野菜たっぷり!志麻さんの中華丼 志麻さんのレシピ 豚こまレシピ 豚肉レシピ 白菜レシピ Starchy Sauce Rice Bowl English subtitles Japanese food

Starchy Sauce  Rice Bowl (Chuka  don) Please read the description for ingredients. Cut the carrots into strips, cut the shiitake mushrooms into thin slices, and cut the onions into wedges. Roughly chop the Chinese cabbage and keep the leaves and stems separate. Cut chives into 3cm lengths mince garlic and ginger. Cut the pork into chunks.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the carrots, shiitake mushrooms and stems of Chinese cabbage over medium heat. Once cooked, add the Chinese cabbage leaves. When the carrots are cooked, put them in a colander to drain excess oil.

Add sesame oil to a frying pan, fry garlic and ginger over low heat until fragrant, then add meat and fry over medium heat. Put the vegetables back in the colander. Add seasonings to adjust the taste add chives When it boils, thicken it with water-soluble potato starch. pour over rice

志麻さんのレシピ 中華丼


『志麻さんの自宅レシピ 「作り置き」よりもカンタンでおいしい!』

にんじん     1/4本
しいたけ     2-3枚
玉ねぎ      1/2個
白菜       大きい葉2枚分
にら       1/2束分
ごま油      小さじ1
にんにく     1/2かけ
しょうが     1/2かけ
豚こま切れ肉   200g
水        200cc
中華だしの素   小さじ1/2
オイスターソース 大さじ1
砂糖       小さじ1/2
塩こしょう    少々
片栗粉      大さじ1
水        大さじ1
サラダ油     適量
ごはん      2膳分
Starchy Sauce Rice Bowl (Chuka don)
【Ingredients for 2 people】

1/4 carrot
2-3 slices of shiitake mushrooms
1/2 onion
Chinese cabbage 2 large leaves
1/2 bundle of chives
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1/2 clove of garlic
1/2 piece of ginger
Chopped Pork 200g
Water    200cc
1/2 teaspoon of Chinese dashi stock
Oyster sauce 1 tablespoon
1/2 teaspoon sugar
A little salt and pepper
Potato starch 1 tablespoon
1 tablespoon of water
Appropriate amount of salad oil
2 servings of rice

I would be very happy if you could comment on the video♪

#白菜レシピ #中華丼 #白菜豚肉 #豚肉レシピ #志麻さんのレシピ #家政婦志麻さん #志麻さんのレシピ沸騰ワード #再現レシピ @wantagohan

1 Comment

  1. ご視聴頂きありがとうございます😊志麻さんの中華丼をつくりましょう!旬の白菜や冷蔵庫のあまり野菜で簡単に作れます🍀コメントいただけると嬉しいです🤗💕