【超簡単!そうめん消費レシピ】冷麺風そうめん / Korean Cold Noodles #shorts



そうめん(白) 2人分
そうめん(色つき) 適量
焼きのり 適量
ロースハム 適量
ゆで卵 1個
キムチ 適量
【A】水 400ml
【A】酢 大さじ2
【A】しょうゆ 大さじ1
【A】鶏ガラスープの素 小さじ2

① お湯でそうめん(白)とそうめん(色つき)をそれぞれゆで、冷水にとってザルにあげ、水気を切る。
② 器に①のそうめん(白)を入れ、顔の形にととのえる。のりを目と口の形に、ハムをほほの形にそれぞれ切り、そうめんにのせる。
③ ②に前髪になる①のそうめん(色つき)をのせ、キッチンバサミで切る。
④ ③にゆで卵とキムチをのせ、ボウルで混ぜた【A】をかけたら、完成!


Korean Cold Noodles
Servings: 2

somen noodles (white) 2 servings
colored somen noodles, as needed
roasted seaweed, as needed
sliced ham, as needed
1 boiled egg
Kimchi, as needed
400ml water
2 tablespoons vinegar
1 tablespoon soy sauce
2 teaspoons chicken broth powder

1. Boil the somen noodles (both white & colored ones separately) in boiling water. Drain and rinse with cold water using a strainer.
2. Place the white somen noodles from (1) in a bowl, and shape them into a face. Cut the nori into shapes for the eyes and mouth, and the ham into shapes for the cheeks, then place them on top of the noodles.
3. Place the colored somen noodles on top to create bangs, and use kitchen scissors to trim them to the desired length.
4. Add the boiled egg and kimchi on top of the noodles. Pour A mixture.
5. Enjoy!



Licensed via Epidemic Sound

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