
Hi everyone! Today I’m going to use this Chinese cabbage and this ground chicken and a lots of ginger that shu-chan is grating by my side now We’re going to make “Chinese cabbage with chicken flavored minced chicken flakes sauce” Let’s get started! Firstly prepare relatively huge chunk of ginger like 60g and grate it

Then prepare Chinese cabbage About one quarter size which is little bit over than exact recipe But it’s no problem! This is going to be tasty Please wash them with water well Chinese cabbage Look at this amount of grated ginger! This is about 60g We are going to use ginger a lot

It also good for making body warm since it’s very cold these days This is the recipe that we want to deliver any kind of generation now Shiitake mushroom Take the stem out Slice as you want We use 3 Shiitake mushrooms this time (3-take) I’ve never heard the way you count Shiitake 3-take

This time I use 3-take As always I don’t want to through the stem into trash Let’s cut them in half Like this Shiitake mushroom will make tasty broth Very tasty broth Lastly carrot As always I’m going to cut it into small rectangles A little

This time I only use Chinese cabbage, Carrot, and Shiitake mushroom For other, you can put Mangetout for the color Or, Japanese mastered spinach for more deep green color For the texture, boiled bamboo shoots are also good Add anything you want and enjoy this recipe With this soup, everything is going to be tasty

The surplus vegetables in the fridge or other kinds of mushrooms etc Everything will be ok After finishing cutting Prepare ground chicken for about 500g I want to make it healthy and gentle taste So I don’t use oil for heating If your pan is kind of sticky, put little bit oil first

For fluorine processing pan, no need to use oil We use use a lots of ginger but not so much garlic All the chicken we bought was 25% off Put all 500g chicken into it, and wait little bit till start heating up I don’t want to make them too small pieces

Please cook rice as well, I want to make a rice-bowl style When the chicken heated enough Add carrots first The one which takes time to heat up Then mix little bit Add 500cc water Then I’m going to use this “Professional broth made from chicken and kelp” The one which you use a lot

Add 50cc “Bonito Flakes powder” It was 10 times concentrated broth “Professional” one That’s why I put 500cc water and 50cc broth Add 1 package of bonito Flakes powder 6g While we wait for letting it boil, Add 1 table spoon soy sauce Also 1 table spoon Sake 3 table spoons Mirin

I added less soy sauce this time so that we can taste the broth and ginger more To make the taste gentle, add little bit more Mirin Looks already good since I cut carrot thin Then add Shiitake mushrooms After that add half amount of ginger Let it boil

Make sure the soup has little bit strong flavor before adding Chinese cabbage It will give more water later Smells so good after putting Shiitake mushrooms Now you can see it’s boiled, so let’s try the taste Personally I want to add 1 more table spoon soy sauce It has enough salt in it

I like to make the soup sweeter so I add 1 tea spoon sugar It’s up to you Then add Chinese cabbage Today it seems like it serves four Looks good The simmering time depends on how you want to make the Chinese cabbage like How do you want? I want it to be soft

He likes the cabbage to be soft so we are going to simmer enough long If you want to eat crunchingly, it’s okay to simmer short time Basically it’s all done now All we have to do is wait Don’t forget to add rest of the ginger except for the decoration on the top later

You can put all the juice too I want it to be enough ginger taste Of course you can use ginger paste For better taste and smell, we grated this time After simmering enough like this, we will add water soluble potato starch to make it little bit thick We waited for 5 min

It looks like soft enough except cabbage’s core part, so we must wait little longer If you don’t want to take time, I recommend you to add the core part earlier At the same time as carrots I think it’s ok for now, so let’s add water soluble potato starch in it

Put it like this Mix well Heat them up again Now heat them enough please The soup wouldn’t be thick enough if you don’t heat it up Make sure the soup became thick You don’t need to put a lit on when boiling since you add water soluble potato starch later like this

Less water is fine Let’s add little bit more water soluble potato starch Like this You can see? How it became thick soup Finally, put this soup on the rice Then put ginger on the top Add black pepper as you like Okay this is the finish look! Let’s eat it! Let’s start eating! Itadakimasu

Let’s eat together today By the way I made some side dishes too Itadakimasu It’s so hot The smell of ginger is good Itadakimasu I can taste all the ingredients but at the same time it’s very gentle Yum! It was right to put a lot of ginger!

Ginger makes our body warmer and also tastes good It has big volume with all the ingredients but at the same time it’s like “Zousui” in terms of the softness I would like to eat when I’m sick I’m sure it’s good Since it’s thick soup, it’s good with rice I can highly recommend it

It’s really soft This is the food for winter I want everybody to try it We would be very happy to eat when it’s cold day Wow it’s good Hot Since it’s made as thick soup, it holds the hotness Yes, it’s so good Let’s try with it I don’t want to talk loudly

It tastes good even when we are sick I made it as rice bowl style If you make as one dish, you can add thick fried tofu as well It’s so good Also Japanese radish must be good You’re right I think the ground chicken makes this gentle taste It’s not oily at all

But still it has good meat taste It’s cheaper as well I can eat it more and more I already feel enough hot inside my body This recipe is perfect for winter Totally By the way I like it a lot Wow it’s good! Can you put that on it? For sure it’s good

It’s good This is very healthy too This makes me feel like to eat vegetables more You relatively eat a lot of vegetables actually If anything, it’s me who needs to eat vegetables The grated ginger makes this more tasty instead of using ginger paste I recommend to do that

Even I have food in my mouth, I would eat again Let’s eat Last bite I appreciate that you made such a delicious meal It’s rally kind taste I said that it’s good when we are sick but of course when we are not, it’s going to be a cold prevention as well

This has a lot of nutrition I can highly recommend it to any generations Please use ginger enough That’s all for today This recipe is very tasty Half of this recipe made from kindness No 90% is kindness Please try this recipe That’s all Gochisosamadeshita Thanks for watching! See ya! Bye bye!

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I want to deliver delicious Japanese-food recipes to the world

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#こっタソの自由気ままに #白菜とそぼろの餡かけ #あんかけレシピ #ずぼら飯 #男の料理 #ビールのお供 #こっタソ居酒屋 #おかず #こうちゃん特製 #居酒屋メニュー #おつまみ #晩酌 #酒の肴 #簡単レシピ #弁当 #bento #recipesfordinner #mukbang #下厨房 #男子ごはん #マツコの知らない世界 #먹방


  1. 優しさに溢れるお二人みてると優しい気持ちになるねぇ。

  2. しいたけは3たけ?新しい数え方ね

  3. 夜🌃見たいけどお腹が空いて夜食に走りそうで💦でも欠かさず毎回見てます😋

  4. 疲れてて作るの面倒くさいなーと思う時でも、優しさいっぱいのこうちゃんのお料理と、いつも感謝いっぱいでホントに美味しそうに笑顔で食べるしゅんちゃん見てると、”やっぱりちゃんと作りたい” って思わせてくれるー😍♥️ そしてホントに美味しくて、作って良かったー、美味しかったーって同じ気持ちになれるから、ホントにこうちゃんとしゅんちゃんステキなコンビだと思う♥️💗💕

  5. こうちゃんの料理食べたい!しゅんちゃんの表情や食レポから美味しさが伝わってくる〜❤餡かけに生姜、ポカポカ要素満載ですね。明日のメニュー決まり!

  6. 丁度似たような材料が揃ってたんで、晩御飯に真似して作ってみました💪🏻

  7. 【ingredients】4 servings
    ●minced chicken breast:500g
    ●1/4 chinese cabbage
    ●3 shiitake mushrooms
    ●1 carrot
    ●shiro dashi:50cc
    ●bonito soup stock powder:6g
    ●soy sauce:2 tbsp
    ●sake:1 tbsp
    ●mirin:3 tbsp
    ●sugar:1 tsp
    ●fresh ginger:60g
    ●some corn starch (ratio water 2 : corn starch 1)

  8. 本当に風邪😷引いているので、作ってみました!

  9. 「しゅんちゃんどっちが良い〜!?」

  10. いつも楽しく拝見させていただいてます。

  11. 簡単ですごく美味しかったです☺️

  12. こっタソさんの動画を最近知りました。
    また 参考にさせていただきます。

  13. いつもなに作るか迷ったとき、かならず助けてくれるこのチャンネルが好きです!作ってみたら、とっても美味しかったです!いつもありがとうございます☺️

  14. 作っているところも

  15. いっつも美味しいもの、美味しそうなものを載せてくれてありがとう!!!

