
Dinner for a Week copi__gohan This week is summer recipes! We have compiled dinners from Monday to Friday. I went shopping. The shopping list and recipes are also in the description👛 It’s too hot, so I’m relying on udon. I’ll make a salad udon with pork shabu-shabu for dinner. I don’t even want to boil water, so I’ll do everything in the microwave. Loosen the pork while putting it in. Add enough water to cover the pork. Cover with plastic wrap or a lid and microwave for 7 minutes. I’ll make a yukari salad as a palate cleanser. I used to use yukari only for rice balls, but it’s great for color and adds flavor, so I recommend it. Thinly slice the daikon. Rub with salt to make it easier to soak up the flavor. I added chikuwa for texture. Prepare the toppings for the pork shabu-shabu udon. Sprinkle salt on the okra, rub it, and remove the stems. Microwaving helps retain nutrients, so I’ll use the microwave. Prepare ice water to cool the pork. Cool it thoroughly. Roll up the shiso leaves and cut them. Cool the okra until it’s ready to cut. The scene on the cutting board looks like summer. Dice the tomato. The okra is cool, so slice it. I want to add ume (plum) as a topping, so remove the seeds and chop it. Squeeze out the water from the daikon, and finish the side dish. Just add yukari! Once it’s all dyed with yukari color, it’s done. It looks good when served in a small bowl! Since I’m using the microwave, I’ll microwave the udon too. This time, I took it out of the package, but you can microwave it in the package. In the package, it takes about 2.5 minutes. Refer to the instructions on the udon package. Cool it after it comes out. Everything is ready, so let’s plate it. Dividing each topping into four parts looks good. Speaking of which, last Monday was also an udon recipe. Add the chopped ume and shiso. Today’s flavor is light soy sauce. Pour plenty of it and mix well before eating. First, boil water and start with the main dish. Slice the chicken breast against the grain. It seems like it wasn’t fully defrosted and is a bit frozen. Coat it well with potato starch. Coating it with potato starch makes it plump, so I’m being extra thorough today. Boil it in boiling water for 3 minutes. Drain it in a colander and cool it down. Add ice to cool it for a while. Next, I’ll make microwave dashimaki tamago. Since it’s done in the microwave, it won’t fail and is fluffy. Line a heat-resistant container with plastic wrap and mix the ingredients. ◎ Dashi powder 2 teaspoons ◎ Mirin 1 teaspoon Crush everything well. Once it looks like this, add aonori. It’s for a flavor change, so it’s optional. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and microwave. In the meantime, add the remaining tofu to the miso soup. Warm it with dashi powder. The dashimaki tamago is back. Shape it round, gather it at the edge, and fix it with plastic wrap. Leave it to set. Add wakame to the miso soup, dissolve the miso, and finish it. I planned to put bean sprouts under the chicken, but it seemed too sparse, so I changed it to namul. ◎ Chinese soup stock 2 teaspoons ◎ Sesame oil 2 teaspoons ◎ Soy sauce 1 teaspoon ◎ Vinegar 2 teaspoons Mix well and it’s done. Recently, I’ve been making namul when I’m at a loss for a side dish. It can be used with various vegetables, so try it when you’re unsure! Now let’s finish the main dish. Arrange the chilled chicken, and use the "Oni Yuzu Ponzu" I received from Tokushima Sangyo. Of course, regular ponzu is fine too. Add shiso for a refreshing touch. The dashimaki tamago is set, so slice it. Add it for color, and it’s done. Serve the miso soup, and let’s eat. Today’s budget ingredient is thick fried tofu. For the side dish, I’ll try hasselback cucumber. Place chopsticks and cut diagonally, then cut the other side too. It seems I should have made deeper cuts. Failures lead to success, so I’ll practice! Rub with salt to make it easier to soak up the flavor. Next, prepare the mushrooms to go with the main dish. Cut all the mushrooms, and freeze half. It’s handy to have them ready to use when you need a bit more. It’s convenient to have them ready to use. Recently, I’ve been freezing shimeji mushrooms in i-wrap. Wrap the eringi mushrooms in plastic wrap and freeze them. Thanks to thick fried tofu, I can keep my food costs down. It’s an indispensable item (laughs). Cut it into bite-sized pieces and coat with potato starch. Roll it around to coat evenly. Use a little oil and fry. Meanwhile, prepare the miso soup. Today’s ingredients are daikon and wakame. Simmer the daikon until soft. Roll it around to brown evenly. Once browned, add the mushrooms. Lower the heat and let it cook while finishing the side dish. Cut the tomatoes to serve. Squeeze the water out of the cucumber, and tear it into bite-sized pieces. ◎ Sesame oil 2 teaspoons ◎ Doubanjiang 1 teaspoon ◎ Soy sauce 2 teaspoons ◎ Vinegar 2 teaspoons ◎ Sugar 1 teaspoon If you don’t like spicy food, omit the doubanjiang. Mix well and serve. Season it. Stir-fry to evaporate the water. Finally, add butter for flavor. Once it melts and smells good, it’s done. Finish the miso soup and add wakame. Serve on a plate with mizuna. Let’s eat! I’ve been craving Korean flavors regularly, so today I’ll make japchae using only the microwave. First, rub the okra with salt and prepare the side dish. Cut the okra into appropriate sizes, and add frozen shimeji mushrooms. Today’s soup is Chinese-style. Add mizuna and warm it up. Leave it until ready to eat. Cut the vegetables for the japchae. Japchae is great for getting lots of vegetables. I’m using my favorite glass container again. Mix gochujang and garlic with minced meat first. It’s quite hard to mix, so work hard to combine them. Place the glass noodles (30g) without soaking, and add the vegetables. ◎ Soy sauce 2 tablespoons ◎ Sake 2 tablespoons ◎ Sugar 1 tablespoon ◎ Sesame oil 1 tablespoon ◎ Water 100ml Add all the seasonings and microwave without mixing. Prepare beaten eggs for the Chinese soup. With just one egg, it becomes luxurious, so I make egg soup once a week. Mix lightly, and it’s done. The side dish seemed less than expected, so I added tomatoes. Dice and add them together. Fresh tomatoes give a refreshing touch! When it’s done, break up the minced meat and mix well. Once mixed evenly, plate it. Finally, serve the soup, and let’s eat. I’ll use the deboned salmon I introduced last week. This time, I found a way to use it without defrosting. Just add water and steam it over low heat. No more forgetting to defrost! In the meantime, prepare the side dish. Ketchup sautéed green peppers and fish sausage. It’s like just the ingredients of Neapolitan pasta. Remove the seeds from the green pepper and cut it. If you don’t have fish sausage, ham or chikuwa is fine too. Cut them thinly. Put them in a heat-resistant bowl. ◎ Ketchup 1 tablespoon ◎ Consomme 1 teaspoon ◎ Black pepper Since it gets colored, I used regular plastic wrap this time. The soup is consomme with tomato and onion. Use half a tomato and half an onion. Once defrosted and browned, turn it over. There was a lot of oil, so I collected it. Add the frozen mushrooms. Mix everything together. Add butter for richness and it’s done. The ketchup flavor is strong, so it seems like it could be used for bento side dishes. Once the mushrooms are wilted, season it. ◎ Mirin 2 teaspoons ◎ Sugar 2 teaspoons ◎ Soy sauce 1 tablespoon A classic sweet and spicy sauce for a teriyaki-style finish. There was no green, so I added shiso and plated it. Serve the soup, and let’s eat.



#PR #マル徳アンバサダー
#鬼のゆずポン酢 #徳島産業







〜 肉・魚類 〜
鶏むね肉 500g
豚肉 200g
厚揚げ 2個
鮭   2切れ
豆腐   1丁
卵   3個
うどん 2人前

〜 野菜類 〜
ニラ 1束
水菜 1束
トマト 4個
オクラ 10本
大葉    10枚
しめじ 1パック
エリンギ 1パック
ちくわ 4本
もやし  1袋





⭐️Instagram 毎日のご飯をのせてます


◉豚肉 200g
◉オクラ 4本
◉うどん 2人前
◎めんつゆ かけつゆの割合

◉大根 200g
・塩  小さじ1/4
◉ちくわ 2本
◎ゆかり 小さじ2

◉鶏むね肉 1枚
・塩 ひとつまみ
・片栗粉 大さじ2
◉しそ 5枚

◉卵 2個
◉豆腐 100g
◎だしの素 小さじ2
◎みりん  小さじ1
◎青のり  大さじ1

◉もやし 1袋
◎醤油 小さじ1
◎中華だし 小さじ2
◎ごま油 小さじ2
◎酢   小さじ2

◉豆腐   100g
◉わかめ ひとつまみ

◉厚揚げ 2個
◉しめじ 1/2袋
◉エリンギ 1本
◎ポン酢 大さじ2
◎みりん 大さじ2
◎バター 10g 

◉きゅうり 1本
・塩  小さじ1/4
◎豆板醤 小さじ1
◎ごま油 小さじ2
◎醤油 小さじ2
◎酢  小さじ2
◎砂糖 小さじ1

◉大根   5cm
◉わかめ ひとつまみ

◉ひき肉 200g
◉人参 1/6本(25g)
◉玉ねぎ 1/2個
◉ニラ 1/3束
◉春雨 30g
◎醤油 大さじ2
◎酒  大さじ2
◎砂糖 大さじ1
◎コチュジャン 大さじ1
◎ごま油 大さじ1
◎にんにく 5cm
・水 100ml

◉オクラ  5本
◉しめじ  50g
◉トマト  1個
◎めんつゆ 大さじ2
◎ごま油  小さじ1

◉水菜  1/4束
◉卵   1個
◎中華だし 小さじ2
◎水 500ml

◉冷凍鮭 2切れ
◉エリンギ 1本
◉しめじ  100g
◎みりん 小さじ2
◎砂糖  小さじ2
◎醤油  大さじ1

◉ピーマン 2個
◉魚肉ソーセージ 1本
◎ケチャップ 大さじ1
◎コンソメ  小さじ1
◎バター   5g

◉玉ねぎ 1/2個
◉トマト 1個
◎コンソメ 小さじ2
◎水 500ml

曲名『Everyday (Acoustic)』
『Small Town』『Sakura』』『Air』
『Have a Nice Day』


こぴ(27) 転勤族の妻

#1週間献立 #晩ご飯 #まとめ買い #二人暮らし #夜ご飯 #晩ごはん#夕飯