
Now I put this This must be delicious. I’m RYUJI. I start Today I will use cabbage even though it is not in season. The price of cabbage does not fluctuate in any season. Cabbage is sold all year round. Cabbage is a food that we often use. We sometimes buy one cabbage.

Cabbage is also sold in half size. It’s cheaper to buy a whole cabbage than to buy a half. We buy it whole. For a family of 2 or 3. We don’t finish a whole cabbage. I have a quarter of a cabbage left over. What should I do with this cabbage?

This time I will make a really delicious minced pork and cabbage dish. You eat more and more white rice. Eating more and more white rice means drinking more and more sake. This is a stir-fried cabbage rice thief. This is a recipe that allows you to consume really delicious cabbage. I start cooking

This is RYUJI’s BUZZ recipe. I introduce material quantity. 180 grams of minced pork. Ai-snoring meat is also good. Cabbage is 250 grams. It weighs as much as a small cabbage with the core removed. Garlic is one. Seasonings are listed in the summary column. you check it

This time, I will make a dish called rice thief cabbage. I will explain the point. This cabbage is a rice thief. What kind of thief do you think I am? I’m a liquor thief I drink I will do today’s ice fortune-telling. Ice fortune-telling predicts my fortune. Today’s ice went into the cup well.

The result of my fortune-telling today is ordinary luck. The izakaya I entered by chance was holding a HAPPY HOUR. This is normal luck. I’ll drink KANPAI! I start cooking Peel the garlic cloves before cutting them. Later you rub the garlic. Cut off the stem of the garlic and peel off the skin.

Prepare garlic to this state. Cut the cabbage into bite size pieces. It’s this size. Separate the hardened parts. That’s all there is to cutting. Lately, I’ve been over-enthusiastic about the settings, such as the Supreme Series. I don’t want to raise the hurdle too high.

Because I want you to know the joy of cooking. That’s what I’m working for. It’s not because my cooking is appreciated. I want you to enjoy cooking. I want you to cook and feel delicious. For me that is the most important thing. That’s why I make both easy and difficult dishes.

Please take a look at my cooking. That’s all there is to cutting. I will describe the seasoning. Add 1 teaspoon and half the sugar. Add 1 teaspoon and half of potato starch. This is the same amount as sugar. The base of the flavor is this soy sauce.

This is a strong flavor that goes well with sake and rice. Add 1 tablespoon and half a cup of soy sauce. If you prefer a lighter flavor, reduce the amount of soy sauce by two-thirds. I purposely add a strong seasoning so that it goes well with sake and rice.

Add 1 and a half tablespoons of sake. That’s if my recipe has a strong taste. I don’t change the seasoning. Please find out your favorite flavor and change my seasoning. You add MIRIN. Sake will remove the smell of meat and cabbage. Add 1 tablespoon and half MIRIN. This adds sweetness.

This is HANAMARUKI additive-free miso. Add 1/2 tablespoon miso. This is a soy sauce miso sauce. When miso is added, it becomes a little thicker. Miso makes the taste of food deep and delicious. Add AJINOMOTO 5 times. Pork has a flavor component called inosinic acid. AJINOMOTO is glutamic acid.

By adding glutamic acid, the synergistic effect of inosinic acid and glutamic acid is created. Its flavor will be stronger. Finally, grate 1 garlic clove. Please mix this up. The tare is complete. If this sauce is completed, you win. The tare is complete. I stir-fry the ingredients. Add 2 teaspoons of sesame oil.

Sprinkle minced pork with a generous amount of salt and pepper. Place the frying pan and light it. The frying pan has warmed up. Heat over high heat first. Fry the ingredients in a hot frying pan. Please put minced pork here. This time I am using minced pork. This dish has a delicious sauce.

Shredded pork is fine too. Heat the minced pork while browning it. Overcooking will make this minced pork tough. In this way, the minced pork is slightly browned. Now put the cabbage in. Cabbage must be well heated. If the cabbage is piled up like this, take it apart. Heat the cabbage well.

Because that’s when the cabbage is undercooked. The greatest advantage of cabbage is its sweetness. If the cabbage is not cooked enough, its sweetness will not come out. It should be cooked just enough to brown the cabbage. Heat the cabbage well. In this way, the cabbage has a baked color.

At the same time, minced pork, which was lightly browned until just now, can be fried. It will have a brown color like this. Fry the cabbage like this. Can you see the roasted color of the cabbage here and there? Please fry the cabbage this much. Cabbage is translucent. Cabbage is tender and translucent.

This is a sign that the cabbage has become sweet and delicious. Here I will use the sauce I made earlier. Mix the sauce well. That’s because the potato starch is sinking to the bottom. Please add sauce. Mix the sauce well. It seems that the heat was too strong.

Too much water has evaporated from the ingredients. The bottom of the pot is covered with delicious sauce. Put in a tablespoon of sake. Turn off the heat and scrape the sauce off the bottom of the pan. This dish is ready. This is delicious. Please serve this on a plate of MASAYA.

Please include the sauce as well. When I eat this dish, I eat more and more white rice. When I eat white rice, I drink more and more sake. Please put this dish on a plate. I put the dish on the plate like this. Finally, sprinkle some black pepper.

I add a lot of black pepper. I added twice as much black pepper as I imagined. I have finished cooking. This is the most delicious way to stir-fry cabbage. This is a stir-fried cabbage rice thief. I eat My dish is ready. ITADAKIMASU! What’s this? This is number one. ITADAKIMASU! This is delicious!

The taste of soy sauce and miso with impact is very delicious. It contains potato starch, so the ingredients will come together. This is how I eat those ingredients. Cabbage is well heated. The sweetness of cabbage is drawn out. This is so delicious. I think you can eat this as a bowl of rice.

This is delicious. I change the taste This is AJIHEN KUNG-FU GENERATION. I add chili oil to change the taste. Beer is delicious. You are a liquor thief! Adding the scent of chili oil brings out the spiciness even more. Its spiciness goes well with beer. STAFF CHANCE! KANPAI! He is TATSUYA. ITADAKIMASU!

This is delicious. Adding chili oil makes this dish more delicious. This is delicious. Beer goes well with this dish. Compare today’s food to a movie. you stop it It has never worked. It’s never worked out so far. Compare today’s dish to a MARVEL hero. It has never worked.

I liken today’s dish to a Sentai anime. is it an anime? is that a cartoon? It’s anime and manga. That’s TORIKO. This is all TORIKO. It will show up at the time of compilation. This is a gourmet manga. that’s all. I finish this video. The composition of this video is always the same.

People called my videos MITOKOMON. Thank you for watching my video. I wrote the recipe in the summary column, so please take a look. My videos always have the same structure like MITOKOMON. Please subscribe my channel. Please follow my SNS.




◆ホームページ【バズレシピ.com】→ https://bazurecipe.com/
○ツイッター → https://twitter.com/ore825
○インスタ  → https://www.instagram.com/ryuji_foodlabo
●お仕事の依頼等はこちらまで → bazurecipe@gmail.com


【バズレシピ 史上最強の痩せめし編】
→ https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4594618820

【至高のレンジ飯 面倒ぜんぶ省略!容器1つで感動レシピ100】
→ https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4046811951

【リュウジ式至高のレシピ 人生でいちばん美味しい! 基本の料理100】
→ https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4909044345

★2020年第7回レシピ本大賞 グランプリ受賞作品★
【ひと口で人間をダメにするウマさ! リュウジ式 悪魔のレシピ】
→ https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/490904423X






  1. 玉ねぎも残ってたので追加、卵も期限切れそうだったので目玉焼きにしてこれの上に追加しましたがめちゃくちゃ美味しかったです、、、

  2. 今まで観てはいましたが作ったことが無く、これを作ってみて驚愕。うまいーーー。子供も絶対に好きな味🥹ありがとうございます!

  3. キャベツとミンチで何にしようか、メンチカツと悩んでこちらに。子供も男性もガッツリもりもりいけます!倍量作ればよかった。

  4. 今日これを作ったら、母が珍しくお米おかわりしてました🤣🤣

  5. 鶏むね肉で作ってみました🐔

  6. リュウジさんのおかげで料理が好きになりました!
    いつも美味しく出来て嬉しいです、ありがとうございます^ ^

  7. いやこれは、、、ひき肉料理No.1がこんな地味な料理なの草

  8. 料理人の夫が「美味しい美味しい」と何度も言いながらお米3回もおかわりしてた!

  9. 水戸黄門的な進行が安心して見れますね(褒め)
    美味しくて役立つレシピの ご紹介、ありがとうございます

  10. リュウジのバズレシピは、簡単で旨い!飲みながらやるのがオモロイ!特に氷占い?は笑える。

  11. 学生です。お弁当の具材にしました。夜用意して朝炒めるだけで簡単に美味しいおかずが出来ました!ありがとうございました😋

  12. 3:01
    砂糖  小さじ1.5
    片栗粉 小さじ1.5
    醤油  大さじ1.5
    酒   大さじ1.5
    みりん 大さじ1.5
    味噌  大さじ0.5
    味の素 5振り

  13. 普段料理しない男親ですが、これでJK娘がご飯おかわりしてモリモリ食べてくれました!ガッツリ系メイン料理をいつも本当にありがとう!

  14. リュウジさんのレシピ見つけてから、料理好きになりました❤ 簡単なのがいいなあ、、個人的にはです

  15. 今作りました〜🎉めちゃうま〜

  16. めっっっっちゃ美味しくて倍量作れば良かったと後悔しております😢今日の晩御飯の献立は全部りゅうじさんレシピでした🤭ありがとうございます💞

  17. キャベツ豚ひき肉りゅうじって調べてちゃんとで出るの凄いわ!(家に唯一ある食材)


  18. これめっちゃうまいし簡単だし、ほんとこういうことだよ!

  19. これ、美味しすぎました!料理が大キライな私でも料理が出来た!って感動しました🥹✨本当にありがとうございます✨