Inside of Japanese Supermarket – Simple Japanese Listening Practice

    This practice makes you NOT ONLY passing JLPT, but to be able to speak Basic Japanese!

    Listening and shadowing practice with simple Japanese is one of efficient ways to practice speaking like native.

    Here are tips and tricks for effective learning!

    0:00 – Shadowing
    ✅ Record your voice in the first shadowing attempt
    ✅ Repeat for 5x
    ✅ Record your voice again in the last shadowing attempt
    ✅ Compare your first record and last record to see your progress
    ✅ You can upload your voice to ChatGPT and ask for feedback!
    ✅ Don’t forget to hit the like button, subscribe and share your progress with us!

    17:38 – 漢字・語彙
    ✅ Try shadowing again without furigana
    ✅ Write down the word/kanji that you don’t know the meaning
    ✅ Add the new vocabulary into your weekly flashcards
    ✅ You can repeat this 3 times in order to get the kanji and the words stick in your head

    35:17 – Listening
    ✅ Listen without seeing the text
    ✅ Write down all the words that you don’t recognize by their sounds. Don’t worry about whether the words are real or made-up.
    ✅ You can repeat the audio up to 3 times and change the speed to slower or faster.
    ✅ Make sure to list all the words that you don’t know the meaning of, and cross-check with the text later.
    ✅ Don’t forget to hit the like button, subscribe and share your progress with us!

    You may want to do this consistently at least an hour everyday.
    Don’t forget to rewards yourself when you did a good job!

    Translation Script

    Japanese Quiz Challenge!

    #japanese #jlpt #japaneselistening #shadowing #effectivelearning #japanesecoaching #forple #聴解 #japanesegrocerystore #Japaneseculture #tokuteiginou #workinjapan #shadowingpractice #supermarket #seeinside #jlptn4 #スーパー #groceryshopping

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