
    We’re doing exactly the same thing again Is it what I think it is? Is it? [Tatsuya Shokudou] When we announced that we were doing that meat-braised-in-cola thing, Yes, that’s right it got an unbelievable number of views. That’s why we’re going to make exactly the same thing again. But not with cola,

    I was thinking ginger would go really well with this Ginger? Ginger ale So it’s almost exactly the same, then And here’s the yakiniku marinade It tastes great and is more convenient And the meat And the meat, looking good so far

    Anyway Nakada-san, whatever you did the last time, I’m going to copy exactly this time around That’s what I plan to do With cooking, you only live once so…. That’s so true though There’s just something about meat, isn’t there? I can’t believe we get to eat meat again today

    So this is what we’ll be using today Got it. Ginger ale can be found anywhere, even in some little old villages Villages? I’m going to do this here Oh, I see And over here, we are going to manhandle the meat Manhandle? We season it with salt, It looks well-seasoned now We salt it,

    And now we don’t need the rest of this salt Work it in. Right Whether there’s a right way or a wrong way to do this, we have no idea And then you just: The manhandling has begun I feel like manhandling the meat is definitely an important step I think it’s really crucial too

    What you, Nakada-san, did really well the last time around were the holes Holes? You were really good at putting it in the hole Putting it in the hole? Did I do anything like that? Since you were so good at putting it in the hole,

    I remember making some holes in the meat, not putting anything in any holes And we’re good to go now Are you going to put it in now? This is so simple, anyone could do it well That sounds great I think this is the best angle Look at all that fat

    It looks really good, right The fat is just melting off it, isn’t it? And now let’s make some holes in the front here Sure I thought making the holes was such a good idea Now let’s flip it over Go for it That looks really good

    And let’s make some holes on this side as well Sure So anyway, I think these holes are really crucial, everyone Holes are important, people It’s important to put it in the hole Make sure that the bottom part has some colour And both sides are cooked and we can add in the ginger ale

    Is it ginger time already? Let’s have a look at the bottom first, ok? That’s looking good That’s looking great So this is the ginger ale-braised-pork Here we go Do I put the whole thing in? Show the other side, show the other side Nakada-san, I’m going to pour the whole thing in

    In goes the ginger ale The one that I bought was a can, though and it was a small can at that There wasn’t even 500ml in mine Wait, you’re right With his tiny spoon, he repeats the same movements over and over again like a science experiment to remove the excess I like this

    You like this? The meat looks like…. …it’s taking a bath in an onsen [hot spring] So, at this moment, since an excessive amount of ginger ale was poured in the situation is being rectified. I just know that ginger ale will make it taste good I think it will be good How is it?

    Smell it, it smells like ginger This is great Really? Wait, it really does! It smells like proper ginger Oh, you were also removing the scum from the meat by doing that And now, Yep. I think we should wait for a while So we let this sit at 210 degrees? That’s right

    So let that rest for a while. The ginger ale has reduced by half Right So let’s have a look at this Right Oh, it really has reduced It’s already starting to smell good Now, let’s add the yakiniku marinade Right This is already pre-seasoned, isn’t it?

    Wait, this marinade also has sesame seeds in it? That’s right That’s not cool, that’s cheating And it already smells good What do we do next? I already know this is going to be good Let’s wait for another 15 minutes Sure Thank you very much~ *Ting* [sound of camera being turned off]

    Actually, I wasn’t really feeling it just now Is it ok if I psyche myself up? What would happen if you psyched yourself up? Is that you trying to look cool? You know, girls are like, they always say they want us bros to be more vulnerable,

    And then they like, try and take advantage of us bros Like when you’re just a bro in school, and that chick is like Ok ok stop And when you like accidentally drop your pencil they’re like, “you dropped it, you idiot” I think it’s already been 20 minutes It really smells so good

    That gravy, though I think it definitely expanded Yeah, it’s puffed up Is this the angle? Is this the one? Is this what you want? Yes, right there That’s it This really is something What does the ginger ale- I was wondering whether to add the soy sauce or not Right, right

    So, how does it taste? We would like apologise to everyone watching now because we actually get to eat this in a little bit! The Ebara yakiniku marinade, Yes is actually kind of sweet to start with Yep So it’s super sweet now It’s like a teriyaki burger’s sauce

    Incidentally, have you ever made kakuni [braised pork belly] before? I’ve never made it before But Nakada-san, you secretly gave me some advice, you were like “I think you should flip the meat over now” but I was thinking of doing it after 5 minutes I see, I see

    And then after 5 minutes, again 20 minutes later, and we had to flip it over 4 times, but already it looks…. It’s like the camera was immediately drawn to it when the lid was opened That’s so true Come here, come here So, how does it look? It looks like 100%

    That’s some good colour it’s got Also, compared to the cola, the colour is slightly…. …on the lighter side It’s different, isn’t it? It’s not tough at all That’s good, that’s good It looks so good This looks so familiar I just know that I’ve seen this before It looks amazing

    This part looks really good This part right here, right This piece right here Right, right Ugh the sesame on top really does it for me I can’t control myself anymore I’ll go for the most delicious-looking one, this one here Sorry not sorry Go ahead Itadakimasu It’s so good

    I knew it, I knew this was going to be so good I was going to explain how the flavour was different [from the cola one], Yep but it’s exactly the same That one looks really good So this is pork braised in ginger, I mean, ginger ale- This is amazing

    How does the flavour differ? Exactly the same. Right? As we thought This is so good It’s really, really good Whoa, that looks really good Go ahead, go ahead No, it’s too soon for that, you haven’t eaten it yet Whoa, that one looks even better I hate you so much right now!

    I just know it’s gonna be good So good This really is something, huh It really is And to think this was made by a first-timer as well? Unbelievable It’s sweeter than what we had last time It’s sweeter I think so too

    I think people who like sweet and spicy flavours would be into this And so, everyone seeing as we have fulfilled one of your requirements, leave the rest up to us. Goodbye and goodnight See you soon, bye bye! There are three pieces left and I’m having them all You still recording?

    Well I’m the cameraman so…. No, I already said “bye bye” and everything Right, right, sorry about that Look, you’re supposed to end it when we say “bye”, correct? That’s right. Sorry about that So I’ll stop it here then Please Otsukaresama [phrase used at the end of work] Ok I’ve had enough

    This has gone on long enough, don’t you think Why, what do you mean? This whole doing a “Bonus Stage” at the end thing, we’re not doing that this time Can you just turn it off right now? You can just tap the screen and it will turn off Tap the screen?

    Our views only count until this point We don’t need views beyond the actual video, they don’t count Ok so thank you so much for watching, bye bye! [You wanna do it?] [Shall we do it?] [You wanna do the Bonus Stage?] Thanks so much for waiting! You have now entered the Bonus Stage! Otsukaresama

    Otsukaresama That was really something It sure was It’s real sweet though How much was it? The meat alone was 540 yen No, 541 yen I think It tasted the same Compared to the cola, the ginger ale was better Well done for coming this far! Here comes the Bonus Stage!

    [watch our main channel too~]






    1. もう一つの欲って何ですか もう一つの欲って何ですか もう一つの欲って何ですか

    2. 7:05今さらだけどここのセリフめっちゃ深いことに気づいた。満たした一つの欲は食欲、もう一つの欲は一旦飛ばしてその後にお休みくださいって言ってるから睡眠欲。ってことはもう一つの欲ってのは性欲のこと。見事に人間の3大欲求を絡ませた深いセリフになっている!!

    3. 休団のお知らせを聞いて、久しぶりに昔の動画ばかり見ております!はやくまた四人のスカッシュが観たいですね!

    4. 角煮かぁ…久々に作ろうかなwコーラ煮やビール煮は作るけどなぁ…ジンジャーエールはまだだな。やってみよー!
