【ホットサンドまだ挟んでるの?】具材をのせて折りたたむだけ!/ Grilled Cheese Hot sandwich in a Pan #shorts



ベーコン 4枚
スライスチーズ 4枚
【A】溶き卵 1個分
【A】牛乳 大さじ1
食パン 2枚
レタス 1枚
トマト(スライス) 2枚
マヨネーズ 適量
トマトケチャップ 適量
サラダ油 適量

① フライパンにサラダ油をひき、中火で熱する。ベーコンに焼き色をつける。
② スライスチーズを2枚のせて混ぜた【A】を周りに流し入れて焼く。
③ 食パンをのせてフライ返しで裏返す。
④ 残りのチーズ、半分にちぎったレタス、トマトをのせ、マヨネーズ、トマトケチャップをかける。
⑤ 両端を折りたたみ、奥から手前にパンを折りたたむ。包丁で半分に切ったら、完成!


Grilled Cheese Hot sandwich in a Pan
Servings: 2

4 bacon slices
4 cheese slices
1 egg (beaten)
1 tablespoon milk
2 slices white bread
1 lettuce
2 tomato slices
Mayonnaise, as needed
Tomato ketchup, as needed
Vegetable oil, as needed

1. Put the vegetable oil in a pan and heat on medium. Cook bacon slices.
2. Place 2 cheese slices on the bacon. Mix the egg and milk in a bow and pour
around the cheese in the pan.
3. Place the bread and flip with a spatula.
4. Place rest of the cheese, lettuce, and tomato slices. Add some mayonnaise and
tomato ketchup.
5. Fold the right and left edges in and flip one slice of the bread onto the other one
as shown in the video. Cut into halves.
6. Enjoy!



Licensed via Epidemic Sound


  1. Have read some comments and here's the fix: turn the bacon/ham before putting the cheese on (can be more expensive tasty cheese if you prefer) then after placing the bread butter both pieces so after flipping them on the pan they will be beautifully toasted, also season the eggs and tomatoes….now it's perfect!

  2. Everyone is pointing out the bacon wasn’t flipped, but who else noticed there’s no egg making it to the center of the sandwich?