How to cut a pineapple 🍍

here is how to cut a pineapple into Spears and bite-sized pieces we’re going to start by cutting off the top and the bottom as close as you can we don’t want to lose any of that delicious sweet pineapple flesh you can see this one is really ripe just by that gorgeous golden color and also you’ll see how juicy it is here in just a minute we’re going to shave off all of the sides around the pineapple and then pull off any of the eyes that you see this one is super ripe and it’s really easy to get those little eye pieces off sometimes I’ll get my peeler out and use it like your kind of like cutting out the with the end of your peeler from there I’m going to cut the core out of the inside of the pineapple and then cut into the spears that you see there and if you want them into bite-sized pieces you can then just give your cutting board a little twist and then run your knife through cutting into those small bite-sized pieces perfect for snack or fruit salad be sure to follow along for more cooking tips and budget recipes

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