
[Music] Hello everyone, I’m Chucky. This time I’d like to introduce you to a delicious dish made with chikuwa that is cost-effective, plump, and filling. Seriously, it’s super easy to make by just cutting the chikuwa into pieces and mixing them together. All you have to do is mix it with delicious green onion miso and toast it in the toaster.It’s really easy to snack on.One pack of chikuwa makes quite a lot, so it can also be used as a side dish with rice.This grilled chikuwa with green onion and miso cheese is also great as a snack. Try making it once. It’s seriously flavorful and you won’t be able to stop eating it. Let’s make it together. Please subscribe to the channel. Now, I’ll introduce you to the ingredients. Chikuwa One Pack. It’s sour, it’s very filling, and it’s the best. Here’s the miso. 1 tablespoon This will make a delicious green onion miso.Pairing with the miso is 1 tablespoon mirin, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 teaspoon sesame seeds, and chopped green onions. Appropriate amount of cheese This is just enough to top the sticky squid with. That’s it for the ingredients. First, let’s start with the delicious green onions. First, add the miso, mirin , and sugar and mix until well combined. Yes, use a spoon or something. If you mix it while mashing it , it will blend easily. First, use the nemirin to soften and spread the miso. Once the miso has spread, add the sesame seeds and green onions. Next, mix it gently. This is really delicious! The green onion miso sauce is done. Next, I want to cut the chikuwa into easy-to-eat pieces. First, cut the chikuwa in half lengthwise. Then, cut it in half from the width. Once it’s about this size, you can snack on it. It’s easy, so cut the chikuwa like this. Yes, cut the chikuwa like this. It’s cost-effective, it’s filling, and you can make a lot of it, so it’s very easy to use. Yes, it’s like this. For now, cut the chikuwa like this. Once you’ve cut the chikuwa, put them together as you did earlier. Add everything to the green onion miso sauce and mix thoroughly to coat the surface of the chikuwa with the green onion miso sauce.The true cat green onion miso sauce has a firm, slightly sweet taste and texture from the green onions and sesame seeds. It works well and is delicious. Yes, mix it thoroughly like this and coat the wrinkled surface with the green onion miso sauce. Yes, okay. If you do that , we’ll bake it in the toaster this time, so put aluminum foil on the iron plate provided. Here’s what we did earlier. Arrange the chikuwa to coat with the green onion miso sauce . Lay them out as you like, with the hole facing up. Yes, like this. For now, arrange them all. Yes, and this green onion miso sauce makes the green onions into balls. I think it will remain in the chikuwa hole, so please put the topping in the chikuwa hole.It’s mostly okay, but this green onion miso is delicious, so I put it in the chikuwa hole like this. Let’s do this . Once you’ve topped it with the green onions, it’s time for the cheese. Just a little more is okay. Now put the topping on top of the hole, making sure to place it on top of the hole. Add as much as you like. There’s no problem even if it spills a little. Yes, like this . Spread it all over and put the cheese on it. Yes, like this. After topping the cheese on the surface, just bake it in the toaster. Once the cheese on the surface has melted and become fragrant, it’s ok. [Music] Okay, now in the toaster. Bake for about 5 minutes or so, keeping an eye on it until the cheese on the surface is fragrant. [Music] It looks like this. Once the cheese has melted and is lightly browned, it ‘s ok. Let’s serve it. It’s done. Grilled chikuwa with green onion and miso cheese, which is excellent at Hospa, is really delicious.You can eat it easily and it can be eaten as a snack . The texture is plump and the flavor is really added, it’s amazing, and the green onion miso sauce that you can make just by mixing it has a little punch, it’s slightly sweet, and it goes really well with the chikuwa. I was able to make 20 slices of catfish, so while snacking on them, I was snacking on them.This has a flavor that goes well with rice, and after all, the flavor spreads out so it’s perfect as a snack . Add in the sprinkled cheese and the cat and you’ll be able to drink it completely, so let’s have a toast today as well.Ah, that ‘s delicious.This goes really well with the sauce.Hmm, if you like this, you can do it without using a fire. All you have to do is cut the fish properly, mix it with a simple green onion miso sauce, and toast it in the toaster, so it’s really easy and the best snack.You can make it quickly when you want to make it, so I highly recommend it.This time, I baked it in the toaster, but it’s grilled fish. There is no problem even if you grill it. This is seriously delicious. The green onion miso, chikuwa, and cheese are so sour that it spreads deliciousness every time you bite into it. And when you wash it down with alcohol, it makes you happy ! But I still have a lot left.One pack of chikuwa makes quite a lot, it’s filling, and it’s easy to snack on.Make sure to try making grilled chikuwa with green onion and miso cheese.Hmm, I seriously can’t stop using chopsticks, and I can’t stop drinking alcohol. Usugi is not only delicious, but also has many nutritional benefits for the body.First of all, its main ingredient, fish paste, is rich in high-quality protein.This can help maintain and repair muscles.Machiwa is low in fat. It’s low in calories, making it perfect for those on a diet or concerned about their health.Furthermore, the DHA and ETA contained in fish paste activate brain function and support blood-related health, making it easy to incorporate into your diet. You can ingest these nutrients and help maintain your health. Add food to your meals and experience its rich nutritional effects [Music]







ちくわ 1P
味噌 大さじ1
みりん 大さじ1
砂糖 小さじ1
いりごま 小さじ1
刻みネギ 大さじ2
チーズ 適量


1. ちくわは縦半分に切ってから、さらに横半分に切り分ける。

2. ボウルに味噌、みりん、砂糖、いりごま、刻みネギを入れて混ぜ合わせる。

3. ちくわを2のボウルに入れ、全体に絡ませる。

5. アルミホイルを敷いたトースター用のバットに

6. トースターで5分ほど焼き、チーズが溶けてこんがりと焼き色がつくまで焼き上げる。




ていとうシェフ 炊飯器 多機能 低温調理 無水調理 発酵 低糖質 カラダ作り r2250 5合 ホワイト グレー



農家・漁師のこだわり食材が直接届く お取り寄せ通販サイト(PR)↓↓↓クリックで確認して下さい。









Cooking Time(曲名)/ MATSU(アーティスト名)

#料理 #レシピ #ちくわ #おつまみ #おかず#簡単レシピ


  1. 素晴らしい、素晴らしい!、、素晴らしいです。ちくわ、、!。代わりは、