きのこさえあればOK❗超簡単ヒラタケチヂミ 【韓国パパのおうちごはん】

Prepare 200g oyster mushrooms (you can use any mushrooms) First, remove the stems Cut the mushrooms so they don’t fall apart Then, separate them into small chunks Now take half a red chili pepper and half a green chili pepper and chop them into small pieces (optional) Next, prepare a plastic bag and put 2 Tbsp of chijimi flour into it, then put all the oyster mushrooms in it Shake well to ensure the powder is evenly distributed Crack 2 eggs Add 1 t of salt and mix well Please dip the powdered oyster mushrooms in this All that’s left is to fry it Heat a frying pan over low heat and add 2 T of cooking oil Place the oyster mushrooms here. Be careful not to overheat them as they will burn easily Add the remaining egg mixture Before the egg mixture cooks, place the chili peppers you cut earlier on top and then fill in the gaps between the mushrooms with the remaining egg mixture Turn them over and cook slowly Don’t worry if the chili peppers fall off during cooking They’re just for decoration, so you can put them back on at the end


ヒラタケ 200g(ほかのキノコでもおいしくできます)
赤唐辛子、青唐辛子 半分ずつ (省略可能)
チヂミの粉 2T
卵 2個
塩 1t


水 2T
濃い口しょうゆ 2T
砂糖 1T
おろしニンニク 1/2T
味の素 ひとつまみ
ネギ 少々


#韓国料理 #韓国人パパ#韓国料理レシピ #日韓夫婦

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