悪いこと言わないので冷蔵庫のきゅうり全部これに漬けてください【キュウリのにんにくポン酢漬け】『Garlic ponzu cucumber』

    Hi everyone!I was born in Tokyo,grew up in Twitter almost every cooking lovers are my friends, that’s me Ryuji! Alright so today,the recipe before this one was too good, I drank too many wine. My limit is coming LOL So now it’s getting hot, The summer is coming it’s hot! So I’ll do this! Do you know what this is?Cucumber! Cucumber,this boy is our summer feature You can eat rice so many with this,and also drink so much!And the process is so easy about 2,3minutes!Super delicious "Garic ponzu cucumber"!This is so, oops wait wait wait,it’s still too early to panic. So today is garlic ponzu cucumber,this is awesome guys and so eazy to make it,let’s get start! Ryuji’s buzzz recipe Okay let’s start,first 2 cucumbers. Cut the stem off,like this. and if you cut it off, eat it It’s good Wait a minute guys,I’m so sorry. I forgot the most important thing, I’m a fool, Come on Jack Daniel! Wait a minute,there was so much plenty in but there’s only a little bit left LOL Okay I’ll drink a little, if I get too drunk,I can’t take the third video today this is the second video today I just drank too much at the first video, so let’s make cooled Ryuj now! uuuhhhh!!! Okay now I can go back!So the cucumbers, use the peeler,peel four place. I’ll explain the reason later.Like this, stripes.Make the stripes. So this skin, put it in right here. The cucumbers summer smell will go into this whiskey soda I think I drank kind of this in izakaya so I think it’s good uuuhhhh! It’s summer guys!!! Okay cut this into large chunks cut it off like this,and turn it around and cut. Turn it around and cut. Like this,the sizes are on your way but if it’s smaller the marinate time will be short.If the sizes are like this it’ll be good in one over night. Everyone says to me "why don’t you cut your hands even if you’re drunk?" but if I cut my hands,I’ll cut that off from the video so you’ll never see it,I’m under the fear of death So please don’t copy me guys LOL I’m trained to cook even if I’m drunk so everybody,cook when you’re perfect. You can drink during cooking, but not that much.This channel is fiction so don’t believe everything LOL This channel is fiction,so it doesn’t have no relation with the real me LOL This is a fake person LOL So forget about this me,when I’m on the TV show. Like when I’m on "Hirunandesu!"forget about this me. This me is fiction LOL While I’m saying some jokes,I’m done with the cucumbers. Next is garlic,I love garlic so I’ll use it a little bit more. If you don’t like that much or if you don’t like the smell,do it by in two pieces or one piece. Two pices will bring the fresh garilic smell and it’ll be great for the garlic lovers! Smash it well like this,the smell will go out good. Like this.Put all of them in here In this ziploc,tupperware is also good but, ziploc will marinate better.So use a bag type like ziploc. Wait a minute I can talk better when I’m drunk! Why does this happen LOL Everyone said to me "you’re an alcoholic",but I said "no" to them, but maybe I am LOL But it’s okay,I usually don’t drink except this video works. I don’t drink that much when I’m alone. It’s not good for you if you drink everyday. And everyone ask me "where do you buy that measure spoon?" I actually don’t remember,someone gave it to me We’re gonna put 6table spoon of ponzu in. If someone figure out where to buy this, please tell me.Everyone ask me. This is not marinate yet,but gradually it will. The cucumbers will become smaller,and it will be marinated all over.Take the air out from the ziploc and stop the ziploc.And it’ll get good in one overnight! And this will be the overnight one! LOL It’s like the "3minute cooking" LOL I did this when I was sobered yesterday. This one is marinated very well. The cucumbers moisture went out and got marinated well Today’s video is so easy because I prepared it yesterday. So let’s go on. It’s marinated very well so it’ll be delicious. If you like it you can add takanotume, if you’re gonna drink with this. It’ll be great! And this left garlic ponzu sauce, you can use it for an other veggies,or marinate an eggs. I don’t feel that I cooked but I’m done! "Garlic ponzu cucumber" Finish! So let’s eat! Okay! I’ll eat it! Uummh!So delicious! I really don’t eat cucumbers that much,but this one is awesome! There’s no grassy smell of the cucumber,the galric smell is all over,it’s great! Yeah I only marinated,Is this garlic good for eat? You don’t have to eat the garlic LOL You can eat it but it’s spicy LOL This is really good!It’s so easy to make,and good taste Only one seasoning and two ingredients guys. I’m drinking now with this but actually you can eat 2or3 rices. I think this is the best way to eat a cucumber It’s so great,this time I marinated for almost 2days, It’s like an old pickels,strong taste. It goes good with drinks and also rice. Very strong taste. Ponzu flavor is so marinated in this cucumber! This is NO.1 recipe in my cucumber meal! I peeled the skin off first and the reason is cucmber’s skin doesn’t soak moisture that much.So I peeled it off and that part will soak the ponzu sauce faster But if you peel all of the skin,it won’t look like a cucumber so peel only half of the skin. So this is great! Cucumber festival! This is so awesome! I can’t stop eating! The summer drink is whiskey soda everyone! Shochu is good also. Kinmiya So please give it a try everyone! So how was my uuummmmm how was my that I know you want to say something to me like "Don’t work like that when you’re drunk" Somebody said to me something about the comics last time, what was it I can’t remember. But never mind I’ll drink If I couldn’t work,that’s bad but I could work so if you can work by drinking,go ahead. And make sure that your boss won’t say anything. If it’s a telecommuting,I think no one will know that you’re drinking. So let’s work! I’m not quite sure that I’m working good but I’m sure that I’m making good foods so Let’s enjoy cooking If there’s no fun,cooking will be boring. So everyone please support this channel,if you don’t this channel will be gone LOL So Please support me guys!


    キュウリ 2本
    にんにく 3片
    ポン酢  大さじ6
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    ●お仕事の依頼等はこちらまで → bazurecipe@gmail.com


    ★2020年レシピ本大賞 グランプリ受賞作品★
    【ひと口で人間をダメにするウマさ! リュウジ式 悪魔のレシピ】
    → https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/490904423X

    【バズレシピ ベジ飯編 進化した“野菜の食べ方”がここにある! 】
    → https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4594615716/

    【失敗ゼロ! 秒で作れる奇跡のウマさ! 1人分のレンジ飯革命】
    → https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4040646010/

    【ウマくて、速攻できる! バズレシピ もっと! 太らないおかず編】
    → https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B0844VWJVR

    【あきれるほど簡単でうまい つまみメシ】
    → https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4074385120

    【クタクタでも速攻でつくれる! バズレシピ 太らないおかず編】
    → https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4594613705

    → https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4594078850





    1. リュウジちゃん。いつも楽しみにしています。余り野菜やきゅうりやパプリカや大根やにんじん🥕とかスティック状に切ったりしてかんたん酢のようなものをダバダバ入れて一品にしています。毎回買うのがなんだかなと思い

    2. この動画を流しながら全く関係ないキャベツのせんぎりしてます。

    3. 浅漬けに少し飽きてきたので、いつも参考にしているリュージさんのレシピから「キュウリのにんにくポン酢漬け」を作った。

    4. 先ほどTV番組を拝見しました!「料理嫌い」を意識してくださっている事にとても感謝です。😊リュウジさんの表情もすてきです。「嫌いでも おいしくなる道 見つかってほんとに嬉しいです。「嫌いだっていいんだぁ」って 心が軽くなりました。好きであっても、やりたくなくても、どちらにしましても、 避けて通れない道なので・・・明日、きゅうり 買って 作ろうと思います。😊✌️ そして、他と違いますのは、   例えば 水(大さじ2)とか・・・他ではいつも、わざわざ、材料一覧に戻って どれだけ?と 見るのが通常。それが、優しさ・・材料の隣に量がある!!😽ありがとうございます。ひと口目で「うんまっ」でした。なぜか 急に、「キュウリ」さえ 可愛くなってきた。

    5. これ、昨夜作って、一晩冷蔵庫で冷やし、今日、食べました。ものすごく美味しくて、止まらなくなりました。きゅうりを2本使ったのですが、次回からは3本にします。ちなみに、ポン酢は自分で作りました。リュウジさんのレシピ、どんどん作れるようになり、1週間、毎日、リュウジさんのお料理を作り続けられそうです。

    6. リュウジさん、これまじでおいしすぎて米進みまくりまする!!

    7. きゅうりといえば浅漬けしか浮かばないおっさんですが

    8. 普段から何を作っても「美味しいよ」と優しい一言を返してくれる彼氏ですが、これに限っては食べた瞬間に「うますぎ!幸せ!また作って欲しい!」とご飯をおかわりしてくれました!他のレシピにも挑戦してみます!リュウジ先生ありがとうございます!

    9. 指切ったら動画をカットしてるってカットで掛けてるの好きww

    10. いつもきゅうり腐らしてしまうので早速3本いりのきゅうりで作りました。美味しすぎます♪ひとりでペロリと食べてしまいました。止まらないです。これからは安心してきゅうり買えます。いつも美味しいレシピありがとうございます。

    11. これいまつくってみて漬けているところなのですが、あわよくば短い時間でも美味しかったですというコメント探しをしました笑笑

    12. いつも美味しいレシピありがとうございます。




    13. 早速作ってみました!メッチャ美味しかったのですが、パンチがもう少し欲しかったので2回目に作った時にチューブの練りからしを5cm分位ポン酢に良く溶かしてみたんですが、更に旨さが加速しました!

    14. 簡単でおいしーい!!

    15. 私もきゅうり🥒ポン酢につけます。気分でラー油、柚子胡椒、紫蘇など入れたりします。簡単最高ですよね。❤

    16. 業務スーパーの1リットル250円程度の安いポン酢で作ろう。