【樽座】口コミうまい率ナンバーワン!みんなからうまいって聞く味噌ラーメンを夜に。をすする 麺や樽座 小宮店【飯テロ】SUSURU TV.第2473回

Zuru zuru Hey, this is SUSURU! As always I continue to slurp everyday ramen for my health This is the shop that provides Shrimp Miso ramen, the pride of Tokyo It’s 10 minutes away from the JR Komiya Station on the Hachiko Line

It’s called Menya Taruza Komiya store Menya Taruza Komiya opened in 2007 They used to open their shop at a different place in 2004 The Komiya branch was originally their 2nd branch, but since the original shop got closed down, the Komiya branch is treated as the main branch

Their Shrimp Miso ramen uses the fat of shrimp and it got a really nice shrimp flavor Not only the comments, but also TV talents, comedians etc all said that Menya Taruza is really good

I looked really forward to this day, let’s hurry up and head there! It’s night I’ve arrived at the Komiya station and I’m about to head to Taruza Shooting at night is pretty rare, usually I don’t eat anything for dinner

Since I eat so much ramen for lunch, I usually eat 1-2 bowls, sometimes even 5-6 If I would eat dinner I really would get fat Many viewers often ask what I eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner

But it doesn’t work like that for me, I usually eat 2 bowls of ramen at lunch, and most of the times that’s all I eat That’s why I don’t eat dinner most of the times But since today was really busy, with many rescheduling again and again

That’s why I’ll have Taruza’s Shrimp Miso ramen at night I can’t wait to slurp it! But slurping ramen at night is really tasty, since it makes you feel a bit guilty Of course, slurping ramen at noon is tasty too

But slurping ramen at night is another level, especially if it’s a rich ramen like miso ramen Make sure not to do it too often, it’s quite dangerous I just arrived at Menya Taruza Komiya store I kind of have a lot of expectations

Let’s see what kind of Shrimp Miso ramen they have, let’s go slurp! Let’s go! It’s my first time in Menya Taruza Komiya store This time I ordered Shrimp Miso ramen and 1/2 rice It’s should be considered cheating, eating rice and ramen at night

I can’t wait for the ramen My expectations keep rising Especially about the shrimp expectation As I wrote this text, even I don’t know why I said the 2nd phrase while smiling This is Menya Taruza Komiya store’s Shrimp Miso ramen and 1/2 rice

Their miso ramen looks pretty standard The soup however looks reddish thanks to the shrimp fat on the surface The chashu is so big too, it seems to fit well with rice Well then, Itadakimasu It smells so nice Let’s start with the soup

The fragrance of the shrimp is so good But the shrimp flavor isn’t that strong The soup tastes kind of gentle I thought of eating thick and nice ramen, while feeling a bit guilty since it’s night

But it might be better this way, since this ramen shouldn’t effect me tomorrow that much Well, I’ll still have rice though Next, let’s lift up the noodles and start slurping The yellow noodles are quite firm, chewy and tasty You can enjoy the noodles themselves

There are many beam sprouts in the soup, it’s really nice to slurp them together Having so much vegetables, makes me really happy This makes me so excited, and makes me smile Let’s deliver you this episode with my best smile

Let’s bound this big chashu in the rice, I mean, let’s put it on the rice and eat It’s really tender and juicy Let’s keep eating it like this Of course, it also fits with the rice, As expected eating ramen this late is so nice

Since I normally eat ramen at lunch, and don’t eat anything for dinner I got so excited, just like a elementary student gets excited when staying up until late This is so nostalgic, I watched late TV comedy shows, and got so excited when staying up until late

Well then, let’s arrange the taste with sesame oil It got much more savory, and tastes even better Let’s use this momentum and speed up Let’s keep this pace and slurp the noodles with bean sprouts Let’s also eat the rice as well And last not least the ajitama

This is the best desert there is, it also made me wanna eat rice with it I’ve finished today’s ramen as well It was very tasty to slurp, it was ramen where you could enjoy the smell of shrimp with your whole body Well then, thanks for the food Gochisousamadeshita

I just went to Menya Taruza It was really tasty The fragrance of shrimp was really strong But it didn’t taste that strong like shrimp The aftertaste did taste like shrimp How should I explain it, it left quite the impression on my tongue

It didn’t really leave an impact, it was just that the fragrance of shrimp was that strong It was really tasty, it wasn’t impactful, it was just that you could taste the soup gently and slowly The taste spread slowly and quietly I really liked that shrimp miso soup

The yellow noodles themselves were really firm too, just like Sapporo miso ramen’s noddles They were firm and chewy, they fit well with the Shrimp miso ramen They big chashu was very savory too It was perfect to eat with rice, of course the soup also fit well rice

Since the chashu tasted so savory The ajitama weren’t made of half-boiled eggs, they were pretty much boiled I couldn’t get enough of their rich taste They were also nice to eat with the rice, ajitama were delicious too

It was my first time I visited Taruza, I’m very satisfied It took quite long to reach from Tokyo, but even so I really wanna go again Shrimp Miso ramen was really tasty Thanks for the food Next comes my official catch phrase Menya Taruza-san

You’re the pioneer of Shrimp Miso ramen Shrimp Miso ramen was really good It was tasty Hey, this is Chalzou – This is Nobee Today was Taruza – Taruza’s Shrimp Miso ramen Thank you very much

In this corner we edited the video, so that we can introduce your comments Thank you for you comments – Thank you First is this one – Yes This is from yesterday’s Heiden Factory Setsuna episode – Yes

“It’s been a while since you had sushi in a ramen shop, is something most people won’t say even once in their whole life” I guess, that’s true – Yeah, having sushi in a ramen shop is rare Even though it’s a ramen shop – Yes

“It’s been a while” – Yeah, normally it’s so rare that it’s their first time Normally it’s the first and only time, but I think Yotsuba also got.. – Yeah, Yotsuba

A ramen shop called Yotsuba in Saitama also kind of had Sushi, please watch that episode for the details – Yes SUSURU ate sushi in that episode too – Yeah

Yeah, normally you won’t say it, if it’s the same branch, I would understand it, but for different shops? – Yeah “It’s been a while” is really not normal – Yeah, it sounds like you can find ramen shops like this everywhere

What was he… – Yeah, it sounded just like “It’s been a while since I had tsukemen” Yeah, for tsukemen it would be normal – Yeah Anyway that’s all for that comment, next is this – Yes

“Because I watched your impression I started to laugh after only seeing 5 seconds, but your eyes really got some power behind them” – I see In our 2nd channel the 2 of us did some SUSURU impressions – Yeah, the 2 of us

Most viewers unexpectedly got it – Yeah, I’m glad it did We didn’t really expect that it would – Yeah, the situations were kind of niche Yeah – We must have an understanding of his deep psyche

If you watch that impression, watching SUSURU TV might be more funny, please check it out – Yes, please This is the last one – Yes Aiai said that she watches SUSURU TV – Really? That famous Aiai? – Probably

The former idol of the group Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku? – I think so Really? I think we even mentioned that group once I think I did too – I wrote their name in our script once I think it was the panda episode – And also the Cinderella episode

I kind of remember the Cinderella one – I think there was another episode too Also in episodes with Ebi ramen – Yeah, I guess I have quite the knowledge about Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku – Anyway, thank you very much

Talking about them like that is so typical otaku – Yeah, it is Yeah, idol otakus are like that – Like they say “Our” Yeah, “♪Atashi to Keiyaku shitekudasai♪”

〔編集 ノビー〕

麺や樽座 小宮店

★SUSURU TV.の公式グッズサイト★

『毎日ラーメン健康生活 SUSURUが選ぶ!極上のラーメン84杯』










#麺や樽座 #小宮 #ラーメン #毎日ラーメン生活


  1. ドンしこるtvずりずりどうもしこるでーす毎日ザーメン健康生活ということで相変わらずしこってるんですけど

  2. 味噌ラーメン大好物😋

  3. 千葉県山武市にある濃厚鶏ラーメンゴッチがめちゃめちゃおすすめなのでぜひ食べに行ってくださいღ🍜ღ(´∀`♪)

  4. 以前から推してた樽座に行って下さって嬉しいです😂

  5. 和歌山とか岐阜に鯖寿司つくところはありましたよねえ。樽座は学生の頃からの課題店だけど、以前の店舗も駅から遠くて行けてない。今度必ず行きたいな。

  6. 八王子の味噌ラーメンだったらめんや蔵行ってください! 黒味噌ラーメンって言う焦がし味噌ラーメン美味しいので行ってみてください!!

  7. ススルさんここ最近八王子のラーメン屋さん良く来ますね。