【板前歴20年の裏技】 鶏の唐揚げはどの家庭にもある“あの調味料”で肉汁10倍になります【本当は教えたくないプロのからあげ】ENGSUB

    It’s totally different It’s swelled up The difference is obvious So juicy I’m Saito, chef of Shigeyoshi This time, with my experience of 20 years cooking, I’ll show you how to make fried chicken with 10 times of meat juice With very common ingredients

    Which you can find in your house, you can make it more juicy. Hope you’ll enjoy to the end Two chicken thighs I bought at grocery store First, usual way of cutting Just usual Cut into small pieces Next, my way of cutting Bloody flesh and string are there

    Remove them to avoid the smell Remove the small string like this Remove the hard string too Remove this hard and white part too You can feel it’s crunchy This procedure is little bothersome, But it’ll make a big difference in the end Like this Its thickness is not uniform

    So cut and open to have uniform thickness Make the thickness uniform The heat goes equally when it’s fried, and it’ll make it more juicy in the end Now it’s time to cut into pieces It’s important to cut into same size, because the frying will be done uniformly

    Skin is tasty, so just keep it there First, from usual seasoning First, magical powder (salt and pepper) Enough salt and pepper, Ground garlic Ground ginger And egg Soy sauce and sake This is common seasoning Leave it 30 minutes, then fry Next, my seasoning First, for 500g of chicken thigh,

    200cc of water 10% of salt against the water Same amount (20g) of sugar Stir it well Put the chicken in The reason of this procedure is, The texture becomes hard because the moisture evaporates when it’s fried So we soak it in to moisturize beforehand

    The salt works to prevent the string from shrinking, and keep moisture Sugar prevents the chicken from shrinking Wrap it and leave it 30 minutes in fridge Usual way of frying Put potato starch and wheat flour fifty-fifty Fry in 180 degrees Celsius oil

    Let’s check the inside of usual fried chicken It looks like this (it tastes good of course though) Let me eat it Of course it’s good But mine is more juicy Let’s check it out My way of frying It looks very soft already Remove the water

    It contains enough water Wipe it Now let me start seasoning Salt and pepper You have it, right? 3 centimeters of ground garlic 3 centimeters of ground ginger 1 pc of raw egg 2 tablespoons of sake 2 tablespoons of soy sauce 1 teaspoon of sugar

    Umami comes from sweetness, so we put some sugar Once you mix it well, leave it for 10 to 20 minutes Let it absorbs the seasoning Seasoning is easily applied due to the osmotic pressure given earlier It absorbs quickly Potato starch and wheat flour, fifty-fifty

    Put in here as it contains enough water 20 minutes has passed, so put the batter and fry Put little extra powder to make it crunchy Another point when you fry it This skin, Wrap the thigh with this skin Place the skin down, and put gently Some don’t have skin

    Hold tightly and put in Skin will be crunchy after fried Spread the skin and roll it Spread the skin, and out from the skin Spread the skin first, and form them before frying, it’s easier In ramen restaurant, you may often find this This crunchy part

    I put it on the meat Bubbles will arise like this at first Bigger bubble will arise when it’s fried well And crunchy sound will happen I judge from those The earlier procedure keeps moisture inside It looks very different It’s swelled up

    I didn’t cut it very big pieces It’s swelled up It’s amazing Big bubble will arise sometimes It’s totally different This is unbelievable It’s sizzling Frying is done, so let me cut it Obviously different, the skin is so crunchy Look how juicy it is

    Full of meat juice It works well because the inside still contains enough water Let me eat it It’s very soft And juicy It has good flavor from the seasoning procedure It tastes very good Thank you for watching to the end Shigeyoshi is

    Not like usual bento (meal box) shop, We deliver Kaiseki cuisine (course meal) to your house We have total 400 branches in Japan, from Hokkaido to Okinawa You can enjoy the meal as you see in the picture If you want to experience our meal, you can order from the description

    Thank you so much Please don’t forget to subscribe and like my video Thank you very much


    寿美家は明治45年創業の料亭で伝統とこだわりの逸品、おもてなしの心をもっと身近に感じてもらいたいという想いから生まれたのが「仕出し割烹 しげよし」です。
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    1. 今晩カレー作ろうと思ったけど、唐揚げにしよ!笑

    2. このやり方で、2回やりました。2回目は今日大晦日。2回ともバッチリ味がしみていて、ちょっと冷めたら味が聢りしていて完璧。ジューシーで美味い!

    3. いま水につけてます。よるご飯だから仕込み早すぎたかな?

    4. 今までは、「キューピーおうち定食」のレシピが良かったので、そのレシピで何年も作ってきました。なんとな〜く、この動画に辿り着きました。今は、この作り方一本です。キューピーレシピと材料大差ないのに、満足度が全然違う!すげー🎉

    5. 最近の鶏肉って、脂肪分が少なくなった気がしますね。

    6. (自分用メモ)


    7. この塩砂糖水、むね肉に同じことしてもビックリするくらい柔らかくなるから最高。それに加えて片栗粉とかでコーティングして料理すると下手に上げたもも肉よりも柔らかくなる

    8. 一般宅に業務用フライヤー、なんて無いので…フライパンや鍋とうで出来るやり方紹介してくださいよ。

    9. 今日初めて唐揚げを作りました!!


    10. 砂糖は豚や牛の質感を変えるのにも昔から中華で使われてたりする.

    11. オイルコンフィの様に、ぬるま湯のス一ビ一による低温調理してから、さっと揚げると更にジュ一シ一にできます。豚肉やラム骨付き肉,サ一モン等でも美味しいですよ。

    12. 我が家はこれでやってますの。初めてこれでやったら大好評!もうブライニングしないのは食べれません。家内はいつもブライニングしてないの固かったです。唐揚げは僕の担当です、

    13. 食塩、 砂糖水 に浸ける 以外も 違う調理しては そもそも 味は違うよな ジューシーなのはわかるけどな w

    14. いままでいろんな人のYouTube見て

    15. 実際作ってみたら下味がかなり塩辛かったので個人的にブライン液の塩砂糖の割合5%くらいがベストかなって思いました。あと小麦粉片栗粉は想像の1.5倍は使わないとべちゃべゃのまま揚げることになり衣が固めの仕上がりになりました。お弁当には合うけど食卓には調整が必要な感じでしたね