【黒糖】いなり寿司 How to make Brown sugar sushi poket

    This time I tried to make sushi poket that I want to use brown sugar.
    Since the size of deep fried tofu is about 15 cm, it is a recipe for 16 pieces, but if you make 8 pieces, please make it with half the amount of the recipe.


    8 sheet deep fried tofu
    70g brown sugar
    40g soy sauce
    5g sweet sake
    150g water
    80g vinegar
    2tbsp cane sugar
    6g salt
    700g rice
    14g black sesame


    油揚げ 8枚
    黒糖 70g
    醤油 40g
    みりん 5g
    水 150g
    酢 80g
    きび砂糖 大さじ2
    塩 6g
    ご飯 2合
    黒炒りごま 14g

    楽曲提供:Production Music by http://www.epidemicsound.com