※ホイコーローの概念壊れます。 本物の味を教えてやんよ!【四川回鍋肉・極】

Hi, I’m Takeshima. I made a mistake. I’m Ryu Maoshin, a special kitchen master. Punch. So that’s why. As soon as they find out who I am. I’ve been getting all kinds of requests for Chinese food. Today, I’m going to make the most popular of them all. I’m going to make claypot.

Claypot It’s a very popular Chinese dish that is made to look like a very popular Chinese dish This is a very deep dish. The claypot meat that everyone thinks of is I think it’s meat, cabbage and green pepper stir-fried I think it’s stir-fried meat, cabbage and green pepper in a beet sauce base.

That’s actually quite a Japanese twist on it. The real claypot is completely different from that one. We have an unusual respect for Szechuan cuisine. Of course we make authentic Szechuan claypot.

But don’t be scared. I guarantee you that everyone who has seen my mapo tofu video I guarantee you that everyone who has seen my mapo doufu video can make it.

So these are the ingredients we’ll be using today. I’m sure there’s a lot to be picky about when it comes to the ingredients we’ve procured this time around, so I’m going to give you the lowdown on them. I’m going to add a brief explanation. First, regarding the meat

In pursuit of the ideal, the best meat is Pork belly with skin, which I used for roshi. Sliced pork belly is unquestionably the best meat Pork belly block with skin can be obtained at commercial supermarkets and Hanamasa.

However, if you use this pork belly, you have to boil it for about an hour or so, otherwise the skin will be tough and the smell will remain. And when you cook the pre-cooked meat, it splatters with oil like a demon.

I hear some people get traumatized or not. Sometimes the cooking time exceeds an hour. After considering it a bit too hard to use in home cooking, I settled on this pork shoulder for barbecue.

I call this a compromise. It is up to you to decide whether you consider this a compromise or an arrangement to make it easier to prepare at home. The thicker the meat, the better.

As to why the shoulder instead of the belly, I’ll I’ll explain later. And vegetables. The most common ingredients for claypot meat are Cabbage and bell peppers are raised, but that too is a rather uniquely Japanese combination. Actually, they are not used that much in Japan.

It’s not that we’re not supposed to follow the local I’m not saying don’t put bell pepper cabbage in there at all It’s totally good, so you can put whatever you want in it. What I’m saying is, you don’t have to be particular about the vegetables you put in.

The meat is the star of the claypot dish. Ideally, I would use the same leaf garlic that I used in my mapo doufu. It’s not in season right now, and it’s not easy to find in the first place. So, I’ll add these garlic sprouts as well, though not as a substitute.

This is rather common in supermarkets. So that’s all I’m going to say about that. Start cooking. Chopping vegetables with a gun. First, leeks. Cut off the tip and slice diagonally We want to add some greens, so today we’ll use the green onion part as well Then the garlic sprouts

The hard tips are cut off. I’m going to slice this one diagonally as well The reason for cutting diagonally is The surface is hard, so it’s hard for the flavor to penetrate. The larger the cross section, the easier it is for the flavor to penetrate

Chop up the flavorful vegetables Garlic. Let’s use two today. This time, we’ll use fewer ingredients. I’m going to use some savory vegetables as garnish. So garlic is sliced

And now the ginger. The peel of ginger is very thin, so it’s in a stir-fry, there is no need to peel it, especially if it is Chop up about the same amount as garlic. Slice this one as well as the garlic into bite-size pieces

Chili peppers in any amount you like. If you don’t like spicy, don’t add it. The spicy part is the seeds. If you crack open the inside and take out the seeds, it’s not as hot as it looks and you can taste the flavor of the chili

Okay, like this, that’s it for the preparation. Let’s cook it. We’ve got quite a few points from here. Here comes Uncle Poop! Once the pan is warmed up, we’ll just cook the meat first You want to cook the meat pretty thoroughly. To optimize the heat of all the ingredients

Only the meat should be cooked first, then combined at the end. This is a technique often used in Chinese cooking. Claypot The term “turning the meat in the pot” means turning the meat in the pot. It does not mean stirring the meat in the pot

I mean repeatedly putting the meat back into the pot. The authentic way to make it. So you pre-boil the pork belly with the skin on for an hour or so, and then and slice it, pan fry it, take it out again, and finally put the meat back in and combine it.

The meat is put back in the pan 3 times. It’s a lot of work to make it right. Don’t underestimate it. When the meat is cooking, the oil and water from the pork comes out

This meat oil, you see how cloudy it is? This is the moisture of the meat, and this is where the smell comes from. At this stage, you can smell the peculiar smell of pork. But this, if you cook it for a while

The oil will gradually become clear as the heat of the oil will release only the water that contains the smell Yes, the oil is clearer than before, isn’t it, ma’am? That’s the signal that the smell is gone.

It’s important to grill the meat this well. When it’s cooked this much, the meat will have some nice grill marks on it. Here’s when to take the meat out. The reason I used the loin instead of the belly this time is that the belly simply produces too much oil.

In this case, I skipped boiling the meat to save time. The extra oil is removed during the boiling stage, but a large amount of oil is suddenly released when the meat is baked. So, I used the one with a good balance of fatty meat.

Of course, you can’t use the loin, but you can use kitchen paper to absorb the excess oil. adjust the oil content and you’re good to go. And crispy roasted belly, too. That would be good. The leftover oil is lard, which has a lot of flavor.

I’m going to use this oil as it is. So that the aromatic vegetables don’t get burnt. Once the heat is lowered and the temperature in the pan is lowered, the garlic and ginger are added here Continue to fry over low heat. The aroma of the aromatic vegetables is slowly brought out.

When the aroma of garlic and ginger is fully developed Step 2 Chili peppers And Bean drum I hadn’t used them since the mapo tofu video. I know a lot of people have extra. It’s not hard to use.

Just put it in the right stir-fry. just by adding it to a stir-fry, you can create the flavor of an authentic Chinese dish. You can usually get bean jam at supermarkets or Cardi’s. About 10g And soy bean sauce. This is the key, just like bean-curd soup. Unhesitatingly put a lot of it in.

About 1.5 tablespoons. And if you want to be more particular here, you can use the tastiest broad bean broad bean sauce that’s been fermented for a couple of years. A 50-50 blend. Sold at Don Quijote and Kaldi’s. Of course one kind is totally fine. Orthodox bean sauce is preachy, sharp, salty and pungent.

The Pengyuan broad bean paste sauce has a strong flavor. Japanese claypot meat is The Japanese claypot is sweeter, with more beetroot sauce to make it more palatable for everyone. Sichuan claypot meat is made with the sharp and spicy flavor of bean sauce. The authentic claypot meat is

It is red! The heat is not increased, but the meat is stir-fried just enough to bring out the aroma without burning it. Chilli peppers are enhanced by stir-frying. When the aroma is bright enough, water is added to prevent burning.

1 tablespoon of mellow aromatic Shaoxing wine. If you don’t have it, use sake, or water if you don’t have that either. 1 tablespoon mirin (sweet cooking rice wine) 1 tablespoon sugar beet ½ teaspoon soy sauce Enough saltiness, just enough to add flavor.

Stir in the seasonings to make a sauce. It’s more professional to say “sauce” than “sauce. And if you use too many technical terms It’s annoying. If you’ve made it this far, the finish line is in sight. Into this, we’re going to dump all the ingredients. The leftover leeks and garlic sprouts,.

And the meat that I took out earlier. Once everything is in, we toss the ingredients with the sauce Stir-fry all the ingredients at once over high heat. When the leeks are slightly wilted, it’s ready. Then it is finished. My recommendation for cosmetic oil.

This usual hot oil. This hot oil has a rich spice flavor. It especially comes into its own in Chinese food. The authentic flavor that wafts through the air just by putting it in. I’ll put it in the summary section, so please give it a try!

I’ll finish it off with some makeup oil all over it. All right. Finished. Szechuan claypot Here it is perfected. This is it. This is my favorite claypot meat. Szechuan flavor with a lot of aroma. The sharp spiciness of the bean paste that comes out all over

Completely different from Japanese claypot meat. The typical Japanese claypot dish is seasoned with 1 tablespoon of sugar beet sauce to 1 tablespoon of soybean paste. A teaspoon or so of soybean paste is used sparingly, but The Szechuan-style formula is still the opposite there. I like the sweeter Japanese claypot, of course, but

In my case, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to like the spicy red claypot meat here. I’m getting so much rice and alcohol like an idiot, it’s bad. Ingredients, leeks, garlic sprouts, and garlic and ginger cut into large pieces. This combination is becoming mainstream for me. When leaf garlic is in season.

I’d love to add it to the mix and have a blast! I used pork shoulder instead of pork belly with skin, which is not bad at all! Chewy and firm, but not hard. but not hard at all.

The balance of oil is just right. Of course, if you use the meat for pork belly with skin The skin is chewy and delicious, but The skin is chewy and delicious, but the taste is not bad at all. Anyway, you should try it! It will definitely change your concept of claypot meat.

Yes, I know this is sudden, but here’s an announcement. We’ve just opened a sub-channel. I’ll put the URL in the overview section. I will of course update this cooking channel regularly. I’ll be updating this channel regularly with things other than cooking, such as travel, camping, and so on.

Fishing, or just everyday food that’s not really good enough to be on the main channel. I’m thinking of teaching how to make a good egg over rice or something like that I’m trying to make this a free and loose channel, so if you want to subscribe, or even better, be sure to subscribe!

Also, since we didn’t do the 300,000 people anniversary live, maybe we’ll have a sub-channel soon. Maybe we’ll do a live stream. Because I told you, I already told you. Anything you want to do, cooking or non-cooking. If there’s something you want me to do, I’ll be on the sub-channel.

Leave a comment. I’d love to hear from you. Welcome to Sichuan!




豚肩ロース肉 150~200g
長ネギ 1本
にんにくの芽 4本
豆板醤 大さじ1.5
豆鼓 10g
鷹の爪 適量
酒 大さじ1
みりん 大さじ1
甜麺醤 大さじ1
醤油 小さじ1/2












ファンレター・プレゼントの送り先はこちら —————–
株式会社Carry On



#武島たけし #極み飯


  1. 回鍋肉ではない。キャベツの甘味噌炒めだったのだ。

  2. 豚バラの塊でやってみたら最高でした!皮付きではなかったので次はそれもやってみます

  3. にんにくの芽は縦に割いたりしてもいいのかな?その方が断面が大きくなりそうだ

  4. 日本人有良好的品味,建议尝尝中国正宗的北京《宫保鸡丁》,东莞《广式煲仔饭》,都是极好的美食,而且完全不辣

  5. プラスのポイントとして、

  6. とても美味しそうだったので作ってみましたが、