オクラときゅうりの塩昆布和えの作り方|10分でパパッと簡単!切って和えるだけ!少ない材料でお手軽おかず!-How to make Okra Cucumber Salted kelp【料理研究家ゆかり】

Today I made okra cucumber with salted kelp. Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher. This channel introduces various cooking recipes and useful information. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel Today I would like to make okra cucumber with salted kelp. Seasoning is done almost exclusively with salted kelp, so it can be easily made with only a few ingredients. There are some points in making this dish, so please enjoy it to the end. Please have a look at it. Easy recipes at home Let’s start by introducing today’s ingredients. Here are the ingredients. Cucumber, okra, salted kelp, dried bonito flakes, ginger, white sesame seeds, sugar, lemon juice, sesame oil, salt. First of all, okra and cucumber, this time we will use 10 okra and 3 cucumbers. Here is a guideline. You can change this ratio to your liking. And salted kelp. This time I will use salted kelp here at Kurakon. Can use any kind of salted kelp you like. Then I add bonito flakes and ginger. This gives it a very tasty finish with umami and flavor. And the key to seasoning is to add a little bit of sugar. The added richness of the sugar makes it more flavorful. I will make it with these ingredients right away. Easy recipes at home Now let’s start making it. First of all, I will prep the okra. Okra has fine hairs when you look at it like this. I will remove this one once. I’m going to remove the okra by using a net with okra in it. Can do it the way you are comfortable doing it. Sprinkle salt here first. Then put your palm on it and roll it up and down. If you do too much, the surface of the okra may be crushed, so please roll gently. If you do it for about 30 seconds, you’re good to go. I will do the same here. Sprinkle salt over the entire surface and board-slip. Now it is ok. Then this one is OK with the salt on it. First, cut off this dry part of the head. Next, going to remove the top part from here, which you can see has a little darkened streak. This upper part is a little bit stringy and hard. This black area is also stringy, so let’s remove it. Let’s peel off the skin with a knife like this. Cut like this. Now I will do the rest in the same way. This itasuri can be done either after removing the heta and the stringy part of the surface. I’m boiling the okra with salt, but if you do it with salt on the okra like this, you don’t need to use additional salt, so I’m peeling it now with salt on it. Clean up the hefty part like this. So now I will boil the okra. So first I will put water in a frying pan or pot and bring it to a boil. Now boiling. After boiling, add okra here. Be careful not to burn yourself. And continue to boil the okra for roughly 2 minutes. Two minutes have passed. Then turn off the heat and soak the okra in ice water. The proper boiling time will depend on the size of the okra, so adjust the boiling time. Let cool in ice water for about 1 minute. Now let’s cut the cucumbers. The cucumbers are first drained. The way to remove the yolk, you’re going to have to do it the way we’re going to do it now. If you look at the cucumbers like this, you will see that some are a little smooth and some are a little bumpy. Cut the smooth one off about 1.5 cm. Then rub these hefty pieces together. Then you will see a whitish foam-like substance. Just by doing this, you can take the gouge out of the cucumber. If you don’t salt the cucumbers, I would suggest you do this to get rid of the gouges. Try rubbing them together like this for 30 seconds to a minute. The gouge will gradually rise from the bottom to the top and can be removed in this manner. OK. Can you see this, you get a little whitish bubble like this. This is the gouge. If the amount that comes out doesn’t change much anymore while doing this, it’s ok. Then please wash this one once. This process should only be done on the side that originally had vines with a smooth surface. Now do the rest in the same way. OK. Do the yawning like this. Then now cut off the other side of the head. Now I will continue to pound the cucumbers. This helps the flavors to blend together. Use a bamboo stick or similar tool for tapping. Be careful not to overdo it, as too much can make it look sticky. Now, let’s start tapping. It breaks a little bit like this. Do about this much. Now do the rest of the same. Now tear the rest into bite-size pieces with your hands. If you can’t shred it, use a knife. When you break them into strips, the surface will be jagged, which makes it easier for the flavor to blend in. When using a knife, I think it is best to make a small cut and then break it by hand. This is ok for cucumbers. It will be a little watery, so wipe off the water lightly. OK. Next is ginger. Peel this one first. Then slice it thinly, Be careful not to injure your hands at this point. Now I will cut it into small pieces. The ginger is now ok. Then, okra is next. Okra is drained and wiped dry. OK. Then I would like to cut the okra in half. Try cutting it diagonally like this. With smaller okra, I think you can use it as is. This is ok for okra. Now please prepare the bowls. In this bowl, you can substitute okra, cucumber, ginger, bonito flakes, salted kelp, sugar, white sesame seeds, and lemon juice with vinegar. If you use vinegar, I would suggest heating it in the microwave a little to get rid of the acidity before using it. And finally, sesame oil. And let’s dress this well. OK. Mix until the salted kelp is well blended. Can also add plum paste or other ingredients here if you like. Can try it to your liking. Now I would like to put it in a bowl. Easy recipes at home Now okra and cucumber with salted kelp is ready. This is how it turned out. It is finished like this, well blended and tasty. The coloring of the okra is also very beautiful. It’s done. Now, I would like to eat. Now I would like to eat cucumber first. Let’s eat. It is very tasty and the flavors are well blended. Now let’s have some okra. The flavor of kombu and bonito flakes is very delicious. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel It was finished deliciously today. This is the key point of okra and cucumber with salted kelp this time. First of all, okra has a lot of fine hairs on its surface. If you leave it as it is, it will not be very palatable when you eat it, so sprinkle salt on it and put it on a cutting board and roll it around to make a board. There is also a method using a net, so you can use whatever method is easiest for you. And then there’s a little bit of a darker area at the bottom, but above that area, it’s a little bit more stringy. The part of the head that remains in your mouth when you eat it, so remove that part of the head as if you were peeling it. After the preparation, boil the okra in boiling water for about 2 minutes. After boiling, cool the okra in ice water, pat dry, and cut into bite-size pieces. And as for the cucumbers, first cut off the hefty part of the cucumber on the side where the vine was attached, and rub the cut ends together. Then you will see whitish bubbles, which will be the cucumber’s curd. When you eat cucumbers raw, you can enjoy them without any harshness if you remove the foam like this. Please try this one. And then after that, use a bamboo stick or something like that to pound the cucumbers and then break them up by hand into pieces that are easy to eat. Blooming by hand makes the surface bumpy and helps the flavors blend. And these cucumbers will also be a little moist, so once you wipe the moisture out thoroughly with paper before dressing. The rest is just a matter of mixing with seasonings, so it’s very easy. I added dried bonito flakes, lemon juice, and ginger in addition to salted kelp. Can also add ume plum paste and other ingredients to this dish. Can also add a little wasabi to this dish. Can try this one to your liking. The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make. It is very tasty and you should try to make it. Easy recipes at home Today I made okra and cucumber with salted kelp. I have many other various videos on my channel. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. I also post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, so we would appreciate it if you would like to like, follow, and share our posts. Thank you very much. So that’s all for today. Thank you for watching to the end today. Please give us a good button. See you in the next video. Bye.


Hello, I’m Yukari, a cooking researcher.
This time, I’ll show you how to make okra and cucumber dressed in salted kelp. Just cut and mix! It’s quick and easy to make in 10 minutes. It’s easy to make with just a few ingredients. It’s the perfect side dish for rice or a snack to go with alcohol! It’s so delicious, so please give it a try.


・きゅうり 3本
・オクラ 10本
・塩昆布 15g
・かつおぶし 2g
・生姜 10g
・白胡麻 大さじ1
・砂糖 小さじ1/2
・レモン汁 大さじ1
・ごま油 小さじ2
・塩 小さじ1/2

・3 Cucumbers
・10 Okra
・15g Salt kelp
・2g Bonito flakes
・10g Ginger
・1 tbsp White sesame seeds
・1/2 tsp Sugar
・1 tbsp Lemon juice
・2 tsp Sesame oil
・1/2 tsp Salt







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「Yukari’s Kitchen おうちで簡単レシピ」

□著書『料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単! 3時のおやつ』


#オクラレシピ #きゅうりレシピ #料理研究家ゆかり


  1. オクラとキュウリの塩昆布合え、なんと夏向きレシピ又そうめんの

  2. まあ!!
    不味いはずは ございません!!

  3. 先生、こんにちは☁️サラダがわりにも🥬がとれて、またまた素敵なレシピですね❁☺️砂糖の隠しスパイスが、塩分を中和していて素晴らしいです✨先生のレシピはいつも風味や食感を大切になさっておられて素敵です💘✨冷酒のおつまみにも良いですね😊いつもありがとうございます⸜🌷︎⸝‍

  4. そろそろキュウリやオクラが旬になる夏ですから、ぴったりなレシピですね。塩昆布で和えた物って時間をおくと旨味が食材に染み込んで美味しいんですよね!ビールとの相性も良さそう~

  5. 今食べ終えました、とっても美味しかったです

  6. 今日早速作ります。
    いつもゆかりさんのレシピ参考にして家族のため色々料理を作り喜ばれています。 ありがとうございます

  7. きゅうりのえぐみ取りはサラダとか和え物にする時も泡みたいなのが出てくるのが面白くて毎回やってました😝

  8. 私はきゅうりとみょうがを千切りに
    みようと思います (⁠o^⁠^⁠o)v🥒

  9. ゆかりさんこんにちは!

  10. こちらも良いですね😊