
    Modegi from Taimeiken here. Today, I’ll show you how to make the spaghetti meat sauce I have been making for a long time, but with a little twist this time. The key in today’s recipe is the thickness of the spaghetti. It’s usually common to use ones between 1.6 to 1.9mm, but the vogue these days is to use ones thicker than 2mm. It’s the thickness of old classic Japanese spaghetti. And while even the thicker ones are between 2.2 to 2.4mm, we’re going to use 2.5mm ones today. So that it will be a delicious and very satisfying pasta. So let’s get started. The tomatoes are already cut into 5mm cubes. So we’ll first cut the onion. Leave the head part here, and first, make the cuts along the fiber. After that, turn it sideways, make a horizontal cut to it, and simply chop it into pieces. We’re not using the head, so don’t forget to remove it. You don’t need to cut it finely. Cut it a little rough to preserve the texture. Put them into a bowl. Next, with the garlic. First, cut it in half. Remove the green part if there’s any. Chop it finely. Make some cuts first, and then chop it. The tomatoes are already cut, so that’s only the cutting today. Today, we’re using 2.2mm spaghetti, so we’re boiling it for 13 minutes. And in that 13 minutes, I’m going to finish everything up. Add salt. 10g salt to 1L water. Put the noodles. It’s just that simple. Then put the lid on. So let’s start finishing up. Can you take this away? Let’s start cooking. If you liked today’s video, please give us a like and subscribe to our channel! It’s our brand new frying pan on sale, by the third generation of Taimeiken. First, add 1 tbsp olive oil. Don’t bring up the heat too much, or it will burn easily. Add the garlic first. It’s starting to smell good. Bring up the pan like this to prevent burning, because the low heat in a restaurant is quite strong in a household stove. It just burns easily. Now add chopped chili pepper. And add the onion before everything burns. Now the onion’s in. Let the onion get wilted. Turn the heat a little lower. It’s professional grade, so it’s very high-power. Stir it constantly to prevent it from burning. Once the onion has turned brown, we’ll add the ground meat. Today, it’s a mixture of pork and beef. You could use 100% beef, but I think it would taste sweeter with a little pork fat. It’s easiest if you can move it around the trivet. It’s easier than turning the heat on and off if you can just move it around and bring it up to adjust the heat. It’s got beef and pork and has a little bad smell, so add white wine or sake to get rid of it. Add pureed tomatoes as they get cooked. You can also use a can of whole peel tomatoes in a blender. You can use either of them. But because they are different in coagulation rate and you have to filter it first if you use canned tomatoes, it’s easier to go with prepared tomato puree. Prepared puree doesn’t have extra seeds or anything in it, so I think it’s easier that way. It’s already looking kinda like a meat sauce, but today, we’re adding tonkatsu sauce to make it look more like a demi-glace sauce. This will make it sweeter. It’s a yoshoku dish, so we’re adding a little ketchup to taste. We could say it’s now ready, but we’re adding some Maggie bouillon to give more richness. Put it in powder without dissolving so it will be more and more flavorful. Now, there’s still some sourness left in it, so we’ll add honey to make it more full-bodied. You could use sugar if you don’t have honey, but honey gives it more natural sweetness. You only need a little. Now here’s where miso paste comes into play. It tightens up the taste. It’s not absolutely necessary, but adding it tightens the taste. It’s white miso. Just like that. Now let’s check the taste. It’s full-bodied and delicious. Here, add salt and white pepper. I think it’s been like 10 minutes or so. How’s the spaghetti? Okay, it’s coming. Look at these thick noodles. Put them in. Mix together. Thick spaghetti noodles are in vogue these days. Add a little boiling water. Add the boiling water if the sauce gets boiled down. Here, add some Parmigiano cheese. We’ll add it again later. It’s getting kinda like a ragout. Now stop the heat, and let’s serve on a plate. A little olive oil and salt to the tomatoes. [Put parsley and Parmigiano cheese on top.] [Drizzle olive oil at the end.] Now the meat sauce spaghetti is ready! Muto: Thank you for the dish! Now let’s eat. [Today, our Tokyo-region staff Muto tasted the dish.] I can see the meat sauce is so well done that it’s hard to believe it was just made while boiling the noodles. It’s not just spaghetti with the meat sauce on it, but it’s mixed together and looks so nice. Chef: Yeah, I used to just put it on top, but now, we serve it mixed. Muto: It tastes so rich! The pork and beef are coarsely ground and prepared in the restaurant, so they should feel quite heavy. So I guess we also better use coarsely ground meat when we make it at home. It’s the thick noodles that bring out the meat flavor. Chef: Yeah, thicker spaghetti is all the rage these days. Muto: Thank you very much again for showing this amazing recipe today. Chef: Thank you. I look forward to having you again. Modegi from Taimeiken here. Please come and eat our delicious yoshoku dish. We look forward to your visit.





    合いびき肉 150g
    オニオン 1/2個
    輪切り唐辛子 10g
    にんにく 1片
    白ワイン 大さじ1
    粉末コンソメ 5g
    はちみつ 小さじ1
    ケチャップ 大さじ1
    中濃ソース 60g
    味噌 小さじ1
    トマトピューレ 200g
    パスタ(2.2mm) 150g
    粉チーズ 適量
    パセリ 適量
    フルーツトマト 2個

    ・鉄人のピリ辛ミートソース|赤坂四川飯店 陳建一シェフ

    ・たいめいけん 茂出木シェフ×ChefRopia たんぽぽオムライス

    (仮店舗) 東京都中央区日本橋室町1-8-6
    1F 平日  11:00~21:00(L.O.20:00)
       日・祝 11:00~20:00(L.O.19:00)
    2F 11:00~15:00(L.O.14:00) 17:00~21:00(L.O.20:00)
    1F:月曜日   2F:日曜日・月曜日・祝日
    ↓google map↓

    ◇Gourmet Studio FOOVER





    Our cooking channel introduces friendly recipes and ‘HOW TO COOK’ tutorials directly shown by professional chefs in Japan – presented by Gourmet Studio FOOVER and CUISINE KINGDOM.



    1. 炒めるときにもパルミジャーノ入れてて贅沢で素敵。茂出木モデルのやつ、俺がフライパン買ったころはミニレシピブックがついてたんだよね懐かしい。

    2. 本当に美味しそうですね、真似します!

    3. これはうまそう。 とんかつソース入れたり、味噌入れたり、日本のシェフのいいところが出てます。最後にトマトのせるあたりもさすがプロらしいですが、ゆでてる間にできるとか、家庭の実情を実によく考えてますね。 いままでまとめて作ってましたがこれならこまめに作れそう。

    4. 茹でている時間内に作れるって

      編集担当 サチ

    5. 家庭で用意できる材料で作れるのも良いし、麺茹でと同時並行でソースが完成するのも良い。


    6. とんかつソース、味噌、蜂蜜、ケチャップなどで時短料理の宿命?であるコク不足を上手く補ってこれは美味そう。