【コストコ購入品】大家族ママ4.5万円分爆買い29品!|Costco Japan Shopping haul food

A mother raising five children.Japanese home cooking.
I’m a Japanese cooking teacher. Japanese food is delicious.




[Anhydrous meat and potatoes]
・Beef belly
·Green beans
·sweet sake
·soy sauce

[Stir-fried maitake mushrooms with garlic butter]
・Maitake mushroom
・Fried fish cakes
·Olive oil
·soy sauce

【Fried Shrimp】
・Frozen shrimp
・Tempura powder
・Bread crumbs

【愛用品はこちら AMAZON】
▶︎宮崎製作所ライスポット Miyazaki Manufacturing Rice Pot
▶︎宮崎製作所片手鍋 Miyazaki Seisakusho one-handed pot
▶︎柳宗理 Sori Yanagi 鉄フライパン iron frying pan
▶︎島本製作所 鉄フライパン Shimamoto Iron Frying Pan
▶︎Staub ストウブ ブレイザーソテーパン28cm  Staub Braiser
▶︎イワキガラスボウル Iwaki glass bowl
▶︎アラジントースター4枚焼き https://amzn.to/48e08Ch
▶︎SONY α7c 撮影カメラ video camera
▶︎SONY 標準ズームレンズ 24-105mm F4.0 Camera Lens





  1. 탄도리치킨 만드는 영상 한번 찍어주세요.
    요구르트 카레가루 케찹의 비율을 알고 싶어요
    화려한 보여주기식 요리유투버와 달리 실생활의 자연스러운 모습이 보기 좋아요.

  2. Thats a really good price compared to here in the UK. It would have cost quite a bit more, especially with all the meat and fish. Im so glad i found your channel, i really enjoy your content. Thsnk you. 🖤🐈‍⬛

  3. 子供が大きくなってから、あまりコストコ行かなくなったなぁ。ワイワイご飯を食べてた頃が懐かしいです。大変だったけど😅子供はあっという間に大きくなっちゃうので、大変でしょうが、今を楽しんで下さいね‼️

  4. 私は外国人です。あなたのビデオを見るのが大好きです。私には赤ちゃんがいます。子育てがどれだけ大変か知っています。お疲れ様でした。

  5. ぜんぜん食べ盛りじゃない、3歳2歳のこどもと4人家族なのにコストコで毎月5万円程度買ってしまう我が家の謎💦

  6. こんにちはー!とうこさん大好きで、見てますよ。お買い物考えて献立決めてるみたいにスイスイ料理できてるからすごいねー!

  7. Hello! I’m from Taiwan, I also have five kids. It’s good to watch your videos about your family, I do enjoy.Your kids are so cute!

  8. The prices are so incredibly cheap compared to where I live in Oregon, USA. That much food would now cost around $800 to $1000 USD in America. You're an amazing cook and mother! Your recipes remind me of my Grandmother's cooking. She was originally from Sapporo, Japan.

  9. ❤Look up green bean casserole. Its an American Thanksgiving side dishs. We use the costco fried onions in this dish!♥️ My highest Costco trip was over $650 in San Antonio, Texas.

  10. This was fun to watch. What a wonderful shopping trip. The sushi looked so good and so did the noodles. I buy big, cook big and freeze as well. I have a vacuum sealer that I love. Food stays fresh vacuum sealed. And I agree, it’s great to have things put away in the freezer. Thanks for sharing your day!

  11. Wow that was quite a shopping haul! 😁 But for a Costco trip, ~45,000 yen for 29 items and a large family like yours seems like a really great deal! Considering I spend about $200 USD for just my husband and I when we go to Costco!! 🤣I usually buy 12-14 items per trip. So I discovered my Costco has shabu-shabu sliced beef, which thanks to your videos I bought it and pack them in quarter ziplock bags now! It's so interesting comparing items at different Costco locations, I wish the Costcos would import food items from all their global locations!😝 Looking forward to your next Costco haul!

  12. 冷凍庫にお肉が入っている安心感😂

  13. 昨日から観ています

  14. I don't know if you are aware, but you can freeze bread, and take out what you need. Lovely japanese cooking, some of them I will try to cook myself.❤

  15. maybe your husband is super shy, he is never included in any of your content, hehe but I hear his voice. You have a big family and he is a good provider also.

  16. Me recuerda las historias de mi abuela materna que se quedó viuda cuando todavía tenía cinco hijos pequeños😢😢😢
    Ella y sus hijos mayores, trabajaban muy duro para mantener la casa y darle bienestar a todos.
    Nuestras madres y abuelas merecen un lugar especial en el Universo.❤💖🙏