【豚こま特売日に是非お試し下さい】正直、お店より旨い!こうちゃん特製【絶品 やみつきスタミナ丼】男飯/節約/大食い/モッパン/ mukbang

Hello everyone! It’s me 🙂 I’m going to show you a power-up dish. It’s addictive and loaded with garlic, ‘Energy Booster Rice Bowl’. The ingredients are: pork scraps – good and cheap. Or pork belly which is slightly fatter. Naturally it’ll be a bit greasy.

With pork belly, you may want to remove a little fat after sauteing them. Pork scraps have the right amount of fat and muscle meat. I was craving for meat.. so I’ll use 650g of pork. Place the meat in a plastic bag.

To ease the meat smell, add 3 tablespoons of sake. You can eyeball it. Rub to combine well. It’s easy to handle with a bag. Season the meat first while preparing other stuff. Set aside. Other ingredients are onion, garlic shoots, and fresh garlic. 1 clove of garlic is grated.

2 cloves of garlic will be sliced, like garlic chips. Look! It’s heart-shaped! I love it! Or twin..? You can remove the sprout in the center which burns easily. Removing that part helps not to get burned. It’s not super important, though. Set aside the sliced garlic. Here are 1 bunch of garlic shoots.

It’s so good that you can use 2 bunches of them. They are usually sold in this length. Cut into 3. I love the fragrance of garlic shoots. Also very nutritious; it has fiber and folic acid. 1/2 of large onion.

You can cut it like when you use for curry dish. I’ll slice it so it cooks faster. About this size. That’s all I need for today. 1/2 onion, 1 bunch of garlic shoots, 2 cloves of fresh garlic. I want to marinade meat a little longer so let’s move on to the sauce.

In a small bowl, add 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, using a large amount of meat and all. Add 1 tablespoon of sake. Add 1 tablespoon of mirin. Add grated garlic. Add 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce. I’m going to use store-bought grated ginger. Add 1 teaspoon of ginger.

Add 1 teaspoon of Dou ban jiang for spiciness. You can also omit it. Add 2 teaspoons of sugar. Grind some black pepper to it. SOMI Shantung, or chicken stock. SOMI Shantung adds more umami. It doesn’t have to be very powerful so I add 1 teaspoon of SOMI Shantung.

I want the sauce to be gravy-like in order to coat the meat well. So I add 1 teaspoon of potato starch. Basically it’s done. The rests are optional. Add some white sesame seeds. It adds its roasted flavor and umami. Hot chili pepper powder. You can also add it later when served.

I’ll add just a little. Please add as you like. Combine all well. Since I used a large volume of meat, the more sauce is the better. For a more subtle flavor, you can add some water here. Sauce is done. The meat has been marinated for about 10 minutes now. Let’s cook them.

In a cold non-stick skillet, add some sesame seeds oil, like this much. Add fresh garlic. Turn the heat on. With medium heat, saute garlic until fragrant. When you start with a heated pan, garlic gets burned easily. Turn the heat on when everything is ready.

Just sauteing garlic with sesame seeds oil alone produces a violently good smell. I roughly removed the sprouts of garlic. 1 or 2 that I missed is getting burned already. If that bothers you, I suggest removing them completely. When garlic is lightly browned, take them out of the pan. Turn off the heat.

Place the pork in the pan. Break them loose. As you see it’s not very greasy. Thus no need to remove extra fat. I’m cooking with high heat. When the meat is about 70% cooked, throw the onion in. I prefer the onion softened with rice bowl dishes.

So I’m adding it at an early stage. If you prefer the onion to keep its crunchy texture, you can add it a little later. When in a hurry, you can also microwave the onion beforehand. That may shorten the cooking time. When ingredients are cooked through, it’s time to add garlic shoots.

You can add them right here, or alternatively you can cook it separately. I’ll take this out and set aside for now. Now I’ll saute garlic shoots solely so that it gets browned nicely. This extra step adds the toasted flavor of garlic shoots to the dish. Add some sesame seeds oil. Add garlic shoots.

While pork and onion are setting aside, onion keeps getting softer with residual heat. To get this result, please do as I did. Garlic shoots are nicely browned now. Bring the pork and onion back in the pan. While they were resting, some liquid came out of them.

Try not to add this liquid to the pan, which has some meat smell. Look how much liquid came out. It has some umami but more of an undesirable meat smell. Now add some seasoned salt and pepper to the pan. Combine well. I want it to brown a little.

To get this, leave the pan without disturbing it for a short time, before adding the sauce. Adding the sauce means adding more liquid, which doesn’t help to get it browned. When the onion is lightly browned, pour the sauce in. Keep the heat high. The key here is to sear them.

Thanks to the potato starch it doesn’t get soggy. It helps to coat the meat well. For the garlic chips, you can use as topping or you can stir fry together. Now the top part of the ‘Energy Booster Bowl’ is done.

Top this on the bowl of rice along with sesame seeds, scallion and eggs as you like. I’m going to serve it with poached egg today. Let’s taste it! Let’s taste it now! Itadakimasu! It’s dark beer! I’m bragging, but it’s perfect! It’s thoroughly seasoned and marinated. So good with the rice!

Aside from onion, the garlic shoots and chips are amazing! It’s really delicious! Poached egg adds mild creaminess to the dish. Yum! I’ll never find somebody who can resist this. I discarded the liquid from sauteing the pork, so it’s rather light. Yeah, it’s substantial with the meat yet it’s somehow ight.

The unwanted part of the meat is eliminated so.. I see, that’s why! I feel it’s easy on the stomach. I don’t think I’ll get heartburn from it. I can tell it’ll digest well. I’m adding the mixed spices now.. I added 1 teaspoon of hot chili pepper, along with Dou ban jiang.

Yet it’s not hot at all. Personally, it’s the right spiciness for me. It’s ‘Regular’ spiciness in Kokoichi Restaurant. Subtly spicy, I would say… Good with the mixed spices.. Goes well with this beer.. I Love this fresh garlic! Perfect summer dish!

To enjoy its flavor to the fullest, fresh garlic is the way to go. I cannot stop eating! We showed you ‘Addictive Energy Booster Rice Bowl’, with pork scraps. Oh, it was so delicious. Like no other. This is the core of the men’s cooking. Far better than the restaurant dish.

These days they often order in, but there’s no comparison from home-made dishes. I truly hope everyone tries this at home! In addition to the punch of garlic, there’s no heaviness in the meat dish. I can gobble on and on… For beer lovers, you don’t need anything else but this.

You can also have it as an appetizer, instead of a rice bowl. Or on top of the salad too, like ‘Rizap Beef Salad’? Please make it at home! It’s super delicious!! Gochisousama deshita. Thank you for watching. See you next time, bye!


Thank you for watching
I want to deliver delicious Japanese-food recipes to the world


[Ingredients] (serves about 4)
● Pork scraps: about 650g
● Sake: as needed (for seasoning the meat)
● Onion: 1/2 onion
● Garlic shoots: as desired
● Garlic: 2 cloves
● Sesame oil
● Salt and pepper
● Hot spring egg, egg yolk, shichimi pepper to taste
[Special Energy Booster Sauce]
● Soy sauce: 2 tablespoons
● Sake: 1 tablespoon
● Mirin: 1 tablespoon
● Grated garlic: 1 clove
● Oyster sauce: 1 tablespoon
● Grated ginger: 1 teaspoon
● Dou ban jiang: 1 teaspoon
● Sugar: 2 teaspoons
● Black pepper
● SOMI shantung: 1 teaspoon (chicken broth or Weipa can also be used)
● Potato starch: 1 teaspoon
● Ground sesame seeds: 1 teaspoon
● Chili powder: as much as you like
Ko-chan’s best meal for men in a long time!!
This time, it’s called “Energy Booster Rice Bowl”
As soon as you ate it… you are gonna be “this is it!!”
It’s full of pork, garlic and Dou ban jiang, but it’s not overpowering at all!
It’s the perfect amount of richness that you can eat as much as you want.
I really love Energy Booster Rice Bowl, and I often go out to eat but,
to be honest, Ko-chan’s one much better!
This is the kind of taste you can eat every day and never get tired of.
I personally think that using pork meat is a great way to save money.
If you are on a carbohydrate restriction diet, you can use vegetables
for the rice and it will taste really good ♪
And, of course, you will be very happy if you eat it with beer ♪
If you find pork scraps on special sale at the supermarket, please try
making it.


#こっタソの自由気ままに #やみつきスタミナ丼 #豚小間レシピ #食ってみな飛ぶぞ #RiceBowl #Katsudon #Tendon #JapaneseFood #ライザップ牛丼 #PorkRecipe #和食 #低糖質おつまみ #糖質制限レシピ #ヤセ筋 #低糖質レシピ #ヘルシー #ダイエットレシピ #激痩せ #糖質制限レシピ #ロカボレシピ #dietfood #lowcarbdiet #dietrecipe #晩ごはんレシピ #ご飯泥棒 #おかず #極上レシピ #ワンパンレシピ #時短レシピ #おうちごはん #至福の料理 #ご飯のお供 #太らないレシピ #やみつきレシピ #酒のつまみ #簡単つまみ #こっタソレシピ #男飯レシピ #mukbang #먹방 #男子ごはん #HomeCooking #StayHome #大食い #男ウケ料理 #晩酌 #自炊 #酒の肴 #簡単レシピ #弁当 #作り置き #常備菜 #Bento #recipesfordinner #マツコの知らない世界 #WithMe #Eazyrecipe #モッパン #から揚げ #唯一無二の絶品レシピ #こっタソ動物園


  1. これやばい!!旨すぎるよ。しゅんちゃんの食レポの意味がわかる。がっつりしてるのにしつこくなくて息子はもちろんなんだけど私たちが食べてもいつも食べるすた丼の不快感がないの。これ凄い!あとはやっぱこうちゃんのタレって格別なんだよーほんとおすすめ。

  2. いつも楽しみにしてます!

  3. あ〜、かなた料理だいすき君に癒される〜。 美味しい料理の作り方を知れて、尚且つ癒される。最高のyoutubeですね。

  4. もうすでに暑さにやられて食欲なくなってるから、この間違いないスタ丼で盛り盛り元気になる!先日のシュンちゃんの肉味噌美味しかったぁ👍残ったやつはラップで小分け冷凍してます。

  5. いつも大量に冷凍してる豚こまがこんな旨くなるなんて思わなくてマジビビってるっす。

  6. 拍手👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
    こうちゃん お久しぶりです😊


    こうちゃん しゅんちゃん 今日も美味しさと元気をありがとう💓💓

  7. こうちゃん良くなって良かったです!シュンちゃのrecipeもとっても美味しかったです👍今日忙しくて今、夜ご飯ですがスタミナ丼みながら食べてまぁす(〃▽〃)

  8. ありがとうございます!

  9. サムネが目に入った一瞬で美味しいってわかる‼️私がチェックする前に子供に「明日はこれ作って!」と言われました😆

  10. やばーっやばーっ‼️コレ旦那も息子も絶対好きなやつーっっ😍‼︎‼︎‼︎

  11. 最近、夏バテ気味で食欲が無いのですが、これは美味しそう♪

  12. はじめまして、見ました。

  13. 本当にお久ねぇ、豚丼は楽でしかも栄養満点、夏バテ防止だね❤️昨日ピーマンとちくわの炒め物作りました、評判良かったです😌💓今日は豚丼行きますか~。

  14. お久しぶりに拝見しましたが元気そうで何よりです、以前よりもイキイキしてる感じもしますし…何より飯が美味そう‼️

  15. めっちゃ美味しかった!子供に、また、こっタソから?って言われ、そう!って言ったら、すっかり、信者だね!と笑われてます〜

  16. 美味しそうです😍

  17. 今日の夕飯はスタミナ丼にしました❤







  18. こっタソすっかりハマってます‼️きゅうりの2分の1本漬けがメッチャ旦那に好評で、何度も仕込みました🤣

  19. 今作りました!唐辛子が嫌いなチビがいるのでコチュジャンを入れてみました。めちゃうまいレシピありがとうございます!

  20. こうちゃんとしゅんちゃん

  21. おいしかった〜もう4回ぐらい作りました

