キャベツ焼きの作り方☆簡単・節約・ヘルシー!キャベツたっぷりで食べ応え抜群のキャベツ焼きです☆単品でも大満足♪-How to make Grilled Cabbage-【料理研究家ゆかり】

Today I made cabbage roast. Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher. This channel introduces various cooking recipes and useful information. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel Today I would like to make cabbage roast.

This time I will make a cabbage bake with lots of cabbage. This cabbage yaki will be an okonomiyaki-like food filled with cabbage. There are some points here and there, so please enjoy to the end. Please have a look at it. Easy recipes at home Let’s begin with the ingredients for cabbage roast.

Here are the ingredients. Cabbage, egg, flour, water, dashi stock, red ginger, tenkasu, and these ingredients are used to make this dish. First of all, I would like to add chopped red ginger to the dough for the cabbage pancake. And it’s a dashi stock. This one will use bonito dashi.

Can also use kombu dashi (kelp dashi) if you like. If you are making your own soup stock, please use water as the broth and leave out the soup stock. I think it is a little salty, so I would suggest adding a pinch or two of salt.

Next, here are the ingredients for the toppings. Here are the ingredients. I will use okonomi sauce, mayonnaise, aonori (green laver), bonito flakes, and salad oil when baking. I will top it off with these four ingredients. As for this topping, you can do it to your liking.

I will immediately make it with these ingredients. Easy recipes at home Now let’s start making them. First of all, I would like to make the dough. In a bowl, add flour, water, and granulated dashi stock. Then mix this well. Mix well to avoid lumps of flour.

If there are no lumps of flour like this, it is ready. Then I take off a little bit of the dough that’s around it. And then I’m going to cover it with plastic wrap and let it rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

This will help the flour and water to become well incorporated and the dough will be less likely to tear. Now let the dough rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Now cut the cabbage. First, cut off the core of the cabbage. Then first peel off 2-3 pieces of cabbage.

Then I wrap it around like this and cut the rest of the cabbage into small pieces to break up the cabbage fibers. As you can see, it’s in there like this, so we’re going to cut it in such a way that we break up these fibers.

If you shred the vegetables so that the fibers are broken off, the texture will be softer to the palate and you will feel the sweetness more easily when you eat it. Now we will cut it into small pieces. This core part is a bit hard, so we cut it off.

Then we overlap and cut again. The core here is first cut in half and then cut in half again and cut into smaller pieces. The core part is cut separately from the leafy part, because if you cut the core together with the leafy part, it will be a little thicker.

This is how it looks like. Cut like this. After cutting like this, cut the remaining cabbage in the same way, peeling off roughly 2-3 pieces to break up the fibers. Cut like this. Then I put it in a colander and rinse it quickly.

Then, after rinsing with water, properly wipe off the water with kitchen paper. OK. Now drain the water in a colander like this until ready to use. Next is the red ginger. Chop this one appropriately. If you do not like red ginger, you can leave it out. Chop the red ginger like this.

30 minutes have passed. Please remove the wrap when you have done so. After removing the plastic wrap, add the chopped red ginger to this mixture. Then mix well. The dough is now ready. The firmness will be somewhere between crumbly and tender. Easy recipes at home So now we will bake it.

First of all, we put oil on the pan. The pan is not yet on the fire. And if you have oiled it, put it on the fire. And keep this warm over medium heat for 30 seconds. And after 30 seconds, put the dough in this. It’s roughly a ladleful.

Put in half of the dough. When you put it in, spread it all over. After spreading it like this, turn off the heat and put the pan aside. Then I will put a lot of cabbage on here. After placing it like this, indent the middle part.

Be careful not to burn yourself at this point. Then crack the egg into the hollowed-out area. Then sprinkle the tenkasu. Sprinkle as much as you like here. And after sprinkling the tenkasu, put the lid on. Then put it on the fire. Low heat.

Continue steaming until cabbage is wilted and eggs are slightly cooked. Now 5 minutes have passed. Then I will open the lid. Now the cabbage is wilted like this and the egg is semi-mature and tender. Then I mash this egg here first with a spatula. Then, we mash these eggs with a spatula.

Let’s spread it out lightly. Then fold this one in half. Have ho. Let’s hold it light. If it folds in half like this, it is OK. Eggs are now half-cooked. Then I put it on a plate and add the toppings. Put it on a plate. Have ho. It looks delicious done like this.

Now for the final topping. First, I apply a generous amount of sauce. Apply it like this. Next, mayonnaise. The mayonnaise should be thin, so wrap the surface tightly with plastic wrap. Pin like this. And then pin the rubber band. After fastening with rubber bands, drill three holes.

And then I want to wring it out. This way you can squish the mayonnaise thinly. Now let’s go. It looks like this. And then here is the green laver. And here is bonito flakes. It turned out to be delicious like this.

This dough is enough for two, so make another one the same way. Easy recipes at home Now the cabbage roast is ready. This is how it turned out. It’s finished like this, with lots of cabbage and looks delicious. And the egg inside is semi-cooked like this. It’s done.

Now, I would like to eat. Let’s eat. The cabbage is crispy and very tasty. Delicious. And this egg half-cooked is great. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel It finished deliciously today. This is the key to grilled cabbage this time.

First of all, cabbage, when you cut the cabbage, cut it as if you were cutting through the fibers. This will soften the cabbage and make it easier to taste the sweetness of the cabbage. After cutting, please wash them with water and then thoroughly wipe them dry.

And here’s the key to making the dough. The dough should be mixed thoroughly to avoid lumps of flour and then rested in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. This will help the water and flour to blend well and make the dough more doughy and less prone to breakage.

Once the dough is ready, I put the chopped red ginger into the dough. Can do this one to your liking. And here’s the key to baking. When baking, first warm the pan for 30 seconds before adding the batter.

Then once the dough is spread all over, turn off the heat, put the cabbage on top, make a hollow in the middle, and crack in the egg.

Then, sprinkle the tenkasu as desired, cover with a lid, and steam over low heat for 5 minutes until the cabbage is softened and the egg is lightly cooked. The steaming time may vary depending on the material and size of the frying pan you are using.

By the way, I used a 22cm diameter frying pan this time. And when you are done steaming, mash the eggs lightly and fold them into two patties. If you do not crush the egg at this point, the egg may pop out when folded in two.

So make sure to crush them before folding them. Then you can serve it with your favorite toppings. The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make. It is very tasty and you should try to make it. Easy recipes at home Today I made cabbage roast.

I have many other various videos on my channel. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. I also post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, so we would appreciate it if you would like to like, follow, and share our posts. Thank you very much. So that’s all for today.

Thank you for watching to the end today. Please give us a good button. See you in the next video. Bye.


Hello. This is Yukari, a culinary researcher.
This time, I will introduce how to make grilled cabbage. Easy & Savings & Healthy Recipes! It’s full of cabbage and it’s great to eat. The crunchy texture of the cabbage and the soft-boiled egg are addictive. It’s very delicious, so please try making it.


・キャベツ 150g
・卵 2個 
・薄力粉 50g
・水 100ml
・だしの素 小さじ1
・天かす 適量 
・紅生姜 大さじ1

・お好みソース 適量
・マヨネーズ 適量
・青のり 適量
・かつお節 適量
・サラダ油 適量

・150g Cabbage
・2 Eggs
・50g Cake flour
・100ml Water
・1 tsp Dashi stock
・Tempura bits
・1 tbsp Red pickled ginger

・Okonomiyaki sauce
・Green seaweed
・Dried bonito
・Vegetable oil







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「Yukari’s Kitchen お家で簡単レシピ」

□著書『料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単! 3時のおやつ』


#キャベツ焼き #節約 #料理研究家ゆかり


  1. 分厚い「一銭洋食」ですね。子供の頃¥5で駄菓子屋で食べてました。玉子が乗ったのが¥10でした😋

  2. ゆかり先生の大ファンです。手際の良い分かりやすい解説もさることながら、可愛いらしさと品の良さを感じ とても好感が持てます。私は70代の主婦ですが、楽しく勉強させて頂いています。応援しています🤷

  3. 小麦粉50mlって、計量カップでml測ればいいの?

  4. 作りたいものを紹介されているのか紹介の仕方が上手すぎるのか

  5. いつもありがとうございます

  6. 本当に生地がもちもちしてて出汁が効いてて美味しかったです。寝かせるの大事ですね。勉強になります。

  7. 作りたい。薄力粉天かす紅生姜ないから買わなくちゃ。マヨネーズ→ラップ→爪楊枝どこでも使える裏技ですね。

  8. ご飯なしでこれだけでOKなのが嬉しいです!身体にいいしヘルシーですね。早速作ります😊

  9. ゆかり先生、こんにちは😉

  10. 他の方も言及されていますが、ホントっ〜に余談が長い動画が多いです(男性料理研究家に多い)。あと動画の途中でCMも腹立ちます。動画を見ながら作っていて、確認したくてちょっと戻したらCM、イラッと来ます。 ゆかり先生の動画はシンプルで分かり易い、上品で控えめな感じが素敵です。

  11. 料理超初心者なのですが、生地がちゃんと焼けてるのか判断できなくて…ふにゃふにゃしてても焼けてますか? 言い見分け方あれば教えていただきたいです。

  12. 早速作って食べたいです🙆‍♀️本当マヨネーズの出し方、感動しました❤ありがとうございます🙇‍♀️