【300万回再生人気レシピ】10分でできる簡単韓国家庭料理!ご飯がモリモリ進む野菜たっぷり豚プルコギの作り方/Korean-style BBQ pork with Veggies !

Hi there Hope you’re all doing well I’m Koh Kentetsu Perhaps some of you are finding it challenging coming up with meal ideas lately How about a CLASSIC Korean dish Part 2 of our Korean Dish series Bulgogi (Pork with veggies) in 10 minutes I must have made this dish, like a thousand times

I experimented A LOT to perfect this recipe It’s of course, absolutely delicious but also VERY easy to make You can probably make it today, right now so be sure to watch the whole video Ingredients: 200g Thinly sliced pork 1/2 Onion, 1/2 Carrot green onions are optional Let’s start

You can make this in 10 minutes 10 minutes in REAL-time, not cooking show time So you can cook WITH me Let me talk about the meat first I’m using thinly-sliced pork belly Beef is usually Bulgogi. Oops I meant Bulgogi is usually made with beef but pork is more affordable

And I wanted to make LOTS without worrying about cost There’s a little trick here This cut is usually sold all crinkled up and piled up like this and if you cook it as-is it forms lumps and becomes tough To avoid that, lay the meat out it doesn’t have to be perfect

But try to open up the slices when you put it into the bowl This is the only time-consuming step this makes a big difference In the past, if your sliced pork ended up tough definitely try doing this step you just have to separate and lay it out For the sauce

*ingredients listed in description* 2 tbsp soya sauce, 1 tbsp sugar 2 tbsp sake 1 knob of grated ginger to remove any gamy smells 1 clove grated garlic, for a kick then we’ll add sesame oil at the end, as an aromatic A tip here is to marinate the meat first

This is a marinade but also the sauce massage it in again, try to open up the meat slices set it aside so that the flavours settle in and we’ll cut the veggies next It’s super easy I’m just going to wash my hands No biggy, I can make this dish without rushing

The good thing about bulgogi is that you can eat more vegetables too Let’s cut these A carrot and onion we’ll be adding the spring onion at the end Let’s cut the onion thinly sliced done with that and put it straight in, with the meat You can eat your meat and veg together

This dish is really good even for kids who hate carrots they’ll eat it when it’s in bulgogi Peel it When chopping the carrots into julienne (long and thin strips) some might find this step hard but a little trick for cutting thin slices is to peel a bit off the bottom

Peel off an extra piece to flatten this one side This stabilizes the carrot and prevents it from rolling around THEN you can start slicing make thin slices on a diagonal like so Diagonal slices cuts through the grains (fibres?) of the carrot so that the sauce can better penetrate

And they cook faster this way That’s the reason for slicing on a diagonal Go ahead and stack them up like so try to make them even like the size of a match-stick into the bowl Toss it lightly You can also add other coloured vegetables like zuccchini etc. Try it with anything you have

Mushrooms are great too Shitake mushrooms, green peppers kids who don’t like peppers will eat it in bulgogi Since there’s sesame oil already in here we don’t need to add any oil to the pan An easy way to eat your veggies and meat is a good thing

Now it’s just a matter of cooking it through The advantage here is that the veggies act as a cushion and prevents the meat from overcooking This cooking technique is really practical Some of you might think to cook the meat first and veggies after but don’t bother Cook them at the same time

That way the flavours from the meat penetrate the veggies and the sweetness from the veggies transfers to the meat Loosen up the meat as you go Experienced bulgogi-ers like me can do the dishes, while this is cooking but I’m worried that I’ll screw up so I’ll just chop some spring onions

Spring onions go in at the end these will cook in no time Looking good the veggies have softened up and released some juices The veggies are keeping the meat soft and tender OK! Looking real good Once it’s nice and shiny, turn OFF the heat Last tip of the day

Add the spring onions at the end, OFF of the heat The heat in the pan is enough to soften the green onions Give it a taste and add a little soya sauce, if needed just a tad Think of it as the finishing touch it adds a nice aroma and shine and that’s it

10 minutes, EASY Sesame seeds! I forgot about these *smirk* this is optional too I like putting in a good amount Bulgogi and sesame seeds are a great match So fast Ok! Oh man, this looks like something at a local diner LOVE it Ok Oh hey! Hey hey! I recommend eating this

With different types of lettuce and shiso leaves and eating it like a little wrap Kids will WOLF these down So that’s it Bulgogi with lots of veggies in 10 minutes Looks good Itadakimasu (thank you for this meal) The SMELL it really stirs up your hunger Let’s dig in

And bounce it on the rice The meat is SO tender You know what this is just a basic cut of meat from my local super market but it turned out really tender, super juicy You can make a quick, easy and cheap meal Hope you give it a try and with korean food

You can eat a lot of veggies without realizing it My kids don’t really like vegetables but make bulgogi and they’ll eat ANYTHING once you wrap it up like this When I read your comments there’s a lot of interest for Korean home cooking so I’ll keep sharing home-cooked dishes but Korean street food

Would be fun to try as well Various cooking methods the flavours are quite unique too and plus it’s getting warmer out so maybe I’ll do some street vendor foods Just some ideas that I’m thinking about 10 minutes maybe a tad more That’s all it takes to make this delicious dish

Hope you’ll try it out Thanks for watching Don’t forget to subscribe Bye!




00:00 オープニング
00:55 調理開始
10:18 試食








Koh Kentetsu Kitchen






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  1. 美味しかったです!豚バラ300と野菜はピーマンや赤ピーマンなど多めに入れて、醤油大3と全体的に多めにしました。少し味が薄く、材料を多くしたときの調味料の濃さが難しいと感じました。

  2. 作ってみたらおいしかったです!ただなるべく洗い物を減らしたくボールを使わずにフライパンの上で調理、生の玉ねぎがなかったので冷凍していた玉ねぎを使用、でやってみたらかなり水っぽくなってしまったので次回は動画通りにしてみる。あと自分の好みとしてはもう少し味が薄くてもよさそうだったので、次は醤油は大匙1.5くらいでやってみようかな!

  3. コウさん、

  4. 昨晩作ってみました!夫からも大好評💯レタスに巻いて食べて野菜も沢山とれて良い事ばかり◎また作ります😊

  5. 普段白いご飯にふりかけしか食べない超偏食な子供2人を育てているのですが、今日このレシピで作ったら歴代1位の勢いで食べてました!

  6. 野菜にも下味を揉み込んで、お肉と一緒に焼くのは簡単ですね!タイミングを見図らなくて良いのです安心です!色々な調理法を教えていただきありがとうございます!

    人参  1/2
    玉ねぎ 小1
    菜っ葉 一摘み
    納豆のタレ 6
    オイスターソース 1


  7. もしかして前、音楽チャンプに出た子?って思ったら本当にそうだったんですね!

  8. コウケンテツさん!カブのレシピどうかお願いします🙏!!

  9. もう何回も作っているお気に入りレシピです。簡単、美味しい、食べ応えも栄養もある!って最高です😊

  10. 死ぬほど美味しくてビビりました


  11. めちゃくちゃおいしい!お肉がやわらかいので、子どもももりもり食べてくれます。にんじんもこれなら大丈夫!レタスとか葉っぱも一緒に食べられるので、別にサラダ作る必要もないのでうれしいです。

  12. 明日、作るメニューだったので😊      

  13. ボウルやなくてフライパンで直接揉んで具材合わせてそのまま点火すれば洗い物も減らせるという…最高のレシピありがとうございます😭

  14. 昨日は肉豆腐を真似しました。