レモンを使ったトマトクリームソースのパスタ / Tomato cream source pasta with lemon

Good evening! It’s not good evening (lol) Hello. We are IRORI DISH. I’m going to try my hand at tomato cream pasta, which everyone loves this time! It’s tomato-based, but I’m going to make a tomato cream sauce with lemon added to it. Well, hey, fish. (CHEWING)

My mouth just hasn’t woken up yet (lol). This is a pasta dish that is an endless loop, with the concentrated flavor of tomatoes, with the concentrated flavor of tomatoes, the mildness of fresh cream, and the sharpness of lemon.

In fact, we serve this pasta at our restaurant, and it is very popular. I’m going to teach you how to make it just like we do. I don’t think there is a restaurant like this (laughs).

I’d be happy if you could make it at home, so I’m going to introduce a professional recipe. I hope you enjoy it. I’m going to make it right away. Let’s take a look at the ingredients. I use 1.9 mm thick pasta. Tomato sauce 120g and Fresh cream 50g

This time, I used 35% fresh cream. I think it tastes better with animal cream. Italian parsley, garlic, anchovy olive oil, lemon and Parmigiano. I’ll be making it with these ingredients. Then I’ll cook it. First of all, the sauce is pretty easy to cook, so I boil the pasta first.

This time, 1.9 mm pasta for 10.5 minutes. Then I’ll cook the source. First, add olive oil and garlic to a frying pan over low heat. Be sure to heat the garlic from room temperature oil. break it up. When the garlic is a little bit fried like this,

I add the anchovies. When you add the anchovies, it’s like you’re trying to break them up in this oil. Cook the anchovies well to release their aroma. f you don’t cook them properly, the anchovies will still have a raw smell, so fry them well. Saute slowly over low heat.

Fry them as if you were going to crush them. It’s like making a paste in this pan. The anchovies burn easily, so be careful. Then, when the garlic is browned enough, add the tomato sauce. When I add the tomatoes, mix all.

The tip for that you’re cooking it up pretty well now. Boil it down to the consistency of ketchup. Add a pinch of salt now. The salt can be added later, so start with less. Then it’s pretty much boiled down to that.

When I scoop with a spatula like this, it leaves a line that doesn’t come back easily. It’s about the same level of boiling as ketchup. It’s more like paste.Then, once it’s off the heat, add the fresh cream Remove from heat and stir. (Brother) What do you do that?

If you add fresh cream and heat it, the water will dry up pretty quickly and it may separate. To avoid failure, remove it from the heat with the with the fresh cream in it. Let’s taste it here. perfect. I cooked today’s dish quite, so the anchovy aroma is very pronounced.

Been cooked a lot , so this kind of creamy If the pasta has a creamy flavor, the anchovies and the lemon flavor that is added afterwards will give it a more professional taste. It adds complexity to the flavor. You can do that at home, too.

I cooked today’s dish quite, so the anchovy aroma is very pronounced. The pasta will be ready in about 1 minute and 50 seconds. Return to the heat with about 30 seconds left to cook the pasta. It ’s about 30 seconds left. Heat the sauce and warm it up again.

At this point, I use another half of a quarter of a lemon. The reason for this is so that half of the lemon can be used now and the other half can be used before you eat.

So first, squeeze out 1/8 of the lemon juice. You can squeeze the lemon juice without wasting it by pressing it on a colander or something. Then the pasta was cooked. After adding the lemon juice, give it a good stir and bring the sauce to a boil.

But since it contains cream and lemon juice, if you boil it too high, it will separate. So turn off the heat when it reaches this point. Turn off the heat and add the well-drained pasta. Mix slowly and gently with a spatula. I’ll taste it here.

I just tasted it a while ago, so it’s probably not too salty. great! Let’s serve it up! It looks delicious. Pour the rest of the sauce on top. The use of two lemons, one lightly cooked and one fresh, makes it even more delicious. Then Parmigiano on top,

Then Italian parsley. To finish, garnish with a little lemon on top, and you’ve got tomato cream pasta with lemon! I’ll try it right away. The best way to eat it is to squeeze the lemon on top before eating. Let’s eat. delicious! (Brother) This is delicious, isn’t it? delicious

I don’t remember this is such a great taste. (laughs) It’s always on the menu, but I never noticed it. The most important thing is to cook the anchovies, add lemon in two parts, and cook the tomatoes thoroughly.

Tomatoes that are often sold on the market smell a little like tomato juice and have a sour taste. I think the quality of this dish will be greatly improved by eliminating the sourness. This is so much better than anything I’ve ever made. Maybe because of season.

It’s really taste. It couldn’t be better. I’ve been doing a lot of videos on YouTube, but food reporting is difficult. (brother) Yeah, I think so too. I want you to do it. This is really hard. (brother) How about getting someone to do a food report.

That’s great. I want somebody to tell me how to do it. good. It was awesome. (brother) Thank you, please eat everything This time I cooked tomato cream sauce using lemon. It’s a very popular menu in our restaurant and it’s really easy to cook at home. If you keep in mind the tips and tricks explained in the video, you will be able to make very tasty pasta.

So please try it at home. I’d be happy if you could. (brother) If you make it several times, the quality will change at all. It’s delicious with various ingredients. It would be great by adding crab, shrimp, or other crustaceans, or tuna.

This pasta can be arranged in many ways, so I would be very happy if you could try it. I hope you will enjoy our next video. We are IRORI DISH. Thank you for your watching!

パスタ(1.9ミリ ちょっと太め)
トマトソース 120g
ニンニク 1片
アンチョビ 適量
オリーブオイル 適量
レモン 4分の1
イタリアンパセリ 適量
パルミジャーノ・レッジャーノ 適量

神奈川県川崎市多摩区西生田2-12-6 1F
小田急線「読売ランド前」駅 南口から徒歩4分




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