揚げ出し豆腐の作り方☆外はカリッと!中はふわふわ☆簡単揚げ出し豆腐です♪ご飯のおかず、お酒のおつまみにもピッタリです☆-How to make Deep-Fried Tofu-【料理研究家ゆかり】

Today I made crispy and fluffy deep-fried tofu. Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher. This channel introduces various cooking recipes and useful information. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel Today I would like to make crispy and fluffy deep-fried tofu. I would like to make deep-fried tofu this time, which you will want to eat this time of year. This time I will use cotton (momen) tofu, which is easy to make. It is very easy to make. I hope you’ll have a great time. Please have a look at it. Easy recipes at home Let’s start by introducing today’s ingredients. Here are the ingredients. I will use cotton (momen) tofu, soy sauce, mirin, granulated Japanese soup stock, flour, potato starch, water, salt, and also fried oil for frying. I will use these materials for this project. As for the tofu, I will use cotton (momen) tofu this time. I’m going to use cotton (momen) tofu this time because it’s easier to handle. Instead, I want to make the batter crispy and fluffy, so I will use a 1:1 ratio of light and light flour for the batter. And here are the ingredients for the topping. Shishito peppers, small leeks, grated daikon, grated ginger, and here are the four toppings I would like to use. This one is your favorite, so I hope you can use it as a reference. Deep-fried tofu often comes with things like fried shishito peppers, so this time I will also show you how to make fried shishito peppers. I will also show you how to decorate leeks. I prepared grated daikon radish and ginger because I just grated them. Now let’s start making it with these ingredients. Easy recipes at home So first of all, we will cut the tofu. This time I’m going to divide the tofu into about 6 equal parts. If the tofu is too large, it will easily fall apart when fried, and if it is too small, it will lose some of its water content and become a little tough. Now, first cut it in half and divide this into three equal parts. It looks like this. Now I will lightly drain the tofu. I want to drain the tofu moderately and add seasoning to it as well. Now I will show you how to do that. First, prepare the bat. Spread about 2 sheets of kitchen paper on it. Place the tofu you just cut here. Again, place it by holding it gently so that it doesn’t fall apart. Placed like this. Here is the point. A quick sprinkle of salt here. This will release just the right amount of water from the tofu and season the tofu as well. Flip this over, not all sides, just both sides. Sprinkle salt on both sides. This is easier to drain than normal draining, so you can save time. Now I will cover this with another two sheets of kitchen paper from the top. I leave it like this for 15 minutes after being gently pressed down. Next, we cut the green onions for the toppings. I will show you how to cut the green onion which will look better this time. I will use the leaves here. I think it is split in two like this, but I cut a little above the split part here. This is the one I’m going to use this time. First of all, if you look at the inside, you will see a cavity like this. The edge of the knife is placed in this hollow. Cut the knife through the cavity. Just slide the knife gently. A quick Then it looks like this. Then it would look like this Then let’s make a diagonal cut with this cut facing away from you. Cut like this. Then it becomes a V-shaped leek like this. I will have water available and put the leeks here. Then I rub the leeks a little like this to remove the sliminess from the inside of the leeks. I think it takes about 30 seconds. Gentle rubbing. Rub gently, not too hard. This is what it looks like now. Let it soak in water for 15 minutes at a time like this. The leeks are now drained. Then the leeks will be curled up like this, or a little bit sharp like this. If you have time, please try this way of cutting small leeks. Next, I have shishito peppers. The first thing to do with shishito peppers is to snap off the stem. Let’s remove it. It can be easily removed by folding it like this. Here is the key point. Shishito peppers will explode if fried as they are, so to prevent this, we cut a slit lengthwise. Put about 3 cm. Like this. If you do this, they sometimes crackle, so be careful not to burn yourself when frying shishito peppers. The preparation of Shishito is now ready. Easy recipes at home Next, I will make the sauce to pour over the deep-fried tofu. First, in a small saucepan, heat water, soy sauce, mirin, and granulated Japanese dashi once. Mix the Japanese soup stock with a little bit of water to dissolve it properly, and let it simmer once. The heat is set to medium. Boiling. When it comes to a boil, turn off the heat. Keep this one off the heat. Now let’s prepare the batter. In a bowl, combine potato starch and flour. And mix this well. Put this out in a kind of bat like this. The batter is now ready to go. Easy recipes at home 15 minutes have passed. Now let’s take the kitchen paper. It’s drained nicely. Now let’s put the batter on. Before dipping, wipe off the water with kitchen paper before dipping. Dip the batter you just mixed like this. If you put too much on, it will be too greasy, so just sprinkle a thin layer. Put a little dab on. The batter should be sprinkled on just before frying. Sprinkle thinly like this. So now we will fry them in oil. Easy recipes at home First, add about 1-2 cm of oil from the bottom of the pan. Then put it on the heat. This time going to fry them at about 170 degrees Celsius, so we warm the oil until then. Now that the temperature has reached the proper level, we will fry them in oil. The standard is to have bubbles coming out of the tip of the chopsticks when you put them in. When it gets to that level, it’s ok. Now let’s put the tofu in so it doesn’t burn. Now let’s fry it for roughly 3-4 minutes, turning it over occasionally. Turn the fish over every 30-40 seconds or so. Now 30 seconds have passed, so I will turn it around. I will fry it again like this for another 30 seconds. Turn over again. Keep the temperature of the oil at about 170 degrees while frying. The temperature may drop after the tofu is added, so it is best to fry over medium heat. The batter gradually becomes crispy. The oil may also burst at this point, so be very careful not to burn yourself. I just fried for 4 minutes. Try to fry it just enough to get a nice fried color like this. Then take it out. It was fried like this deliciously. Now I would like to drain the oil for about 3 minutes. I’m going to fry Shishito as it is. Let’s fry the shishito that we have just cut into pieces so that it does not burn. As I said before, sometimes they burst when you make a slit like this, so be careful not to burn yourself. I think I can fry this one for a minute or so. OK. Take out. This is how the shishito peppers are fried. Easy recipes at home Now I would like to put it on a plate. First we are going to fry it up. Like this. Then it is grated daikon with shishito peppers here. And then grated ginger. And then pour the sauce over here. Finally, I put the green onions on top. It’s done. Easy recipes at home This is how to make crunchy and fluffy deep-fried tofu. This is how it turned out. The tofu is finished very pulled together. The batter is also nice and crispy. It’s done. Now, I would like to eat. Looks delicious. Now excuse me, please excuse the whole plate. Let’s eat. The batter is crispy and the inside is fluffy, so it’s very tasty. Delicious. I really want to eat it this time of year, after all. The tofu is not too firm and very tasty. Delicious. And we also get shishito peppers. Shishito is definitely delicious already. Delicious. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel It finished deliciously today. This is the key point of this deep-fried tofu. First of all, the type of tofu used to make agedashi-dofu, this time I used cotton (momen) tofu. Can also use silk tofu if you prefer. But be careful not to lose the shape of silken tofu because it is very soft. So I think it is better to use cotton (momen) tofu to be safe. This time, I divided 1 tofu into 6 equal pieces. I think that about 6 equal pieces is about the right size. If it is too small, it will lose water when it is fried and become a little hard. After the tofu has been cut, place it on a sheet of kitchen paper and lightly sprinkle salt on both sides. This will allow the water to drain out and produce a delicious deep-fried tofu. Be careful not to place a weight on top of the tofu, as this will cause too much water to be released and the finished product will be a little tough. So, in order to make the outside crispy and the inside fluffy like in this case, you only need to drain it lightly. I would recommend using this method, as a sprinkling of salt not only drains the water out of the fish faster, but also adds seasoning to the fish. And this is the point of the batter. There are many recipes for the batter, such as using only potato starch or only light flour, but this time I blended the flours. This makes the outside crispy, but the inside is a bit softer, resulting in a very juicy deep-fried tofu. And the timing of the batter, just before you put it in the oil, make sure to cover it with the batter. Then fry at 170 degrees until crispy, roughly 3-4 minutes. And this time I fried shishito peppers together. If you fry shishito peppers in oil, they can easily explode or the seeds can fly out, so be sure to cut a slit in them before frying. I also introduced how to cut leeks, and I hope you will try this method when you have time. So this time I made deep-fried tofu, which you will want to eat this time of year. The outside is crispy and the inside is fluffy. It is very tasty and you should try making it. Easy recipes at home Today I made crispy and fluffy deep-fried tofu. I have many other various videos on my channel. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. I also post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, so we would appreciate it if you would like to like, follow, and share our posts. Thank you very much. So that’s all for today. Thank you for watching to the end today. Please give us a good button. See you in the next video. Bye.


Hello ☆ I’m a culinary expert ♪
This time, I made fried tofu ☆ The outer batter is crispy! Here are some tips on how to make fluffy and delicious fried tofu ☆ The soup stock is plentiful and addictive. It’s perfect as a side dish for rice or as a snack for sake. It’s very delicious, so please try it!

・木綿豆腐 1丁
・醤油 大さじ1.5
・みりん 大さじ1.5
・顆粒和風だし 小さじ1/3
・薄力粉 大さじ1
・片栗粉 大さじ1
・水 150ml
・塩 適量
・ししとう 適量
・小ネギ 適量
・大根おろし 適量
・おろし生姜 適量
・揚げ油 適量

・ 1 Cotton tofu
・ 1.5 tbsp Soy sauce
・ 1.5 tablespoons of mirin
・ 1/3 tsp Granule Japanese style soup stock 1
・ 1 tbsp Cake flour
・ 1 tbsp Potato starch
・ 150ml Water
・ Salt
・ Shishito pepper
・ Small green onions
・ Grated radish
・ Grated ginger
・ Frying oil






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「Yukari’s Kitchen お家で簡単レシピ」


#揚げ出し豆腐 #豆腐 #料理研究家ゆかり


  1. 先程こちらのチャンネルで恵方巻きの動画を見て、揚げ出し豆腐の動画UPされていたので、今晩はこの2品で今から晩御飯作ってみます😆


  2. 揚げ出し豆腐こんなに簡単に作れるなんて知らなかった😁早速明日試してみます✨いつもありがとう😆💕✨

  3. 今日はゆかり先生のミニ恵方巻きを作って食べました😊



  4. とても、美味しそうですね😊

  5. チャンネル登録しました。テンポが良くポイントは押さえている楽しい動画ですね。揚げ出し豆腐、チャレンジしてみます。

  6. 前に自分で作った揚げ出しが失敗だったのでこの動画が見れて良かったです。いつも説明が上手で見入ってしまいます。参考にさせてもらいます。ありがとうございます。

  7. 揚げ出し豆腐良いですね😊季節にもよりますがお茄子とかが美味しそうなのを見かけた時は揚げ出し豆腐と野菜の煮浸しみたいなのを同時に作ったりしてます😊今日もポチッと〜

  8. ゆかりさん、こんばんは😄これは外側がサクッとしてとても美味しそうですねぇ😋🍀私も作ってみます😄有り難うございました😄👍🍀💕‧˚₊*̥⭐

  9. 揚げ出し豆腐大好きです〜😍



  10. おはようございます😃

  11. 揚げ出し豆腐好きなんですが、水切りが面倒でついついレンチンしてしまってました。塩振りとキッチンペーパーで簡単に水切りできるんですね。いままで片栗粉だけでしていましたが、今度から小麦粉と合わせてします。

  12. 揚げ出し大好きで食べたいけどめんどくさそうて1度も作ったことないです🥺でもこの動画みてやる気出ましたぁぁ!!!!!

  13. 揚げ出し豆腐大好きです〜いつも片栗粉だけだったけど、半々やってみます!!塩振りもしたことないのでやってみます〜(=^・^=)

  14. 作りました♪

  15. 昨日作りました😆ししとう・大根おろしは無しだったんですが、家族も美味しいと言ってくれました😄思ったより簡単にできて嬉しいレシピでもありますね💛居酒屋レシピのようでこのおうち時間にまた作ろうと思います

  16. 美味しそう🤤凄く分かりやすい解説有り難うございます👏参考になります

  17. ゆかり先生!😋🙋作りました、レシピありがとうございます😆又新たに何か作ってみます。楽しみです😋

  18. 献立考えるのが一番大変。
    どんな料理と相性がいいかの ご意見もつけていただけると助かる。

  19. 小ねぎの切り方、こんなに繊細な切り方があるんだと初めて知り、驚きと、大変勉強になりました😮✨

  20. 面倒なおかずのイメージがありましたが、

  21. ゆかりさんの時間はとても楽しく、材料が手元にあるもので作られとても役立っています。(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤

  22. 音声のないおしゃれなレシピが多い中、料理しながら聴けるレシピはとても便利です。

  23. 絹豆腐だと崩れやすいんですね。絹豆腐がたくさんあるのですが、うまくできる方法などあれば教えてほしいです!

  24. 丁度今日自己流でやってみて失敗したところでした。水切りが不十分で油が少なすぎたのでベチャベチャになってしまいました。