
    Hi there, welcome to TOKYO VEG LIFE Today, I’m going to make 6 salads that make you go WOW! First, I’m going to share tips to make a very simple but delicious salad that you would get at a nice restaurant The main ingredient for this salad is leaves

    Baby leaf mix comes with various kinds of leaves and it looks and tastes wonderful but it’s also a bit pricy So I’ll add regular green leaf lettuce to increase the volume

    If you twist and rip lettuce, leaves will get squashed and if chop them up with a knife, the cut will be too sharp and the texture will not be great so carefully tear each leaf into bite size pieces Soak the leaves in water

    You could use cold water, but if you use 40-50℃warm water, you can actually revive old leaves that are not so crisp anymore Drain the leaves well with a salad spinner or if you don’t have a spinner you can use 2 colanders to drain as well

    After draining, discard the water in the spinner and chill the leaves in the fridge until right before serving For this salad, I’ll add 2 ingredients to add crunchiness and sweetness Roughly chop up walnuts You could also use other nuts like almonds or cashew nuts or seeds would also work great

    Cut off the bottom and top of the orange and peel the skin carefully Separate the orange flesh from the thin skin inside Orange adds a vibrant color as well as natural sweetness to this simple salad You could also use other fresh fruits like strawberries or dry fruits like raisins or apricots

    Just before serving take the leaves out of the fridge and place them in a large bowl First, I’ll coat the leaves with oil Put 2 tsp of olive oil If you put the oil on the leaves, they will get oily and soggy so put the oil on the walls of the bowl

    Use your hands to gently coat each leaf with oil evenly and fluff up the leaves Dressing is not meant to be sauce Rather it’s something to “dress” the vegetables with So gently coat the vegetables Next, add 2 pinches of salt on the leaves as evenly as possible Then mix gently with hands again

    Salt comes in many forms There sea salts and also rock salts so you can try different kinds to find your favorite salt or you could use different salt depending on what you put in your salad Add 2 tsp vinegar and 2 tsp mustard

    On the walls of the bowl I used rice vinegar, but you can you any vinegar you like such as wine vinegar, apple vinegar, balsamic vinegar or sherry vinegar Or you could also use citrus juice like freshly squeezed lemon juice Add walnuts and orange then mix gently with a spatula

    If you over mix, the leaves will get damaged and the oranges will release excess juice so mix only 4-5 times Fluff up the leaves on the dish and place orange pieces on the side to serve Now, I’m going to share with you recipes for 3 Japanese salads

    To add to any Japanese meal First, I’ll make a basic Japanese salad dressing Combine 1 Tbsp soy sauce, 1 Tbsp rice vinegar, 1 tsp miso, 1 Tbsp oil and mix well I used flax seed oil but you can use any oil you like such as rice bran oil

    Sesame oil and olive oil You can simply use this dressing on your regular salad to make it a Japanese salad, but today, I’m going to dress tofu, Japanese yam and wakame seaweed then place them on washed and drained lettuce leaves I prefer to serve the leaves undressed

    And dress them with the topping as I eat so the leaves stay crisp I make this pickled plum dressing whenever I get craving for sour foods Remove the seeds from 2-3 pickled plums and chop them up until pasty

    Combine 1/2 tsp amazake, 1/2 tsp soy sauce, 1 Tbsp rice vinegar and 1 Tbsp oil Add julienned daikon radish Thinly julienned daikon will give you a soft and smooth texture of marinated vegetable and thickly julienned daikon will give you a nice crunchy texture Top any salad leaves of your choice with daikon

    Today, I’m using TOMYO (green peas sprouts) so I can get a good amount of protein in my salad as well If you have little more time than usual, why not make roasted vegetable salad? I’m going to make roasted root vegetables for this salad

    Preheat the oven at 200C and chop up burdock and carrot I had some lotus roots in my freezer so I’ve defrosted them and will chop them up to add You can roast any hard vegetable that you have at hand such as potatoes, pumpkin, cauliflower and celeriac

    Drizzle some oil on and sprinkle with some salt then mix well with hands Bake in the oven for 20-25 min at 200C You can also use a dutch oven pot to roast vegetables instead of using an oven

    Combine 1 Tbsp shoyu-koji, 1 Tbsp sesame paste, 1 tsp ground sesame seeds, 1 Tbsp rice vinegar 1 Tbsp rice bran oil and mix well Dress the roasted vegetables with the dressing You can have them as hot salad but today I’m going to add SHUNGIKU – Japanese greens

    Chop up soft leaves and thinly slice the hard stems then combine with the roasted vegetables These greens have a hard texture compared with lettuce so I dress them well with the dressing You normally cook these greens rather than eating them raw but if you use this rich sesame dressing

    It matches well with the distinct fragrance of these greens and make a wonderful salad Just like I add tofu, green peas sprouts and sesame in Japanese salads, I try to add ingredients that contain a good amount of protein to my salad Beans are a great source of protein and

    I always have various kinds of canned or dry beans in my pantry Adding cooked beans will make your salad filling and a delicious meal by itself These mung beans and lentils can be cooked whenever without soaking in water so are very convenient

    We tend to take a lot of soy in our daily diet so I like to have different kinds of beans Today, I’m going to use chickpeas to make a Meddle East inspired salad and black beans to make a Mexican salad Crunchy vegetables and spices make this salad so delicious

    Dice cucumber and celery into small pieces Combine with 1 cup of cooked chickpeas Add freshly squeezed 1/2 lemon juice, half a clove minced garlic, 2 tsp sesame paste a sprinkle of cumin powder, coriander powder and salt 2 tsp of olive oil and mix well You can serve just like this

    Or make it into sandwich with some pita bread, perfect for lunch This salad is like a one plate dish very satisfying and delicious For salsa dressing, remove seeds from tomato with a spoon and dice it Add finely chopped onion and chopped coriander Squeeze in 1/2 lime

    Add a pinch of salt and mix well You can add jalapeno here if you like to make it a very authentic salsa Combine 1 cup cooked pearled barley and 3/4 cup cooked black beans Add half a clove minced garlic, a pinch of salt and 1 Tbsp of olive oil

    Mix well and let them sit for some time to allow the flavors to settle Chop up prewashed iceberg lettuce and drain well Put the beans and salsa dressing on lettuce and put sliced avocado on the side to finish

    It really is a meal by itself but you can also wrap it with tortilla to make a delicious Mexican wrap Thank you very much for watching Today, I shared recipes for 6 WOW! salads People tend to think that salads are boring

    But with a little attention and effort, you can actually make delicious salads that you find at restaurants so I hope you give them a try I’m uploading videos every Wed. and Sat on themes like vegan cooking, eco living and yoga So if you haven’t subscribed to my channel, please consider doing so

    On instagram, I share what I cooked or ate on that day and what’s happening at the studio so please follow me there as well See you next time

    #サラダ #ヴィーガン #豆料理



    1. みなさん、こんにちは!2週間続いたのどの痛みがやっとなくなり、元気な声が戻ってきました!野菜好きにはたまらないサラダラインアップ、楽しんでいただければ嬉しいです^^
      Hi everyone! My sore throat is finally gone and I've gotten my voice back!! Hope you enjoy this delicious AND healthy lineup of WOW salads<3

    2. まだ日本語初心者ですがいつも発音がはっきりしてる、詳しいご紹介してありがとうございます😳。アメリカ住みから手軽な食材なのにそんなアレンジさせるのが素敵と思いながらワクワクしました。毎回メモしてすぐスーパーに行きたい衝動が出ました。全部試してみたいです🌿☺️。

    3. 今夜はオレンジを入れて真似させて頂きました🎵

    4. 1個目のサラダ今まで2回作ってます🥗 ͛.*

    5. とても素晴らしいサラダです!

    6. はじめて拝見しました。サラダもう少し丁寧に作ってあげようと思いました。

    7. 最近ベビーリーフにハマってます。+プチトマト🍅が定番ですが組み合わせのレパートリー増やしたいです。

    8. 7:08ブラックビーンズを手に取った時の首をすこし傾げる仕草が上品で好きです、あと8:13ライムが転がるシーン、狙った演出かもしれないが、じわりますね!

    9. まるでレストランのサラダ!!

    10. そう、サラダって提供してるのみたいにするには手間が思いの外かかる。仕事してるんで大変。でもリモートワーク混じりになり丁寧サラダが増えた。happy!

    11. サラダをあまり好んで食べないので、どうしたら美味しく食べられるか探してたらここに行き着きました。ドレッシングに味噌は考えなかった。美味しかったです。ありがとうございます。

    12. 質問があります、ベジタリアン歴10年の中華料理人です 洋食・中華・和食の料理ができます 日本で働けば就職はしやすいですか?

    13. 今まで気にしなかったこと、例えばドレッシングの混ぜ方などはとても参考になりました。

    14. 一つ目のサラダ作ったらめっちゃ美味しかったです!オレンジの代わりに緑キウイを使いました。

    15. 健康的な動画ありがとうございます😊

    16. 私は日本語初心者ですが、よろしくお願いします。でもメキシカンサラダはとても美味しそうですよ!私はそれを試してみます! 🌿☺️