【リメイクカレードリア】今すぐ作りたくなるレシピ♪How to make curry doria:japanese food


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残り物のカレー 225g

あたたかいご飯 お茶碗1杯(150g)

バター 10g

小麦粉 大さじ1

牛乳 100cc

とろけるチーズ 大さじ2

Thank you for watching m (__) m
By simply making a white sauce with the leftover curry, an exquisite curry doria was made. Since it is easy, please make it.

[Recipe] (for one person)
Remaining curry 225g
Hot rice bowl 1 cup (150g)
10g butter
1 tablespoon flour
100cc milk
2 tablespoons of melted cheese

#カレードリア #レシピ #一人暮らし

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