
A couple living in Tokyo purchased an old farmhouse in Nagano Prefecture. With the goal of creating a modern Japanese-style residence with a ‘ninja house’ theme, Two DIY novices, despite their confusion, Are working hard while enjoying the renovation! That’s what this video is all about. Everyone, It’s been a while since we last checked in. Finally, we’ve finished editing the footage from May to July (a bit late), So please enjoy this compilation of the latter half of our foundation work. So, moving on… The second half of our foundation work features the much-awaited mortar work. We began by preparing materials such as blocks and reinforcing bars. read online that ‘wetting the blocks makes them adhere better to the mortar,’ So we decided to give it a try based on that advice. We’ll soak only the adhesive surface with water when it comes to the mortar. The rest, we’ll leave untouched until we start working. Next, we’ll prepare the rebar to insert into the gaps between the blocks. Since we couldn’t find pre-cut rebar at the home center, We decided to cut it using a tool called a ‘rebar cutter-bender First, let’s give it a try as a test run. KATSUWO: Wow, that’s amazing! WAKAME: It cut in an instant!" The sharpness is quite impressive. Next, we’ll have WAKAME give it a try. WAKAME: I can do it too! It didn’t require as much strength as we thought, so WAKAME could handle it too. WAKAME: I feel like I can handle anything now. I can handle anything now. WAKAME-san is reliable! Thanks to WAKAME’s impressive performance, We quickly completed the task of cutting 20 pieces of rebar. The blocks have absorbed water nicely, So, it’s time to start the mortar work. First, we’ll arrange the blocks. Next is the mortar mix: one bag of cement, One bag of river sand, Two bags Three bags, We mix it well before adding water. Once it’s mixed, we slowly add water, And finally, the mortar is ready. My first time applying mortar, And the memorable moment of the first application is right here. Here we go. Oops… Squish~ It didn’t go so well… Let’s regroup and continue. After applying a bit, We place wooden blocks of the same height as the cinder blocks, And check for the correct level. It’s slanting, so it’s not right. It’s too high. It’s too high, so it won’t work (2nd time). It’s not level, so it won’t work. It’s too high, so it won’t work (3rd time). It’s not level, so it won’t work. It’s not level, so it won’t work. It’s level now! The height is good too! On the eighth try, we finally succeeded. Time is running out, so we need to hurry a bit.. As we got more accustomed, our speed increased… Rain.. Covered with a blue tarp to stay dry. Taking shelter from the rain and a short break. The rain is starting to let up. Since it’s turned into a light rain, we decided to resume. We want to finish before it gets dark, so we’ll pick up the pace. Now, onto the very last one! The height is okay! Is it level…? That’s it for today. Good job! Two days later, Since it rained yesterday, we were worried if the mortar had set… But it had indeed set Today’s task is… Filling the holes in the blocks with mortar, rebar, and anchor bolts. We pour water into the cement and river sand mixture we mixed the day before. Mixing it ahead of time makes it easier! However, we had no idea at that moment that this would be a big mistake… Well, let’s put that aside for now. Filling the holes in the blocks with mortar, And smoothing it with a trowel. Filling the holes with mortar, And smoothing it with a trowel. Between the blocks, We place cut rebar and mortar, And smooth it with a trowel. Surprisingly, we found this task quite enjoyable, and both of us worked silently. Before we knew it, we had finished. For the remaining holes, we will insert anchor bolts connecting the foundation and base. How can we ensure that all bolts go into the same position in the holes…? After some thought, we decided to create positioning tools. When we tried it once before the actual work, it worked well. What about the actual work…? It’s working fine! We inserted the bolts into 11 holes using the same method. Finally, the last one. We successfully completed it! Now, we wait for it to set. One week later, It should have set after a week… Seems fine. The bolts should be securely fixed…! Why? The bolts we painstakingly buried haven’t set at all… Upon investigation, we found out that a mixture of mortar and river sand, when mixed without adding water, is called ‘dry mixing.’ It can harden due to the moisture contained in the sand even without adding water. So, we learned that dry mixing must be used up on the same day it’s mixed. Well, it was a valuable lesson. So, no time to laze around; let’s get right back to it! First, we remove the remaining mortar debris from the holes… And create fresh mortar using materials just taken out of the bag. In addition to the same method as last time, This time, we added a step to remove air from inside. With this, it should work, but… let’s see. After redoing the work, we prepare for pouring concrete. Pouring the concrete, It’s just a small shed on the second floor, so we don’t need a raft foundation, But for practice and learning purposes for the main house construction,We decided to try it out. First, we install spacers in six locations. Next, we lay down the wire mesh… Let’s start making concrete. Unlike mortar, it has gravel in it, so… It’s quite a tough job… We took turns mixing it together. Once it was mixed to a certain extent, we added water and… Mixed it some more. It seemed to have a good consistency, so we decided to give it a try. Here we go! The first half was going smoothly, so we thought we’d finish by evening. But before we knew it, it was already night… I hope we can finish without crossing over to the next day. The gravel was too large, and we couldn’t make it smooth, It didn’t go well at all, but… Since it’s already late, we called it a day. We’ll let some time pass and then finish it with mortar. Good job… And… two weeks later on the scheduled workday, Heavy rain forced us to cancel… And… two weeks later on the scheduled workday, Another heavy downpour… Furthermore… Later on, KATSUO (husband) caught a cold, and… Urgent work came up… Ultimately, we were able to resume two months after the last work session… On the day of the work, On the day of the work, it’s finally sunny… we’re happy. Alright, let’s head to the site. It’s like a ruin… Weeds have grown vigorously, And frogs have thrived… Let’s start with clearing the grass. Here we go. Now, let’s check the inside… "First, let’s start by removing each weight one by one," Now, it’s been about two months since we last saw the foundation…!? Infested with bugs… (For those who don’t like them, mosaic processing in progress) The foundation had been occupied by long, slimy bugs… There are probably over 100 of them. We can’t really work with them around, so… We had them all move into a bug-catching net, And relocated them to the back of the main house. Since there are blocks and it’s damp there, They should find it comfortable. Phew, problem solved. One issue resolved. The mortar that failed last time… Is securely fixed this time. There are various issues, but… since it’s practice, we’ll proceed as is. First, let’s start with marking. We’ll draw a line at the height where we want to put the mortar. It’s thin but visible, so it’s good. Before putting in the mortar, we decided to apply adhesive reinforcement. It says ‘diluted 5 times,’ so let’s make it right away. It looks like milk in terms of color and texture. (Dangerous if consumed) Pour the liquid in and… Add four cups of water to complete it. It not only strengthens the adhesive but also prevents cracks, So, we’ll apply it meticulously. We’ll also mix it into the mortar, And mix it thoroughly. Last time, it got quite late, so… This time, we’ll skip ahead from the beginning. WAKAME: ‘Let’s do our best!’ KATSUO: ‘Yeah! Unlike concrete, it’s easier because there’s no gravel, But handling the trowel is quite challenging… The sensation of the rough surface becoming smooth is satisfying, It’s challenging but also a very enjoyable task. Let’s check the level here. Level check: OK! Now, we’ll make some corrections where needed. After getting it reasonably neat… We’re done! 2 days later, How does the finished product look…? Wow… this is…! Better than expected, And it seems quite solid already. Now, we’ll remove the surrounding wood, And finally, attach "Foundation Ventilation Spacer" With this, the foundation… Is complete. Before: 3 months ago, it was still in the leveling stage. No sign of rice plants, but… After: The foundation is finally finished! The rice is growing well too. Next, it’s time for the base. After thorough discussions between the two of us… Let’s have a delicious meal to recharge our energy! Pork and Eggplant Stamina Bowl Stir-fry pork, eggplant, and green bell peppers, seasoned with garlic soy sauce. Topped with egg yolk and thread-like chili peppers. Accompanied by miso soup with okra and tofu, And pickled daikon with yukari seasoning. Great job on the foundation work! Bon appétit! Starting with the main dish, pork belly. Delicious with the fat… And adding plenty of egg yolk on top. I want to eat 2 kg of this, even if I get fat… It tastes that dangerously good… delicious. The okra and tofu are soothing for the body… A gentle-flavored miso soup with a nice texture and taste. A great chopstick rest. WAKAME: ‘Yeah! Delicious! Next time, we’ll finally work on the base. We’ll take on the ‘mortise and tenon’ challenge, which we struggled with during the wood stove installation. We’re working steadily to be able to update in early November. We’d be happy if you could watch the next episode too! 😀 Thank you for watching until the end!



・甘茶の音楽工房(英語表記=Music Atelier Amacha)
・Ryo Lion(https://dova-s.jp)
 :Horizon Blue
・Shuki Yamamoto(https://dova-s.jp)
・MFP【Marron Fields Production】;
・Kevin MacLeod
: Consort for Brass
(Classical Rousing は、クリエイティブ・コモンズ – 著作権表示必須 4.0 ライセンスに基づいて使用が許諾されます。 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/…)


  1. 初めから、楽しく拝見しています。ゆっくりで良いので、素敵なお家が出来上がる最後まで、配信を続けて下さい。是非、見届けたいです。

  2. お疲れ様です💝

  3. お疲れ様でした。



  4. まるで廃墟 というところが笑いました。進行も面白くなっている やるじゃないの 次回も楽しみにしています 焦らなくてもいいので〜

  5. カツオさんワカメさん

  6. おつかれさまでございます!



  7. すごいね!職業柄知識とスキルそれなりにあるけど、とてもじゃないがそこまでやる気力が出そうもないです。