add it after turning off the heat. This will prevent lumps of potato starch from forming and allow the mixture to thicken nicely.

I think it would be great if you could just add Chinese noodles and pour it over the top. Lastly, this time I added some raayu (Chinese chili oil), but you can serve it as you like.

And if you want to make the meat miso a little spicier, you can add some soybean paste along with it. This recipe is for two people, but I made a little more meat miso, so if you have leftover, you can wrap it in lettuce and enjoy it.

It is very tasty, so please try making it. Easy recipes at home I made zhajiangmian today. I have many other various videos on my channel. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy.

I also post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, so we would appreciate it if you would like to like, follow, and share our posts. Thank you very much. So that’s all for today. Thank you for watching to the end today. Please give us a good button. See you in the next video. Bye.


Hello ☆ I’m a culinary expert ♪
This time, I made jar jar noodles ☆ Excellent stamina! You can easily make authentic jar jar noodles at home. It is an excellent jar jar noodle that you can enjoy the texture of meat miso. It’s very delicious, so please try it.

・豚ひき肉 200g
・たけのこの水煮 50g
・しいたけ 2個
・長ネギ 30g
・生姜 10g
・ニンニク 1片
・水 80ml / 大さじ2
・醤油 大さじ1
・酒 大さじ1
・甜麺醤 大さじ1.5
・鶏ガラスープの素 小さじ1/2
・砂糖 小さじ1
・胡椒 適量
・ごま油 小さじ2×2
・片栗粉 小さじ1
・中華麺 2袋
・きゅうり 適量
・長ネギ 適量
・ラー油 適量

・200g Minced pork
・50g Boiled bamboo shoots
・2 Shiitake mushrooms
・30g Green onion
・10g Ginger
・1 Garlic
・80ml / 2 tbsp Water
・1 tbsp Soy sauce
・1 tbsp Sake
・1.5 tbsp Tianmian sauce
・1/2 tsp Chicken glass soup
・1 tsp Sugar
・2 tsp Sesame oil×2
・1 tsp Potato starch
・2 Chinese noodles
・Green onions
・Chili oil






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「Yukari’s Kitchen お家で簡単レシピ」

□著書『料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単! 3時のおやつ』


#ジャージャー麺 #肉味噌 #料理研究家ゆかり


  1. お店レベルで格段に美味しさが伝わってきます。

  2. 夏休みのお昼ご飯の献立に毎日頭を悩ませているので😂本当助かります💡
    動画を見たのがネットスーパーの注文をしている最中で📱甜麺醤を注文してみたので 早速 明日にでも作ります😆
    ジャージャー麺は子供が給食で好きなメニューだったのですが、家では一度も作った事がなかったので ゆかりさんの動画が良いきっかけになりました🤗

  3. 飾り用のきゅうりは、塩揉みや、水分をおさえたりなどはせず、そのままで良いのですね🥒

  4. こんにちは!初コメです。最近登録した者です。


  5. やったー

  6. ジャージャー麺、大好きです。

  7. とても満足感のあるジャージャー麺ですね!きゅうりのシャキシャキ感がすごく良いアクセントになっていますね(•‿•)

  8. ジャージャー麺は学校の給食で人気ナンバーワンのメニューでした😍

  9. ジャージャ麺大好きです❣️今夜の早速作ってみます😁いつもありがとうございます💞

  10. ジャージャー麺大好きです。

  11. 今回は、ジャージャー麺ですね。暑い季節にぴったりのピリ辛肉味噌で美味しそうです。ぜひ作って見ます。

  12. 美味しそうなジャージャー麺❣️

  13. メモ失礼致します。
    ・豚ひき肉 200g
    ・たけのこの水煮 50g
    ・しいたけ 2個
    ・長ねぎ 30g
    ・生姜 10g
    ・にんにく 1片
    ・水 80ml/大さじ2
    ・醤油 大さじ1
    ・酒 大さじ1
    ・甜麺醤 大さじ1.5
    ・鶏ガラスープの素 小さじ1/2
    ・砂糖 小さじ1
    ・胡椒 適量
    ・ごま油 小さじ2×2
    ・片栗粉 小さじ1
    ・中華麺 2袋
    ・きゅうり 適量
    ・長ネギ 適量
    ・ラー油 適量

  14. 甜麺醤 気にはなっていたので これを機会に買ってみたいと 思います。以前 ジャージャー麺 を たべた時に 家族が 冷し中華 より こっちの方が良い ⤴️ と… 。 手作りしたら さぞ喜んでくれますよね😃✨ゆかり先生 有難うございます。明日から仕事休みなので チャレンジします。そうそう 先程実家へ お線香あげに行きましたら 新鮮な🥒を貰いました。美味しく作れる気がします😊😊頑張ります‼️

  15. ジャジャー麺ですか?  地元では麺は中華麺でなく、うどん平麺です!! 生姜、ニンニクを味噌に混ぜて食べます❕ 専門店あります!

  16. これは絶対に美味しいやつ!!

  17. ゆかりさんこんばんは🤗

  18. 肉味噌美味しそうですね☺️

  19. お店で食べた事なかったので、甘ったるいイメージだったのですが、ゆかりさんのレシピ凄く美味しかったです。また食べたいと家族に言って貰えました♪

  20. 美味しそうですねー‼️私ジャージャー麺食べたこと有りません、、冷やし中華は大好きでよくつくります、、でもこれ見ていてつくりたくなりました、、息子ラーメン好きなので丁度良かったです、、いつもながらほんとにわかり易い、、ありがとうございます‼️