
This time we’re heading to the Botanical Gardens and Mosque in Paris. People ask me, “Mash and Aya are very close, but do they fight? They ask me if they fight. So, I’m going to take a walk in Paris and tell you about Mash and Aya.

Mash and Aya have been together for 7 years. They dated for 3 years in Japan, had a long distance relationship for 1 year. We have been living together in Paris for 3 years. We’ve been together for a long time. That looks delicious. This is also good. This looks good too.

What’s in this one? Which one is it? It’s got eggplant in it. Since I’ve been living in Paris, I’ve been buying sandwiches a lot. Come on, let’s go to the botanical garden!

GALERIE DE PALÉONTOLOGIE ET D’ANATOMIE COMPARÉE There is a statue of a dinosaur in front of the Museum of Paleontology and Comparative Anatomy (also known as the Dinosaur Museum). There are many bracken trees. -Jardin des Plantes Jardin des Plantes is located in the 5th arrondissement of Paris. There is a delicious ice cream store

Aya’s Favorite Ice Cream Back to the story. They have been together for a long time, and of course they have fights. But it’s more of a discussion than a fight. At that time, there are some things that are important to both of you.

It’s to talk to each other until the other person understands what you’re thinking. In the middle of a relationship, there may be times when we get tired of each other, or there may be silence, but we both try our best to understand each other over time.

So we’ve never had a fight where we were verbally abusive or cursing each other. I don’t have any desire to argue with them or hurt them. I concentrate on conveying my feelings to the other person. We are all strangers and have different values and ways of thinking. So, it doesn’t always work out.

But I think it’s okay. I hope that we can grow together little by little. Next, I’d like to talk about how the two of us can be friends. There’s a fish. Where is it? The fish from earlier is gone. Did he show his face for us? It might have.

When Aya goes outside, it clears up well. It’s thanks to my power, lol. It will be fine if you pray. Look! There’s a cute little honeybee. What is it? Come here, please. What do you have? Bracken. It’s true! There’s bracken growing here, too.

You can eat bracken in Japan, but can you eat bracken in France? Aya takes a serious picture of bracken… I want to eat bracken tempura… This is how we get along. I don’t think there’s a clear way to do it.

But there are so many reasons why the two of us are so close that I can’t stop talking about it. One of the most important things is the importance of accumulating small things. For example, to properly express gratitude to each other.

I express my feelings of love and care for my partner through words and actions. I often express my feelings to my partner not only on birthdays and anniversaries, but also on ordinary occasions. It contains roasted chicken and onions. Is it good? It’s delicious! Is it very good? Yes! Aya is a hot dog.

It’s delicious. It’s very important to let others know how you feel. It’s not only a good thing. It’s not only the good ones, but also the bad ones. It’s very important to tell people what you don’t want them to do, what you don’t like about them, and so on.

Why is it that you can honestly tell someone what you don’t want them to hear? I think it’s because I feel secure that the other person cares about me. The second thing we cherish. Sharing the household chores is to do what we are both good at.

Mash does the cooking and formalities. Aya does the laundry and cleaning. We don’t have to order or force each other to do things, we just have to do them when we want to. Reduce the stress of living alone by allowing both of you to live as freely as possible.

I think that by keeping the two of us calm, we can get along well. I thought about this lifestyle little by little when we started to live together There are many different couples and families, so I think there are many different ways to live!

This is the way we are able to do it because of our current environment, so I think it will change in the future when we have children or become ill.

It may be important to create a situation that is easy for both of you to live in, according to the environment and circumstances at that time! It’s becoming more like a way of thinking about life rather than a way of getting along (laughs)

I’m sure my way of thinking will change in the future, but I want to remember to be considerate of others.

Grande Mosquée de Paris A mosque in France, built in the 1920’s for Muslim soldiers who were killed in World War I. The mosque has mosaic walls and minarets. It is a Spanish Moorish style building with mosaic walls and minarets, and a beautiful patio. There is also a cafe, restaurant, and hammam on the same site. It is a Spanish Moorish building with mosaic walls and minarets (spires).

I heard that the wisteria flowers were in full bloom, so I came here. It’s beautiful! It’s beautiful. Finally, about this question “Are you two married? Couple? Friends? This is a very common question. We’re in a de facto marriage. So we are a couple, a married couple, a partner.

There’s a reason we’re in a de facto marriage, but it’s hard to explain. I believe that our relationship is the same whether we are married or not. If we need to get married in the future when we have children or something, we will.

It’s not that we don’t want to get married, we even wear wedding rings. We’ve already greeted each other’s parents, and we’re feeling married. I’m sorry that I always confuse people by writing “husband and wife” or “couple” in the title of my videos (lol). Tea with mint Arab sweets We bought one of each!

I talked about the two of them this time. I’m glad if this is helpful to anyone. If you have any questions, let me know in the comments or message me! There’s a lot more I can tell you, so if you’re interested, I’d be happy to talk more in depth next time.

Is it sweet? It’s sweet. You’re smiling. It’s mostly sugar. Sugar? Are you sure? It’s like a nougat, like a cookie. Is my head going to explode? (laughs) It’s sweet enough to explode. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please don’t take it (laughs)  No, you can’t! I haven’t finished eating yet (laughs) I can’t eat it because it fell down (laughs)

Thank you for watching. I’ll see you soon. Good-bye.



グランド・モスケ・ド・パリ -Grande Mosquée de Paris-

Jardin des Plantes パリ植物園



パリの散歩動画チャンネル「Mash Photo Film」





#Paris #街歩き #mashayavideo #パリ旅行 #パリ観光 #フランス #夫婦


  1. salut❣️ 日常のちょっと良い一日。
    みんなますますmash ayaチャンが好きになったと思います。美しいモスク、オムニバス映画のパリ・ジュテームに出てたモスクでした。お二人のpetit心がけと、映像が素敵😍

  2. En tous les cas vous faites un jolie couple en osmose !!! Merci a chaque fois un bonheur de vous suivre dans vos promenade dans Paris 🍀🌺🌿🌸💚🙏

  3. すごくお二人の関係がいいなぁと思って,見てました(^-^)


  4. i thought you were married, too! that is confusing, if you are not married why wear wedding rings and say you are married? i think about this and when i first had my son as a single mom, i wore a diamond ring that was given to me even though i was not married or even in a relationship, but to scare off people from asking "where is your husband" in a nontolerant way, which is common in the southeast us for single mothers (and unfortunately i am sure elsewhere too) so for me, i see it as a way of pretending to be something in order to make things work out better (however for me it also meant not having a chance to even meet a partner/man since i was "already married" hahaha) c'est la vie! cool muslim mosque/temple for the dead soldiers!

  5. はじめまして。何となく辿り着き、そして今では大好きになっています。好きなものがたくさんあって見ていて癒されるし刺激にもなっています。Sarah Kangさんの音楽もここで知り欠かせないものになってしまいました。雑貨屋さんでよく耳にして、この心地良い音楽は誰だろう?っていつも思っていた答えが届きました。MashさんAyaさんを見ていると愛しくて柔らかい感情が伝わってきます。それはMashさんを撮影しているAyaさんの、Ayaさんを撮影しているMashさんの、気持ちを見ていたのだなぁと、この動画を見て気が付きました。泣けました😊 綺麗な景色がたくさんあって愛も溢れてあったかくて。



  6. Acabo de descubrir este canal y me parece hermoso, encantador. En esta pandemia es buenos ver cosas que nos haga felices y éste canal me ha alegrado el día. Saludos!!!

  7. Vous êtes magnifiques ,je profite de vos vidéos pour faire des balades à Paris cette ville qui m'attire depuis l'âge de 17ans et maintenant j'ai 46 ans ,j'ai étudié la littérature française … magnifique patrimoine et des histoires riches…mais j'avais pas l' occasion de la visiter… j'aime beaucoup cette mosquée c'est l'architecture marocaine et je suis du Maroc…bonne continuation.

  8. マッシュとあやちゃんは、フランスの南か北の自然が いっぱいなところで、のんびりくらせるといいな!って、勝手におもっちゃいます

  9. 私は大好きだった人と半年前にお別れしてから、ご夫婦とかカップルのチャンネルって、ずっと辛くて見れなかったんですが、mashayaさんだけはいつも楽しく見させていただいています。

  10. Thanks for sharing this beautiful video and English subtitles . Not only you have captured the picturesque of the Park and Mosque, your close shots of details of plants , designs , food around the surroundings are also clearly shown . This make viewing truly a delight! Your honest personal point of views are cleverly intertwined seamlessly with leisure walks in the parks n Mosque has made viewing calming and relatable. I truly enjoy watching yr video. Thankyou!

  11. 素敵なお散歩動画ありがとうございます。モスクや椰子の木があるとここはスペイン南部⁉️と錯覚しそう。戦没者を追悼するこんな美しい場所があるなんて知りませんでした。イスラム圏のお菓子やお茶が極甘なのは私が好きなインド🇮🇳と共通ですね。

  12. なんかとてもジーンときました✨

  13. こんちには。

  14. 人との関わり合いの中で話し合うって何より大切ですよね。人の想いはその人にしかわからないし、伝えないと、聞かないとわからない。。お二人は私の理想のパートナーシップの姿です。この動画を拝見して私もそういう関係を育める人と巡り会おうと決意しました。
    そして益々MashさんAya さんの大ファンになりました💓

  15. このchに出会えて嬉しい🌕

  16. 幸せそうなお2人の姿が1番癒されます♪

  17. 私も事実婚7年目です。日本では事実婚はどちらかが亡くなった場合、事実婚でも遺族年金は

  18. Hope one day you make a video with your family when you return to Japan… I love the way you interact with viewers in your videos.
    Wait for another videos

  19. 動画見てとっても幸せな気持ちになりました🍀ましゅあやさんの醸し出す空気感がいつもとても居心地良いです。動画でしか見てないですが(しかも一方的にw)、お二人の幸せを祈ってます😌

  20. It’s not easy living abroad, but i see that both of you enjoy every days of your life. You look like a very best friend rather than a husband wife. Really nice to see your daily life🥰❤️🌹🤗

  21. お二人で過ごされる時間が長いと思われるのに、このほのぼのとした温かく柔らかな雰囲気はどうやって作りだされているのだろうと思っていました。小さなことを大切にして積み重ねてこられたんですね。その姿勢を見習いたいです。

  22. こちらの動画を見るのがここ最近の楽しみの一つです♪♪




  23. ちゃんとケンカもするんですね❣️なぜか嬉しい気持ちになりましたw❤おふたりの関係性もとても素敵…🎉♬(о´∀`о)

  24. 素敵なお二人の動画に癒されています✨

