日本国一家、ラタトゥイユを食べる【ASMR】 #shorts

If you don’t have zucchini, cucumbers will do. Bell peppers are fine too. You should try using whatever vegetables you like. This ratatouille is made in Japan, by the Japanese, for the Japanese. Chop up the vegetables. There are no rules for how to chop them. You can do it however you like. By the way, it tastes better if you use three times the amount of garlic called for in the recipe. Oil. Fry garlic until fragrant. Add vegetables and continue to fry. Cut vegetables and add them to the pot and continue to fry. Roast the tomatoes, peel them, chop them, put them in a pot and stir fry them. This dish is also a great way to use up tired vegetables. Take a look at the vegetable compartment. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 20 minutes. The sweetness of the vegetables goes well with salt and pepper. Add olive oil, serve, and enjoy! I love it, try simmering it!

★公式LINEスタンプ https://line.me/S/sticker/25138359
#けんた食堂 #asmr #家庭料理 #Ratatouille

ラタトゥイユとは南フランス発祥の料理で、夏野菜をふんだんに使い、煮込んだもの。 これがまたアツアツでも冷めても美味しい。

★けんたのリアル愛用品リスト https://www.amazon.co.jp/shop/oi_petit
★けんた食堂公式グッズ https://suzuri.jp/oi_ken
★チャンネル登録お願いします https://www.youtube.com/user/oi8oi


  1. お昼ごはんにいただきました!

  2. 野菜は 煮込む程度にもよるが 味わいが深くなる
    ラーメン食った事あるなら その味わいに野菜は必須事項だろう
    野菜のスープ無くして 深さは生まれない

  3. 大阪で食ったラタトゥイユソースのパスタがうますぎて思わずパン追加で注文して皿ピッカピカにした